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【歌詞】聖魔之血ED_Broken Wings

作者:麻糬│Trinity Blood 聖魔之血│2008-11-23 17:03:28│巴幣:0│人氣:365
I know this will not remain forever

However it's beautiful

Your eyes, hands and your warm smile

They're my treasure

It's hard to forget

I wish there was a solution

Don't spend your time in confusion

I'll turn back now and spread

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind

Higher and higher in the light

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind

Across the sky, just keep on flying





Did I ever chain you down to my heart

'Cause I was afraid of you?

No, I couldn't hold any longer

Love is not a toy

Let go of me now

The time we spent is perpetual

Our future is not real

So I 'll leap into the air

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind

Higher and higher in the light

My broken wings still strong enough to cross the ocean with

My broken wings how far should I go drifting in the wind

Across the sky, just keep on flying

空から落ちてくるのは あれは雨ではなくて…
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同標籤作品搜尋:|Trinity Blood 聖魔之血|

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前一篇:【歌詞】聖魔之血OP_ド... 後一篇:【歌詞】鋼鍊OP3_UN...



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