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RPG Maker MV- 木筏與風帆, Raft and sails

作者:Daniel│2019-02-27 00:33:52│巴幣:20│人氣:695
在RPG Maker MV編輯器裡面,附有交通工具的圖示 (上圖人物右方圖示) ,這部分的圖示算是用於世界地圖類型的交通表示,但是在區域地圖中沒有相關的素材。於是,就用原本有的圖片素材做了第一個 (右上木筏)
In the RPG Maker MV, it has an icon of transportation. (Icon on the role right side of the picture above) This image is used in a world map scene to indicate the vehicle on which the character is travelling. However, in the area map scene, there is no relevant material. So I combined the first one (the top right raft) with the original material.

Raft Hull
At first, according to the original raft hull production: straight Hull, the feeling does not look good, no curve. Finally, I've referenced to the network picture, the hull changed to a slightly tilted bow and stern.

Because of my personal preference, I made different types of sails, and I find that there are four types:
(The following pictures from Wikipedia: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B8%86%E8%88%B9)

帆像魚鰭、扇子般,有多支桿,資料中多稱這種船為戎克船 (䑸/ Junk)
East (East Asia)
Sails like fins or fans, there are many wooden poles, which are often celled Junk(ship).

西 (西歐)
包含三種帆:A. 前桅支索帆 (桅桿前)、B. Gaff 上層 (桅桿後上)、C. Gaff 下層 (桅桿後下)
West (Western Europe)
There are three sails for Gaff-rig: A. Front of the mast, B. above the back of the mast, C. bottom behind the mast.

South (South Asia)
Proa. Usually a canoe with a side boat,that can quickly change the direction of forward and backward.

North (Northern Europe)
Refer to the Viking warship, with a large rectangular sail and human-powered boating as the driving force.

至於繩索的部分,我就沒有照著製作了,不然會密密麻麻…(根據這邊的簡介,一張北歐型式風帆,就需要9種繩索控制) 除了揚帆的樣子,我又製作收帆的狀態,畢竟,港口停泊船隻要把帆收好嘛~最後,就試著製作成一張動態gif圖,應該…能夠有防盜用的功能吧 :P
As for the ropes, I didn't follow the production, or it would be very complicated. In addition to opening form of sails, I also making the closing state of the sails. After all, the parking boat must roll up their sails. Finally, I tried to make a animated gif, maybe it has the function of anti-theft :p
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