

紫色的二氧化硅 | 2023-09-26 13:21:42 | 巴幣 10 | 人氣 661

1. 88 Miles Per Hour(88英里每小時)
Hit top speed while driving a Road Racer and wearing a puffy vest. (換上羽絨背心,然後將公路之星開到最高時速)

2. A Three Hour Tour (三小時遊)
Claim any 3 landmark outposts. (累積占領3個地標前哨站) *一個地圖只有一個

3. Am I the Only One Zen Around Here? (百步穿楊)
Kill 50 plague zombies with corssbows. (用弩殺死50隻血疫喪屍)

4. Barley and Spoiled Blueberries (臭魚爛蝦)
Kill a bloater. (擊殺一隻浮腫屍)

5. Barbershop Quartet (理髮師四重唱)
Kill one each of the four blood plague freaks with minimum difficulty set to Lethal. (在致命難度下擊殺四個血疫特殊感染者各一隻)

6. Be Still My Dog of War (臥龍躍馬)
Leave a legacy as a warlord. (完成以軍閥為領袖的戰役並得到其遺產)

7. Biggest Ball of Twine in Minessota (明尼蘇達州最大的纏線球)
Claim a landmark outpost. (領一個地標前哨站)

8. Black Friday (黑五大促)
Buy 10 items from enclaves. (從其它聚居點購買10個物品)

9. Bless Me Now With Your Fierce Tears (現在用你的熱淚詛咒我)
Begin a session with minimum difficulty set to Lethal. (在致命難度下開始一場遊戲)

10. Blind Justice (盲目的正義)
Kill a feral. (擊殺一隻迅猛屍)

11. Blood Farmer (採血者)
Extract 20 plague samples from plague juggernauts with minimum difficulty at Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上的難度下收集20包來自血疫巨無霸的血疫樣本)

12. Bounty Collector (賞金收集者)
Complete 5 bounties for the Bounty Broker. (完成賞金代理人的5個任務)

13. Breach and Clear (片甲不留)
Secure 5 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie. (完全探索5個建築物,要探索該建築物每一個房間和殺死全部的喪屍) *只要出現占領該區域的提示即可

14. Bring the Brouhaha (大騷動)
Cause a commotion while recklessly searching a container. (搜尋容器時引起喪屍注意)

15. But It Can Be Better (但它可以變得更好)
Fully upgrade a resource outpost. (完全升級任一資源前哨站)

16. Call Me Any Anytime (隨時待命)
Call in a radio command. (使用一次無線電)

17. Called for Backup (呼叫增援)
Play with another human being with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上的難度下和其他玩家一起作戰)
18. Can Buy Me Love (愛的價碼)
Sell 10 items to enclaves. (賣10件物品給聚居點)

19. Can We Fix It? Yes We Can! (只怕有心人)
Elect a builder to lead your community. (提拔一名建築師作為社區領袖)

20. Cargo Cult (貨物崇拜)
Build a CLEO Relay facility in your home community. (建造一個CLEO中繼站)

21. Citizen Z (公民Z)
Call in 25 radio commands. (使用25次無線電)

22. Citizens First and Soldiers Second (市民第一,軍人第二)
Build an Armory. (建造一個軍械庫)

23. Close Call (險勝)
Destroy an XL Horde (with two screamers and a feral) at minimum Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上的難度下摧毀一個巨型屍群 <屍群裡含有至少兩個就像是和一個迅猛屍>)

24. Collect 'Em All (一網打盡)
Complete 25 bounties for the Bounty Broker. (完成賞金代理人的25個任務)

25. Construction Complete (建設完成)
Build a facility at your base. (建造一個設施)

26. Crowd Control (人潮管制)
Destroy 25 hordes. (摧毀25個屍群)

27. Dam Fine Territory (大好風光)
Claim a base on the Cascade Hills map. (在瀑布山地圖建立基地)

28. Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night (不要溫和地走進那個良夜)
Begin a session with minimum difficulty set to Dread. (在至少是恐懼難度下開始一場遊戲)

29. Doctor Terminus (無奸不商)
Elect a trader to lead your community. (提拔一名商人作為社區領袖)

30. Enemy at the Gates (兵臨城下)
Build a Sniper Tower. (建造一個狙擊塔)

31. Enjoying Your Stay? (還待得慣嗎?)
Have three survivors within your community die while minimum difficulty is at Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下讓3個倖存者死亡)

32. Every Piece of Trash in Town (滴水不漏)
Secure 25 sites by exploring every room and killing every zombie. (完全探索25個建築物,要探索該建築物每一個房間和殺死全部的喪屍) *只要出現占領該區域的提示即可

