
【好歌推薦】〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉──懷抱著和諧共處的強烈渴望!

狐狸祭司 | 2016-08-12 12:54:30 | 巴幣 10 | 人氣 679

〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

I seen you around for a long long time, ya
I really remembered you when you drink my wine

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

I seen you walkin' down in Chinatown
I called you but you could not look around

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

I bring my money to the welfare line
I see you standing in it every time

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

I'd kinda like to be the President
So I can show you how your money's spent

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

Sometimes I don't speak right
But yet I know what I'm talking about

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends

I know you're workin' for the CIA
They wouldn't have you in the Ma-fi-a

Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends
Why can't we be friends......
前不久看了一部在2007年上映的奇幻電影《尋找夢奇地》(Bridge To Terabithia),該片是由《納尼亞傳奇:獅子、女巫、魔衣櫥》一片製作人精心製作,改編自凱瑟琳彼德森所撰寫、於1978年出版的一部廣受喜愛的家庭小說。其中有一幕由柔伊黛絲香奈所飾演的音樂老師愛德蒙帶著同學一起唱的歌曲,讓我頗為熟悉,這首就是由加州Funk Rock勁旅「WAR」(戰爭合唱團)所演唱的〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉。
「WAR」(戰爭合唱團)成軍於1969 年,是一支結合搖滾、爵士、拉丁、R&B及雷鬼等多元風格的Funk樂團,他們以音樂作為武器,大聲表達反戰爭、種族歧視、饑餓、犯罪和環境惡化等訴求,對抗當時的不公不義現象,讓許多深受其苦的人找到出口,所以很快成為樂壇關注的焦點,並創造出無數傑出不朽的金曲,像是〈Low Rider〉、〈Spill the Wine〉、〈Gypsy Man〉等,甚至於2014年還被「搖滾名人堂」提名。
▼〈Low Rider〉
▼〈Spill the Wine〉
▼〈Gypsy Man〉
〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉收錄於「WAR」於1975 年發行的同名專輯,這張專輯也是「WAR」音樂生涯第四張冠軍專輯,1975年攻佔全美流行Top 6。這首歌曾被許多電影拿來當插曲或主題曲,像是《年少輕狂》、《豪門褓姆日記》、《貓狗大戰:珍珠貓大反撲》、《絕命終結站4》等,後來同樣來自加州的Punk Rock樂團「Smash Mouth」(破嘴合唱團)也有翻唱過,收錄於他們1997年發行的首張專輯《Fush Yu Mang》裡。
基本上,〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉的旋律和結構很簡單,每兩句歌詞之間,將“Why Can't We Be Friends?”反覆詠唱四遍,但明亮飽滿的銅管音色、輕快俏皮的歌聲,結合感染力十足的雷鬼節奏,讓整首歌變得生動活潑,不會因為反覆詠唱而生膩,讓人自然沉浸在輕鬆愉悅的氛圍中,仿佛置身於香格里拉,內心滿是雀躍悸動!

據說〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉的創作起源,是來自「WAR」在上世紀七○年代到日本旅行時的感悟體會,他們認為走遍世界各地,即使彼此不能用言語溝通交流,但仍是可以憑藉對方的身體語言來探索他的內心,尋找共鳴,那麼「為什麼我們不能成為朋友」呢?一種打破世俗隔閡與偏見,懷抱著和諧共處的強烈渴望!
話說第一次聽到〈Why Can't We Be Friends?〉,是看梅爾吉勃遜丹尼葛洛佛領銜主演的電影《致命武器4》,在片尾的時候一群人開開心心,拍下大合照留念,然後放這首歌,為整個「致命武器」系列劃下一個完美的End,那超洗腦的旋律,讓我想忘都忘不掉。


月巴豆頁 楊伐善
我就想我早上好像聽過 ㄏ
2016-08-12 15:52:00
2016-12-23 02:38:38
