
AI日系二次元插圖比比看:Bing V.S. ImageFX (圖多)

伍德‧瓦懷特 | 2025-03-16 15:03:27 | 巴幣 150 | 人氣 66



  免費的引擎中,微軟的Bing是發展相對早的(點我)。他搭載的是Dall E-3,原則上說人話就能產出不錯的圖片。而ImageFX則是Google旗下的團隊,目前並未開放台港IP使用,如果需要還是得先用VPN翻牆,而且對英文也比較敏感。那麼接下來就以拙作《魔都妖探》幾個畫過插圖的場景來比對一下兩者的表現*2。前者為Bing、後者則為ImageFX。

1. Japanese Anime Style. A man and a woman walking along the beach at night under starry sky. The woman has long black hair. She is singing and clasping her hands. The man has black short hair. The man is wearing a blue jacket, white t-shirt, black trousers. The man is smiling, looking at and walking after the girl. The girl is wearing a pink t-shirt, beige coat, green long skirt and white high heel sandals.
(Case 4-9的經典(?)海灘場面)


Bing: An anime couple in their 20s and a white cat. The background is a coffee shop. Both of them are smiling with confidence. They are enjoying coffee and cake around the table. The man has black short hair, while the girl has brown hair with ponytail. The man is wearing a casual shirt, jacket and slim-fit jeans.

ImageFX: Japanese Anime Style. One man and one woman seating in a coffee shop. They are sitting next to the window. There are two cups of coffee on the table. The handsome man has black layered short hair and turning his head, looking at the camera. He is wearing blue jacket, a belt, black trousers and black sneakers. The woman has brown hair with ponytail. She is playing with a white cat. She is wearing a white cardigan sweater, pink t-shirt and blue jeans. They are happy and grinning.
(Case 2-10咖啡廳景)

Bing:An anime couple in their 20s. They are shy, standing and looking at each other in a shark tunnel. The man has blonde short hair. The man wears a red casual shirt and black slim-fit long pants. The girl has white long hair. The girl is wearing a beige coat. A dolphin is looking at them in the water.

ImageFX:Japanese Anime Style. One man and one woman talking happily in a tunnel in an aquarium. The man has blonde layered short hair. He is wearing red jacket, a belt, black trousers and red sneakers. The woman has silver long hair. She is wearing an apricot blouse and blue jeans. They are smiling. There are lots of tropical fish in the tunnel.
(Break 4-4的水族館景)

Bing:An anime elegant thief in his 20s. The background is an open window in an art gallery. He is smiling with confidence and stepping on the window frame. Outside the window is night sky. The man has silver short hair and red eyes. The man is wearing a silver suit, red tie, white gloves and long pants.

ImageFX:Japanese Anime Style. An elegant thief in his 20s. The background is an open window in an art gallery. He is smiling mysteriously and stepping on the window frame. Outside the window is night sky. The man has silver layered short hair and crystal blue eyes. The man is wearing a silver suit, red tie, white gloves and long pants.
(Case 3-5)

An anime couple in their 20s in a library in the afternoon. Both of them are standing. The man is sitting at a desk and focus on reading big newspaper. There are lots of newspaper on the desk. The man has short blonde hair. The man wears bright red jacket and black pants. He looks confused. The girl has long silver hair. The girl is behind the man. She wears a shirt and skirt. She is smiling and looks interested in what the man is reading.
(Case 8-10金毛和音奈在圖書館支援查案件資料)


Bing: A slim anime university student with short blonde hair fighting with another slim man with black short hair in the garden of a hospital. The man with blonde hair is angry and wearing a red sports jacket and black slim-fit long pants. The man with black hair is wearing a blue jacket, slim-fit jeans, black socks and sneakers.

ImageFX:Japanese Anime Style. A university student with short blonde hair fighting with another young man with black short hair in the garden of a hospital. Both of them are angry and arguing. The man with blonde hair is wearing a red sports jacket and black slim-fit long pants. The man with black hair is wearing a blue jacket, slim-fit jeans and sneakers.
(Break 6-3;賀輔和錦懋的互毆)

Japanese Anime Style. A couple in their 20s talking face-to-face before a campus building at a sunny noon. The sky is blue. The man has blonde short straight hair, and is wearing a t-shirt, green jacket and slim-fit black pants. The girl has brown curly long hair. The man is feeling awkward and reaching his hands out. The girl is wearing peach cardigan sweater and gray short skirt. The girl is sobbing helplessly.
(Case 9-1,音奈視角的世界名畫(X))






*1. 當然,免費系統在尺度上的限制就比較多。不過伍德也只是生一般向插圖,倒是沒什麼影響。
*2. 目前(2025/3)在小說中的圖部分經過PixAI及Stable Diffusion再加工,不過伍德現在覺得直接用產出的圖說不定比較好一些。
送禮物贊助創作者 !


ImageFX 比較看不出是AI生成的
2025-03-16 16:27:16
2025-03-16 16:30:28
2025-03-16 17:36:34
2025-03-16 18:24:51
之前用Stable Diffusion,配合各種插件和PS技術,基本可以比擬繪師的作品了。
2025-03-16 21:43:45
2025-03-16 21:43:47
2025-03-16 21:44:38
2025-03-17 00:00:18
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