33. Flash Mob (快閃族)
Destroy a horde. (摧毀一個屍群)

34. Fly Your Freak Flag (殺敵祭天)
Earn 1000 Influence from killing freaks. (以擊殺特殊感染者的方式來賺取1,000點影響力)

35. Friendship is Magic (友誼是魔法)
Make allies out of 5 enclaves. (和五個聚居點結成聯盟)

36. From the Top of My Lungs (聲嘶力竭)
Kill 4 screamers. (擊殺4隻尖嘯屍)

37. Glutton for Punishment (自業自得)
Kill a juggernaut. (擊殺一隻巨無霸)

38. Gotta Be Larger than Life (嶄露頭角)
Earn enough standing to promote a citizen to hero. (將一個公民提升至英雄)

39. Head to Toe So Player (放任自流)
Allow 24 bags of dropped items to accumulate on the ground. (將24個物品丟到地上)

40. Heart of Darkness (黑暗之心)
Destroy a plague heart. (摧毀一顆血疫之心)

41. Holding Down the Couch (沙發歸我)
Switch to a new survivor to give someone a chance to rest. (當前角色陷入疲勞後切換至另一位角色)

42. Howdy Howdy Howdy (牛仔的問候)
Kill 3 zombies in 3 seconds with a revolver while wearing a cowboy hat. (換上牛仔帽,然後在3秒內用左輪手槍擊殺3隻喪屍)

43. I Am the Law (我即律法)
Leave a legacy as a sheriff. (完成以警長為領袖的戰役並得到其遺產)

44. I Got You a Pack Mule (你有夠騾)
Deliver a whopping 50 rucksacks to your Storage facility. (運送50個背囊至倉庫設施)

45. I Got You a Pony (你有夠馬)
Deliver a rucksack to your Storage facility. (運送一個背囊至倉庫設施)

46. I Ran So Far Away (長跑健將)
Choose a specialization for the Cardio skill. (體質技能滿點後,選擇背包客/怪力/馬拉松/雜技)

47. If You Build It, They Will Come (大興土木)
Leave a legacy as a builder. (完成以建築師為領袖的戰役並得到其遺產)

48. Insourcing (內包模式)
Build all four Red Talon facilities in your home community. (在一個基地裡同時建造4個紅爪設施)

49. Is There No One Else (還有誰)
Destroy 100 hordes with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上的難度下摧毀100個屍群)

50. It Looks Good on You, Though (衣服架子)
Unlock an outfit by completing a bounty from the Bounty Broker. (完成賞金代理人的任務來取得一套衣服或帽子)

51. Knowing is Half the Battle (知己知彼)
Choose a specialization for the Wits skill. (心智技能滿點後,選擇潛行/偵查/自律/足智多謀)

52. Lilac and Spoiled Gooseberries (丁香與變質的醋栗)
Kill 25 blood plague bloaters. (擊殺25隻血疫浮腫屍)

53. Lily, We're Home (莉莉,我們回家了)
Claim a base in the Trumbull Valley map. (在特蘭伯爾谷建立基地)

54. Mediocre! (不堪一擊!)
Elect a warlord to lead your community. (提拔一名軍閥作為社區領袖)

55. Men Without Hats (慘遭摘帽)
Shoot the helmet off an armored zombie. (射下防彈衣喪屍頭上的頭盔)

56. Mercy Hospital (仁愛醫院)
Build a Field Hospital. (建造一個戰地醫院)

57. My Own Private Army (我的私人軍隊)
Recruit a Red Talon contractor to your community four times. (招募4次紅爪特工或紅爪士兵)

58. New Lease on Life (生活新鮮感)
Use a training manual to retrain a specialization. (使用核心技能訓練手冊來重新選擇專精)

59. Nice Moves There (幹得漂亮)
Elect a sheriff to lead your community. (提拔一名警長作為社區領袖)

60. No Gut, No Glory (不入虎穴焉得虎子)
Kill a blood plague juggernaut. (擊殺一隻血疫巨無霸)

61. No More Strangers (融入集體)
Earn enough standing to promote a recruit to citizen. (將一個招募提升至公民)

62. No Stone Unturned (地毯式搜索)
Search 100 containers. (搜索100個容器)

63. Others and Wights (異鬼與屍鬼)
Kill 10,000 zombies. (擊殺10,000隻喪屍)

64. Over the Rainbow (彩虹之上)
Complete a legacy arc with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare or harder. (在噩夢或以上的難度下完成一個遺產任務鏈)

