

☞施分精 | 2011-10-04 17:59:17 | 巴幣 14 | 人氣 371



Did you know that koreans are the most developed ethnicity? From Europe hundreds of thousands years ago thousands of smartest and bravest people said that they couldnt live in their condition anymor so they started migrating eastward. When they couldnt go anymore, they headed down and settled in a land that was a peninsula but people back then thought that this was the right place. More than 70% of the lands were mountains and there were seas on three sides. They settled there for the mystical feelings they felt at the place. Time elapses and now they became koreans. Theyve got the best dnas. Studies showed that koreans have the smartest brains and they ranked 1 in SAT math and verbal around the world. Not just that, behind all the great things, there were koreans. From microsoft, apple to samsung. Everything is getting controlled by koreans. Korean food is being loved by alot of people. Theres so much nutrients in korean food such as kimchee that other foods cannot even be compared. Also, koreans are leading the trends in songs and fashions. Kpops swept across europe now and pretty much everyone in germany and france knows at least one korean singer. The reason why japanese are so smart ans developed is because of the influence of korea. In the era of kokuryo baekje and shinla, japanese were so powerless. They lived in such undeveloped conditions. People from baekje pitied them so much that they started movin to japan to instruct them the newest technology in korea. Soon, japanese people were able to adopt these knowledges since they were originally koreans who migrated tothe islands long time ago. Therefore, they had to have good dnas like koreans. There is also a myth that in the timeof baekje, the technology reached its peak that people from korea built a city that floated on the ocean (east sea) however because of the location where japan was, there were frequent earthquakesand tsunamis. The city has sunken and some people call this city Atlantis. For these examples and historical datas, koreans are the most developed humans.
你知道韓國人是最發達的民族嗎? 幾千多年前,幾千個聰明以及勇敢的人們說他們不能住在這環境了所以往東邊移民.當他們到盡頭了,他們往下走然後在某半島定居. 在那地方70%是山,以及3面環海. 他們選擇在那裡定居因為對這半島有種奇怪的感情.經過漫長的歲月,他們就是我們現在所知道的韓國人.他們有最好的DNA. 研究顯示韓國人有最聰明的腦袋.他們在SAT(類似學測的大學考試)穩居首位.不只這樣,除了這些事蹟外,他們是韓國人.從微軟到蘋果到Samsung,所有東西都快要到韓國人手裡了.韓食也受世人所愛.韓食非常的營養.舉例,像韓式泡菜的營養程度其他食物都無法比擬.除此之外,"韓"流正在襲捲全球. 現在幾乎住在德國與法國的人們都知道一位韓國歌手.



綠葉༼つ ◕_◕ つ
2011-10-04 22:15:32
2011-10-05 18:00:12
馬的 原來函狗人優秀成這樣 太小看他們了...
2011-10-06 12:43:59
恆、僕らtime flyer
2011-10-09 14:42:07
原來是創造宇宙萬物的國度 現在才知道[e17]
2012-10-12 00:40:30
2012-10-14 01:15:27

