

典獄長 | 2016-10-27 10:31:07 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 93

(14:45, at SFHQ fitness room)
    Junnosuke, Eichiro, Sadakuno and Kohei just having a work out, received a message from Lieutenant Momoko, commander of Group 10th: ”Please come to office after working out, we have a job for you.” “We’re on it.”
    Then they came to office, Momoko was waiting for them. ”Group 17th needs our help, and we agreed.” She told them the experience what Group 17th had encountered. “Alright,so the APC is ready at? I can’t wait to kick their ass!” cried Eichiro, “Don’t be reckless, there might have a lot of soldiers and CCTVs monitoring the whole area, if we are spotted, we might fail the mission.” said Junnosuke.
    ”He’s right, so I give you the perspective figures of Ishigamori lab, so you can know its structure well. We start the mission tonight, I will give you instruction during process.” said Momoko.
(22:10, outside the Ishigamori lab)
    “We are at the farthest entrance, what shall we do?” asked Junnosuke. ”I sent current videos from cameras there, Daiki hacked the security system, now you see are screens thirty minutes ago, locate the soldiers and scientists first, assassinate them without being detected, I told you to prepare kunais and bows. And screen will return after twenty-five minutes, so you are in a hurry.” replied Momoko.
******Imagine the stealth scene by yourselves******
    “We killed them all and find a garage near the power plant, but it’s locked by a code panel.” said Kohei. “Take out your phone and using CRACKER APP, stick it on the panel and control the digital lock till open.” said Sadakuno.
     Kohei opened the garage gate, drive the APC in then closed the gate. “You have five minutes left, I suggest you pick their truck to leave.” So they took a truck and leaving, “Screens are returned!Alkaid reinforcements incoming, but don’t worry, they put no alert on you as long as stay low.” They drove away carefully, passed through many Alkaid SUVs back to base.
    ”Assassination is not my cup of tea.”Eichiro said reluctantly, “Hope next mission is exciting for me.”