65. Paradise City (樂園之城)
Build 10 facilities at your base over time. (建造10個設施)

66. Peerless (絕世無雙)
Kill all plague hearts on the map with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare or harder. (在噩夢或以上難度下殺死所有血疫之心)

67. Piggyback Ride (騎小豬)
Finish off a juggernaut with a melee execution. (用近戰方式擊殺一隻巨無霸)

68. Pound of Flesh (一磅肉)
Craft a case of bulk plague cure with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下配製大包血疫解藥)

69. Puppies and Kittens (阿貓阿狗)
Kill 100 zombies. (擊殺100隻喪屍)

70. Rage Against the Dying of the Light (怒斥光明的消逝)
Begin a session with minimum difficulty set to Nightmare. (在噩夢難度下開始一場遊戲)

71. Retrieve Biomass (回收生物質)
Kill a plague heart with minimum difficulty set to Lethal. (在致命難度下擊殺一顆血疫之心)

72. Road Warrior (馬路殺手)
Kill 50 zombies with your car door. (用車門殺死50隻喪屍)

73. Rucks in Trucks (滿載而歸)
Transfer a rucksack from a vehicle. (在載具上直接將一個背囊運送到基地裡)

74. Sayonara (永別了)
Get one of your survivors killed. (讓一個倖存者死亡)

75. Short Controlled Bursts (彈無虛發)
Choose a specialization for the Shooting skill. (射擊技能滿點後,選擇快槍手/神射手/武器掌控/襲擊)

76. Should Have Read the Warning Label (早知道就讀讀警告標識了)
Contract blood plague from a plague consumable. (用血疫消耗品來染上血疫)

77. Shut Up (閉嘴)
Kill a screamer with a CLEO heavy sniper rifle. (用CLEO重型步槍擊殺一個尖嘯屍)

78. Sie sind das Essen und wir sind die Jaeger! (它們是獵物,我們才是獵人!)
Shoot off a flare (or volunteer to help someone who did). (發射信號彈)

79. Silent Cartographer (安靜製圖機)
Survey 50 sites from high places. (在鳥瞰處察看50個地形)

80. Sorry for Party Rocking (派對殺手)
Destroy an infestation. (摧毀一個感染區)

81. Speedy Delivery (準時送達)
Leave a legacy as a trader. (完成以商人為領袖的戰役並得到其遺產)

82. Ten Thousand Gallon Hat (登高遠望)
Settle your community on the Drucker County map.(在德魯克縣建立基地)

83. The First Hurdle (第一道難關)
Destroy a plague heart with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上的難度下擊殺一顆血疫之心)

84. The Forest for the Trees (只見樹木,不見森林)
Claim a base in the Providence Ridge map.(在普羅維登斯嶺建立基地)

85. The Game is Afoot (狩獵開始)
Accept a bounty from the Bounty Broker. (完成賞金代理人的一個任務)

86. The Next Generation (新世代)
Start a new community with survivors from a completed one. (以現有的社區倖存者繼續下一個地圖)

87. The Purge (大清洗)
Destroy 10 infestations. (摧毀10個感染區)

88. These Dreams (紅心女王)
Destroy 5 plague hearts. Gross. (摧毀5顆血疫之心)

89. Through a Glass Darkly (猶在鏡中)
Survey 5 sites from high places. (在鳥瞰處察看5個地形)

90. Throw Your Love Around (播撒愛意)
Reach maximum morale with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下讓士氣值達到最高點)
  • 不治療感染血疫的社區成員
  • 地圖難度高(恐懼:所有人士氣-10;噩夢:所有人士氣-15;致命:所有人士氣-30)
  • 給領袖降職(有時間限制)
  • 過度幫助其它聚居點(有時間限制,如某社區成員比較自私,他會勸你不要幫助別人,你還是選擇幫忙,那他可能就會降低一段時間的士氣)
  • 和其它聚居點發生衝突或關係破裂
  • 基地附近有大量喪屍或感染區
  • 沒有建造社區成員想要的設施
  • 社區成員具有負面特質
  • 社區成員死亡
  • 無視完成影響士氣之曲線球任務
  • 資源不足或已耗盡

  • 摧毀血疫之心
  • 擊殺敵對聚居點
  • 擊殺特殊喪屍(有時間限制,如擊殺了一隻巨無霸,這個士氣可以維持一段時間)
  • 建造可以鼓舞士氣之設施(如廁所、廚房……等)
  • 某些地位提升至英雄可提供士氣(如故事會……等)
  • 完成影響士氣之曲線球任務
  • 消滅感染區
  • 因應社區成員第五技能而建造設施(如具烹飪技巧之倖存者,在基地具有廚房的情況下會感覺高興而增加士氣)
  • 運送資源以因應資源不足之問題
  • 占領可鼓舞士氣之前哨站
  • 招募具正向特質之倖存者

