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東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ - Pride of Lions

作者:薩堪德拉│2012-11-20 22:26:29│巴幣:2│人氣:358

An innocent boy’s going to find a dream
Someone’s going off the rails
Tiny poets are going to the end
Treating life as a book on fire

Naked eyes are open wide
“What’s the meaning of my life?”
A wise man shouts a prudent verse
He’s hiding anger

Wake up to play the game of truth
A pride of lions runs about
You’ve lost your mind but keep fighting
For wonderful fellows

Go get a girl and have some beer
Someone’s paved the way to go
You might think it’s just for fun
Enchanted by boredom

A mighty player’s going to overcome
Giving it up and wasting time
A lonely game of cards is dull
Call a genuine gambler

Wake up to play the game of truth
A pride of lions runs about
You’ve lost your mind but keep fighting
For wonderful fellows

Tonight tonight going tonight
For any motion you believe
Good-bye Good-bye to agony
(再見 ! 對痛苦說掰掰)
Share a dream with us

Let yourself be ruled by destiny
You will not be completely alone

An innocent boy’s going to find a dream
Someone’s going off the rails
Tiny poets are going to the end
Treating life as a book on fire

Naked eyes are open wide
“What’s the meaning of my life?”
A wise man shouts a prudent verse
He’s hiding anger

Wake up to play the game of truth
A pride of lions runs about
You’ve lost your mind but keep fighting
For wonderful fellows

Tonight tonight going tonight
For any motion you believe
Good-bye Good-bye to agony
(再見 ! 對痛苦說掰掰)
Share a dream with us
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