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Bayonetta 英文成就列表之詭異的表格

作者:robida0222│魔兵驚天錄│2009-11-10 16:38:04│巴幣:2│人氣:3669

XBOX360 Bayonetta 英文成就列表+翻譯

成就 條件 中文翻譯 玩家分數
Legendary Dark Witch Complete all Chapters on ∞ Climax difficulty 完成Climax模式所有的章節 100
Angel Slayer Complete all Alfheim portals 完成所有隱藏關卡 30
The Path To The Heavens Discover all Alfheim portals 發現所有隱藏關卡 30
Record Fanatic Obtain seven complete Angelic Hymn Gold LPs 收集七張唱片 20
Umbra Elder Complete all Chapters on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式所有的章節 40
New Testament: Close The Book Complete Chapters 14 through the Epilogue on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式的14章~Epilogue 20
Truth In Its Purest Form Collect all of Antonio's Notes. 收集所有的筆記本 30
Treasure Fanatic Discover all of the Umbra Witches' final resting places. 發現所有的魔女之棺 20
Fire The Afterburners Earn Platinum Medals during Verse 1 and Verse 2 of Chapter 14. 14章verse 1~2獲得白金獎牌 20
New Testament: Ch. 12-13 (Hard) Complete Chapters 12 and 13 on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式12~13章 20
Touch And It Will REALLY Hurt Counter three enemy attacks consecutively with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 裝備Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa連續反擊三次 25
New Testament: Ch. 8-11 (Hard) Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式8~11章 20
Naughty Tentacles Destroy all the tentacles that drop down together during in single sequence in Chapter 9. 在第9章落下的橋段裡破壞所有的觸手 20
The Ice Witch Freeze 20 enemies while wearing Odette. 穿溜冰鞋冰凍敵人20次(個?) 20
Wicked Weave Master Execute 20 Wicked Weave attacks while using Dodge Offset. 運用Dodge Offset打出20次的魔人拳腳(大拳大腳) 20
Come Here, Little Boy Taunt and defeat five plus angered enemies while taking no damage. Gaze of Despair may be equipped. 裝備Gaze of Despair殺死5位敵人並且不受到任何傷害 30
Commander Of Magic Purchase all techniques. 購買商店裡所有的技能 20
New Testament: Ch. 5-7 (Hard) Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式5~7章 20
Angel May Cry Complete half of all Alfheim portals. 完成一半的隱藏關卡 20
New Testament: Ch. 1-4 (Hard) Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Hard difficulty. 完成Hard模式1~4章 20
Higher And Higher While never setting foot on the ground, grab enemies 10 times using Kulshedra. 用鞭子在空中拉敵人10次 20
The Deepest Cut Kill 20 enemies using only Iai-Jutsu with Shuraba. (Iai-Jutsu performed by holding the Y button.) 用妖刀按Y集氣殺20位敵人 20
Double, Double, Toil And Trouble Create 20 Concoctions. 調和20次物品 10
Touch And It Will Hurt Counter 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 裝備Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa反擊敵人10次 15
Umbra Witch Complete all Chapters on Normal difficulty. 完成所有Normal模式的所有章節 20
Chapters 14-Epilogue (Normal) Complete Chapters 14 through the Epilogue on Normal difficulty. 完成Normal模式14章~Epilogue 20
Taste Of The Witching Hour Complete all Chapters on any difficulty. 在任何模式下完成所有章節 30
Master Of The Heavens Defeat Father Balder on any difficulty. 任何模式下打倒Father Balder 15
Nice And Relaxed Avert 10 enemy attacks with the Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa equipped. 裝備Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa反彈敵人10次 5
Seeker Of Magic Purchase three new techniques. 購買商店裡3個技能 10
Chapters 12-13 (Normal) Complete Chapters 12 and 13 on Normal difficulty. 完成Normal模式12~13章 20
Sapientia, Controller Of Seas Defeat Sapientia on any difficulty. 任何模式下打倒Sapientia 15
Chapters 8-11 (Normal) Complete Chapters 8 through 11 on Normal difficulty. 完成Normal模式8~11章 20
Iustitia, Giver Of Life Defeat Iustitia on any difficulty. 任何模式下打倒Iustitia 15
Treasure Collector Discover half of all the Umbra Witches' final resting places. 發現一半的魔女之棺 10
Feels Good, Doesn't It? Execute 50 Torture Attacks. 使用50次的處刑技 20
Chapters 5-7 (Normal) Complete Chapters 5 through 7 on Normal difficulty. 完成Normal模式5~7章 20
Temperantia, Manipulator Of Wind Defeat Temperantia on any difficulty. 任何模式下打倒Temperantia 15
A Mother's Love Defend Cereza during the out of body experience, ensuring she takes no damage. 靈體戰鬥時保護Cereza不受到任何傷害 20
Tread Not So Softly Kill an enemy by jumping on top of them. 踩死一位敵人 10
Platinum! Earn 10 Platinum Medals. Must be earned in 10 different battles. 在10個不同的戰鬥獲得10枚白金獎牌 20
Chapters 1-4 (Normal) Complete Chapters 1 through 4 on Normal difficulty. 完成Normal模式1~4章 20
Fortitudo, Bringer Of Flame Defeat Fortitudo on any difficulty. 任何模式下打倒Fortitudo 15
Record Collector Obtain three complete Angelic Hymn Gold LPs. 收集三張唱片 10
Nice Try Engage Witch Time successfully 10 times consecutively. 連續成功發動10次witch time 20
Wicked Weaver Execute a Wicked Weave attack while using Dodge Offset. 運用Dogde Offset打出一次魔人拳腳 10
Just In The Nick Of Time Dodge the runaway streetcar during Chapter 2. 閃躲第2章的暴走電車 5
You Want To Touch Me? Engage Witch Time successfully 10 times. 成功發動10次witch time 10
A Primer In The Magical Arts Complete the Vestibule. 完成序章? 10
I'm A Bit... I Mean Witch. Execute a Torture Attack. 使用一次處刑技 5
All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利



留言共 2 篇留言


02-17 16:18

不客氣!02-19 19:28
謝謝啦 剛好最近用到 不知道PS3跟360有沒有一樣

09-08 17:13


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