91. Tilting at Windmills (與風車搏鬥)
Settle your community in Meagher Valley. (在米格爾山谷建立基地)

92. Toothpaste Piñatas (百寶罐)
Search 10 containers.(搜索10個容器)

93. Total Eclipse (日全食)
Destroy all the plague hearts within your territory. (摧毀全部血疫之心)

94. Tried and Tested (飽經考驗)
Complete the legacies for all four leader types with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下完成4種領袖的遺產任務鏈)

95. True Grit (真正的勇氣)
Survive 100 days with minimum difficulty set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下生存至100天)

96. Walkers and Biters (行屍走肉)
Kill 1,000 zombies. (擊殺1,000隻喪屍)

97. War Rig (戰爭改裝)
Create an apocalypse vehicle. (升級一個末日載具)

98. Wax On, Wax Off (不懈修行)
Choose a specialization for the Fighting skill. (格鬥技能滿點後,選擇劍術/近身格鬥/耐力/重擊)

99. What We Do in the Shadows (趁夜色降臨)
Destroy a plague heart at night. (在夜間摧毀一顆血疫之心)

100. Who Run Bartertown? (誰的天下?)
Build a Trade Depot. (建造一個貿易站)

101. Welcome to the Dread Zone! (歡迎來到恐懼空間!)
Have a survivor within your community die while minimum difficulty is set to Dread or harder. (在恐懼或以上難度下讓一個倖存者死亡)

102. Welcome to the Jungle (歡迎來到叢林)
Recruit a new survivor to join your community. (招募一個新的倖存者到社區裡)

103. You're So Fine You Blow My Mind (你人好得讓我大吃一驚)
Complete Mickey Wilkerson's story in Trumbull Valley (outside of Heartland). (在特蘭伯爾谷完成所有Mickey Wilkerson觸發的任務)

1. CLEO Can You Hear Me? (CLEO,聽得到嗎?)
Complete 10 CLEO sieges using the CLEO relay in Heartland. (招募IzzBee之後,在基地裡建立CLEO中繼站,挺過10次守城戰)

2. Full House (歡樂滿屋)
Recruit 8 different survivors in a single game of Heartland. (在一次遊戲中同時招募8個倖存者)

3. Heal Thyself (自我療愈)
Use plague cure on your own survivor 100 times in Heartland. (用血疫解藥治療自己100次)

4. Heartlandia (腹地風情)
Complete Heartland while playing alone. (在單人模式下通關)

5. How Red Was Our Valley (赤色深谷)
Complete Heartland as the host or client in multiplayer. (在多人模式下通關)

6. Hunting the Hunters (狩獵獵手)
Kill 25 blood ferals in Heartland. (擊殺25隻血疫迅猛屍)

7. Max Would Be Proud (麥克斯會為我驕傲)
Use the Vehicle Depot to craft and use all three vehicle upgrade kits. (使用3種載具升級套件)
*只有Larisse David和Fiona David可以解鎖該成就

8. Playing Doctor (醫生遊戲)
Use plague cure on another survivor 100 times in Heartland. (用血疫解藥治療其他倖存者100次)

9. Plot Armor (主角光環)
Complete Heartland with both starting survivors alive. (在初始兩名倖存者存活的情況下通關)

10. Shots in the Dark (黑夜明燈)
Find all six different Echo Labs guns in Heartland during a single playthrough as the host. (在一次遊戲中同時找到6種回聲武器)

11. Such Wonderful Toys (多棒的玩具)
Use the Weapons Depot to craft all four of the Network weapons in Heartland. (在武器庫製造4把天網武器)
*只有Quincy Maxwell和Helena Cruz可以解鎖該成就

