
3 GP

RWBY-V3-I'm the one

作者:小巴│2016-05-08 11:45:55│巴幣:6│人氣:268
welcome to the bloodbath jump into the tub 歡迎沐浴在鮮血中,跳入那浴缸
fist-fight, death-match come and join the club 拳頭戰鬥,死亡連接,來吧加入這俱樂部
kick-start your face with a metal-clad boot 首次的踢擊就是用鐵製靴踢你的臉
you should give up now your retaliation's moot 你該放棄你無意義的復仇

i'll run circles round ya i can touch the sky 我轉圈而我能碰到天
i' m gonna make ya hurt and i'm gonna make you cry 我會讓你痛,會讓你哭
you want to mess around? well come on let's go 你想要搞砸一切?好喔!來啊!
I got no time to waste let's start the show 沒時間浪費了,趕快開始表演吧

i'm the one that your mama said 我就是你媽媽說的那個
'don't mess with them or you'll end up dead "別跟他混,不然你會以死收場"
that type they don't follow any rules' "那種人不遵守規定"

you're looking tall you're looking tough 你正找尋著高強,你正找尋著堅忍
i'm sorry dude, it's not enough 但老兄抱歉啦!不夠
your girlfriend's purse won't help you win this duel 你女友的錢包不會幫你贏得這決鬥

the bigger they are then the more that they bleed 他們愈大而傷的越重
the deeper the scars that won't heal  傷疤越深越難治癒
buckets of pain as they lie there in shame 一堆痛苦就像他們倒在羞愧中
knowing how true defeat feels 知道何謂真的抵抗精神

i'm the one 我就是那唯一
that was born in a nightmare a murderer's son 那在夢魘中誕生的殺人魔之子
got no gun 沒有槍
but i gleam like a blade and I'm harder than iron 卻閃耀如刀口而比鋼鐵更強硬

i'm the one 我就是那唯一
who rose out of filth and was loved by no-one  出於汙穢的玫瑰而不受愛
delusion 妄想
i'll steal til your blind and defeat you from inside your mind 我會奪走一切直到你失明又在內心中被我擊垮

you're still standing up? well let's go another round 你仍戰著?那開始另一回合吧!
singin' king of pain and you're gonna get crowned 歌唱著如王般之痛但你不會被嘉勉
you like the way i dress? yeah i know i'm fine 喜歡我著衣的風格嗎?對,我知道很棒
the blood's gonna stain but it won't be mine 將會有鮮血的污漬,只是不會是我的

just chill here while I drop into the brush 當我落入紛爭時就在這等著
see you when i land and you're gonna feel the crush 看著你在我著地時被沖擊
lay right down and grab a little rest 躺下吧然後把握休息機會
i guess you didn't know that you were dealing with the best 我猜你不知道最好的解決辦法

you shoulda stayed at home today 你今天真該留在家
this fisticuff won't go your way 這種拳打腳踢不會是你愛的
this confrontation isn't just for school 這種攻擊不是給新手的

it might be hard to hear me say 也許會很難聽見我說
kicking your ass is child's play 把你撂倒只是兒戲
i hope you're not crushed by this ridicule 希望你不因我的訕笑而崩潰

a slap on the wrist and a kick to the chin 對手腕的拍擊和下巴的踢擊
a hint of the flavor of steel 是種鋼鐵味
no one to blame it's the end of the game 沒人可責怪,這是遊戲結束
the humiliation is real 這屈辱是真的

i'm the one 我是那唯一
that was ripped from the earth and exposed to the sun 在大地上被撕裂,被太陽引爆的
overrun 氾濫
by the hate and the beatings defiled by a father 父親的恨還有所受之傷

i'm the one 我是那唯一
i'll race with your eyes and you'll never outrun 與你目光賽跑著而你不能逃脫
illusions 錯覺
will conquer your mind and will make you fulfill my design 將征服你的心智然後讓填滿我的設計

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