

典獄長 | 2016-10-30 11:04:59 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 490

(DRAF Hail, Roskilde Air Base, Copenhagen, Denmark)
     “With all units’ help, we finally looted all the drugs and other contraband valued 640 billion Euros in Jutland, now we’re ready to send them to Brussels Airport.” said General Viktor. “What is the net weight of the goods?” ”Is 45.7 tons, we need 2 cargo planes to deliver.” said technician Olaf, “And need some fighter jets to protect them, for fear of the drug clan commanding an army assaulting us.”
    “This mission needs three pilots and two gunners: A pilot flies the fighter jet to escort the cargo planes, gunners as cargo planes co-pilots, operating mounted cannons and flares. I will nominate Flight Hail’s soldiers.”
    “Hey! Don’t glue your eyes on the screen!We have a job right away!” Tue told to Jonas and the others.
(On the runway)
     “Control Tower response: Plane 27-J9 and 34-F42 are on departure, Fighter 20-57 supporting.” “Fuel filled up, wings and engines operate well, wait for the signal and start the flight.” “Shiny ahead! Bon Voyage!” shouted Vikhor. Three aircraft took off and vanished into the clouds.
     “Damn, I see some hostile jets flying to us!” said gunner Ronni, ”We can take care of them! Keep flying!” so did Soren and Laurits. Then they took down some of them with cannons. ”That was close call, but what do they come for?” “It’s my turn now, I made a great career of selling drugs, but you assholes tried your hard to take my treasure away in a week.”
       Viktor recognized this voice, and said to all of them: “He’s Przemek Szczepanski, Polish drug lord, one of the Europe’s Most Wanted, his parents were killed during Cold War suppression, it was him who committed bomb massacre in Zurich last year.” “You’re really smart, but you don’t know I have a private army? I just want to make the world more versatile,you are so stupid that welcome the junk-load of refugees migrating into Europe.No wonder I have a lot of servants work for me.” “What do you want, Szczepanski?”“Now that you have my drugs, I will give you an unforgettable present: Take your men and drugs to abyss. Storm at the front, everyone!”
    “Defend the planes! We don’t know how they got the jets, so their flight skills might uneven, more jets incoming!” shouted Jonas.
******Imagine the combat scene by yourselves******
    When they flew above the Netherlands, Soren calling mayday signal to Leeuwarden Air Base: ”This is Roskilde cargo plane team, we’re under attack and fighter jet is running out of ammo, must abort!” “Alright, you’re authorized to land at our airport, we dispatch a replacement jet escorting.” replied the receptionist.
“Soren is off the radar!” “Don’t care about him! He has been replaced with Dutch jet, destination is not far from here!” cried Ronni.
*******Still imagine the scene*******
    “Brussels Air Traffic Control, come in!This is Roskilde cargo plane team, we are prepare to make an emergency landing!”“Please tell me your status of damage.” “34-F42, left engines are disabled,lower fuselage damaged.” “27-J9, left elevator and port spoilers are on fire!And hostile jets still on our tail!” “Activate SAM system, rescue and firefighting team standby. Try gliding around until find a chance to land.”replied the receptionist.
     Two cargo planes was gliding around, found a suitable space to land, pursuing jets were shot down by missiles. “What’s the problem?” “Nose landing gear burst,landing will be rough, God help us!” Tue’s plane crashed onto the runway, taxying on fire, fire trucks drove near it, extinguishing the flame. Finally both cargo planes came to stationary.
     “Horrayyyyyyyy!!!!!!” all the crew in Brussels and Copenhagen yelled with excitement. “Thanks for flying Air Hail,HAHAHA!!” shouted Tue.