12. Tear Down That Wall (推倒這堵牆)
Destroy a plague wall in Heartland. (摧毀一道血疫墻)

13. The City-Raised Farmer (都市農人)
Recruit Malik into your Heartland community. (招募Malik Wilson)

14. The Crafty Scoundrel (詭詐無賴)
Recruit Brock into your Heartland community. (招募Brock Jensen)

15. The Desperate Husband (絕望主夫)
Recruit Vic into your Heartland community. (招募Vic / Vicente Martin)

16. The Eager Inventor (熱情發明家)
Recruit Keesha into your Heartland community. (招募Keesha Green)

17. The Grumpy Hunter (暴躁獵手)
Recruit Reba into your Heartland community. (招募Reba McGill)

18. The Helpful Hacker (熱心黑客)
Recruit IzzBee into your Heartland community. (招募IzzBee / Isabella Reyes)

19. The Last Soldier (僅存兵員)
Recruit Captain Logan into your Heartland community. (招募Adam Logan隊長)

20. The Lonely Survivor (孤獨倖存者)
Recruit Chavez into your Heartland community. (招募Joaquin Chavez中士)

21. The Mournful Father (悲痛人父)
Recruit Isaac into your Heartland community. (招募Issac Robinson)

22. The Shy Maker (羞澀手藝人)
Recruit Diana into your Heartland community. (招募Diana Mullen)

23. The Walls Came Tumbling Down (轟然坍塌)
Destroy 20 plague walls in Heartland. (摧毀20道血疫墻)

24. They Grow 'Em Big Around Here (野蠻生長)
Kill 25 blood plague juggernauts in Heartland. (擊殺25隻血疫巨無霸)

25. Trumbull Valley Choir (山谷合唱團)
Kill 25 plague screamers in Heartland. (擊殺25隻血疫尖嘯屍)

26. Two Heartlands Beat As One (時空交錯)
Play Heartland in multiplayer as the host or client. (以多人模式遊玩)

27. Undeadly Efficiency (致命效率)
Kill 10 or more enemies with a single plague buster. (用一個血疫爆彈同時擊殺10個或以上隻喪屍)

1. Be My Bodyguard (保鏢的職責)
Reach the third wave in a session of Daybreak without the technician taking damage. (在第三波屍潮之前技師都沒有受到任何傷害)

2. Conservation of Splatter (節約用彈)
Reach the fifth wave in a session of Daybreak without any player using explosives. (在第五波屍潮之前都沒有任何玩家使用爆炸物品)

3. Day Broken (破曉來臨)
Achieve victory in a session of Daybreak. (取得勝利)

4. Flawless Victory (完美勝利)
Achieve victory in a session of Daybreak without suffering any player deaths. (沒有任何玩家死亡的情況下通關)

5. Forgot My Breaches (無需擔憂)
Achieve victory in a session of Daybreak without any wall sections being leveled. (沒有任何保護墻倒塌的情況下通關)

6. Get Used to Disappointment (習慣失望)
Allow the technician to die during a session of Daybreak. (技師死亡)

7. Green Talon (新爪上路)
Fail during the first wave in a session of Daybreak. (抵抗第一波屍潮就失敗)

8. Guilty Spark (罪惡火花)
Survive 343 total zombie waves in Daybreak. (生存至共343波屍潮)

9. Hoard Mode (倉鼠模式)
Achieve victory in a session of Daybreak after collecting 25 CLEO drops. (在取得最終勝利之前撿起25個CLEO空投補給)

10. Human Contact (人間溫情)
Play Daybreak as host with another human being. (和另一個玩家一起遊玩)

11. I Was All By Myself (一人成軍)
Reach the sixth wave in a session of Daybreak in single player. (在一個人遊玩的情況下生存至第六波屍潮)

12. Just a Nibble (就一點點)
Open 0b1111 CLEO Drops. (打開15個CLEO空投補給)

13. Magnificent Seven (7的奇蹟)
Survive 7 total zombie waves in Daybreak. (挺過第七波屍潮)

14. Never Forget the Medic (別忘了醫療兵)
Heal the technician 12 times in Daybreak. (治療技師12次)

15. Sleep All Day, Out All Night (日夜顛倒)
Survive 49 total zombie waves in Daybreak. (生存至共343波屍潮)

16. That Byte Looks Infected (這個字節不對勁)
Open 0b11111111 CLEO Drops. (打開255個CLEO空投補給)

17. That was it? This is easy. (就這?)
Survived to the second wave in a session of Daybreak. (挺過第二波屍潮)

18. The Infinite Sea (無盡之海)
Survive to the sixth wave in a session of Daybreak. (挺過第六波屍潮)

19. The Moral High Ground is Mine (道德高地盤踞者)
Reach the fourth wave in a session of Daybreak without any player using guns. (在第四波屍潮之前都沒有任何玩家使用遠程武器)

20. The Pledge (誓不罷休)
Earn a total of 500 Prestige playing Daybreak. (賺取500威望點)

21. The Turn (逆轉時刻)
Earn a total of 5000 Prestige playing Daybreak. (賺取5,000威望點)

22. Time's Up (時辰已到)
Survive to the fourth wave in a session of Daybreak. (挺過第四波屍潮)

23. We Don't Need No Education (無需教育)
Repair a wall 12 times in Daybreak. (修復保護墻12次)


