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God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-(只有神知道的世界Ⅲ)
作者:SPT草包│2015-04-01 07:11:56│巴幣:0│人氣:347
God only knows -Secrets of the Goddess-只有神知道的世界Ⅲ OP
請按我Prologue: God序章:神作曲:本田光史郎
Whenever you cry每當你要落淚的時候Just count your blessings看看自己是多麼地被眷顧Every time you try每次你努力的時候Learn something, believe yourself也學到了不少,也開始相信自己Look to the sky望向天空Like a bird without wings像是失去羽翼的鳥兒If you want to fly如果你想飛翔Feel your heart, release yourself就去感受自己的內心,解放自己We are alive in this world我們一同生活在這個世界Life is sometimes unfair人生中時有不公平We keep going in this world我們努力地生活在這個世界Lord will hear our prayers上天會傾聽我們的祈禱Look up at the sky仰望無盡的天空Like a bird without wings像是失去羽翼的鳥兒If you want to fly如果你想飛翔Feel your breeze, release yourself就去感覺你的風向,順勢起飛Why do you sigh?你為何嘆氣?Just count your blessings看看自己是多麼地被眷顧Every time you try每次你努力的時候Find something, believe yourself也學到了不少,也開始相信自己My mission is gonna be a tough one我的使命將會變得十分困難I know it's not a game anymore我明白 這不是場遊戲I swear that I'll never fail again我發誓 我不會再失敗'Cuz don't wanna regret anymore因為 我不想再次後悔Can you hear I'm calling you?你聽得到 我正在呼喚你嗎?I just wanna feel you我只想感覺到你Don't forget to remember別忘了 要記住So please remember所以 請你記著I hear you are calling me我聽見你呼喚著我的聲音I want you to feel me我希望你感覺到我You know I won't surrender你知道我不會輕易屈服Never surrender絕不認輸My mission I've got to execute我一定堅持執行我的使命I know it's not a game anymore我明白 這不是場遊戲I swear that I'll never fail again我發誓 我不會再失敗'Cuz don't wanna regret anymore因為 我不想再次後悔Chapter 1: Vulcanus第1章:伏爾坎絲作曲:川崎里実
Secret of the Goddess女神的秘密God only knows
只有神知道This is my fate, I accept all the pain這是我的命運,我願意承受下所有痛楚And overcome suffering並克服一切痛苦I share your fate, will never let you down我參與了妳的命運,絕不讓妳失望Do my best in everything所有一切皆會盡我所能You are the light for me妳是照亮我的光芒I'll be the light for you我會成為照亮妳的光So just stay by your side所以 讓我待在妳身邊All the things will go your way所有事都會順心如意And go my way對我也是That's just like a dream in the night就像那深夜裡的夢境Here comes Luna看 那月亮Always shining brightly總是光輝耀眼There's one definite truth, noble beauty唯一明確的事實,是妳那高貴的氣質For the real love為了現實的戀情Moving forward slightly緩緩地前進I carry out all my wishes我會實現我所有的願望True justice, that's what I believe真正的正義,這才是我所堅信的Chapter 2: Apollo第2章:阿波羅作曲:川崎里実
I know that no one was to blame我明白 這不是任何人的過錯Don't feel sorry, it was not your fault不要感到抱歉,這不是你的過錯Remember that you're in my thoughts也請別忘記 我心中仍一直思念著你I hope you feel the same我希望 你也能和我有同樣的感受You're the one who can save me只有你能拯救我Every time I think of you每當我想念你Feel like being with you便覺得你就在我身旁I'll be alright, cry no more我會沒事的,別再哭泣了I smile for you, I sing for you我會為了你歡笑、為了你歌唱Every time you think of me所以每當你想起我Please remember my song也請回憶起我的歌聲I wait for you我會等著你And give me all of your love也請你把所有的愛都給我吧Chapter 3: Diana第3章:蒂雅娜作曲:江並哲志
Whenever, wherever you need me不論何時,何地 如果妳需要我I'll come out right away and help you我會盡快趕到妳身邊幫助妳Never be afraid我不擔心I should just achieve my aim我一定會實現我的目的Whenever, wherever you need love不論何時,何地 如果妳需要戀愛You should show your true emotion妳應該該表現出自己真正的情感Your sweet breath is妳那甜美的呼吸Just like a gentle breeze就像柔和的微風一樣You need someone to take your hand妳需要有個人牽著妳的手Open your eyes and heart專注地看著,用心地對待Take your time不須著急And tell me what is on your mind告訴我妳在想些什麼Natural laws, everything grows此為天理,萬物皆會成長Want you to keep a pure mind妳要保護那顆純粹的心Love will make you much stronger愛會讓妳變得更加堅強Natural laws, the river flows此為天理,川流不息Want you to stay innocent妳要一直那麼誠實對人And love will make you brighter愛將讓妳更加光芒耀人Natural laws, and the wind blows此為天理,風吹不止Want you to find your love我希望妳能找到妳的愛Life will bring you a lot of happiness這樣的人生也會帶給妳許多幸福快樂Chapter 4: Minerva第4章:彌涅兒娃作曲:木村香真良
