
【歌詞翻譯】Duran Duran - Invisible (遁入無形)

超可愛天使糖糖醬 | 2024-01-29 04:07:24 | 巴幣 2 | 人氣 146

Duran Duran


Walking by the wall
(Shy one) the shadows will not fall
(Shy one) is silently ignored
(Quiet one) discouraged by the noise
(Quiet one) living without choice
(Quiet one) is a life without a voice
▮ 沿牆而行

When you can't even say my name
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Go and call my name
I can't play this game, so I ask again
Will you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Or have I become invisible?
▮ 當你叫喚不出我的名字
▮ 亦或記憶消散?變得麻木不仁?
▮ 呼喊我的名字吧
▮ 這遊戲我玩不下去了,再問你一次
▮ 你能呼喚我的名字嗎?
▮ 亦或記憶消散?變得麻木不仁?
▮ 我是否已遁入無形?

That dreamers wish away
(Hindsight) is falling on my face
(Highlights) the shape of my disgrace
▮ 那夢寐以求的遺忘

When you don't hear a word I say
As the talking goes, it's a one-way flow
No fault, no blame
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
And have I become invisible?
▮ 當你聽不見我任何話語
▮ 言語的洪流中,獨自漂泊
▮ 無關對錯、無需責怪
▮ 亦或記憶消散?變得麻木不仁?
▮ 我是否已遁入無形?

And no one hears a word they say
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Not a word they say
But a voiceless crowd isn't backing down
When the air turns red
With their loaded hesitation
Can you say my name?
Has the memory gone? Are you feeling numb?
Have we all become invisible?
▮ 無人聆聽他們的訴求
▮ 亦或記憶消散?變得麻木不仁?
▮ 無人聽見他們的聲音
▮ 但無聲的抗爭不會退卻
▮ 當空氣染上鮮紅的怒意
▮ 沉重的猶豫壓在胸膛上
▮ 你能呼喚我的名字嗎?
▮ 亦或記憶消散?變得麻木不仁?
▮ 我們是否已遁入無形?

之所以用《潛龍蝶影V:幻痛》的 Venom Snake 作為縮圖是因為
這首歌在 MGS 圈子突然爆紅
我也是透過 MGS 社群認識這首的