You prefer sitting and spending your time妳比較喜歡坐著一個人度過自己的時間In the quiet room待在寧靜的房間裡And your favorite things are而妳更喜歡的是Reading several books and daydreaming一直閱讀著書本和想像著I trust the wisdom of my soul我相信我的智慧裡的靈魂And keep the faith of my heart和 保持著心中的真摯情感Even if I stumble就算我跌倒了I'll stand up and walk again也會重新站起 繼續前行Move forward, take a chance不停往前進 把握機會Here we go我們走吧Your positive thoughts and words妳正面積極的想法和話語Will bring you luck會為妳帶來幸運Don't hesitate to say and express your love不要猶豫表達和表現妳的愛Let your heart be free now現在 妳只要解放自己的心You can change yourself妳就能夠改變自己Chapter 5: Mars第5章:瑪爾絲作曲:青山シゲル&薫ル
My brave heart is a powerful weapon我勇敢的心是我強力的武器To beat the evil and fight for the right為了正義 我會擊敗邪惡Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man就像個穿著男裝的美人You're defending yourself against all your fears因為恐懼著什麼 而自我防衛著You look comfortable disguising yourself妳變裝時看起來很自在Must be satisfied with becoming somebody else肯定為扮演什麼人而感到滿足吧My brave heart is a powerful weapon我勇敢的心是我強力的武器To beat the evil and fight for the right為了正義 我會擊敗邪惡Like a beautiful woman dressed as a man就像個穿著男裝的美人You're defending yourself against all enemies為了抵抗敵人 而自我防衛著Gotta fight to win now勝券在握的現在Chapter 6: Mercurius第6章:茉丘莉作曲:石塚玲依
Run!奔跑吧!You are on the run妳正在奔跑著Tell me where you are headed告訴我 妳要前進的方向There is no rush, take your time不必心急,不用急躁What is happening to you?妳發生了什麼事?You are so in love妳正在戀愛Though near or far, thinking of him不論近也好遠也好,時時刻刻都想念著他Imagine your future love試著想像妳未來的戀情What's gonna happen to you?為什麼會發生在妳的身上?It's fun to watch people觀察人類很有趣"Many men, many minds""人心各異"I'm curious about so many things我對很多事都感興趣More and more想瞭解更多 更多Don't be so sad if you lost your love就算失戀了 也別這麼悲傷I know that you are much braver than you believe我明白 妳其實比想像中更勇敢And want you to stay the way you are我希望妳能保持自我I wish you are always filled with happiness我願妳的未來總是充滿幸福Epilogue: Love and Revival終章:愛與復活作曲:mixakissa
The time has come to make時候到了An end of all the missions所有使命的結束Won't look back on my way我不會回頭看著走過的路It's a thing of the past now在此時,那只不過是往事You shine just like the stars妳們像星星一樣耀眼So grace, so pure, halo ring那麼地優雅,如此地純潔,帶著光環Bright, white, and marvelous wings和潔白耀眼,令人驚嘆的羽翼At last I see all goddesses我終於 見到所有女神了I am a bit down and feel empty我有點失落 也感到些許空虛So great and how amazing you are太美好了,妳們是多麼美麗動人I only did what I ought to我只不過是做我該做的At last I see all goddesses我終於 見到所有女神了The time has come to make時候到了A success to revive you成功復活女神們But it's not so special但是 這並不特別It's a natural to complete攻略完畢這是理所當然的You shine just like the stars妳們像星星一樣耀眼So grace, so pure, halo ring那麼地優雅,如此地純潔,帶著光環Bright, white, and marvelous wings和潔白耀眼,令人驚嘆的羽翼At last I see all goddesses我終於 見到所有女神了I am a bit down and feel empty我有點失落 也感到些許空虛So great and how amazing you are太美好了,妳們是多麼美麗動人I only did what I ought to我只不過是做我該做的At last I see all goddesses我終於 見到所有女神了...God only knows…只有神知道
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