
【官方公告】【Cube World】下一步!?

紙片模型 | 2013-08-02 00:30:23 | 巴幣 22 | 人氣 471


First of all, a big thank you to all Cube World fans. It's so great to see all the Cube World videos and screenshots from other players all around the web!
We will improve our shop interface soon - in the meantime Cube World is available for purchase here: picroma.com/buycubeworld
I just wanted to give you a brief overview of what we'll be doing next:

  • Fixing bugs: We have already gathered a big list of bugs and glitches reported by players.
  • Compatibility: Some players have DirectX initialization problems on their PCs. We will try to find out the reasons and solve these issues.
  • Performance: We will work on performance optimizations, both for client and server.
  • Remappable controls: We will make all controls configurable.
  • Scalable GUI: We will make the GUI scalable, so it works well with lower resolutions, too.
  • Multiplayer server configuration: We will add more server configurations options, such as a configurable port.
  • New content: We already have a few things in the making, such as new creatures.
  • Changes to the website: We'll restructure the site a little and add a new forum and probably a bugtracking system (if anyone can recommend a good bugtracker, please let me know).


首先,我們要感謝所有支持Cube world的粉絲,我們很開心的看到網友們在網路上分享的遊戲畫面、影片。


  • 修正錯誤:我們已經準備好了一份龐大的表單,用來收集玩家們回報的錯誤。
  • 相容性:有些玩家有DirectX無法初始化的問題,我們會嘗試找出原因並且解決它。
  • 效能:我們將致力於效能的優化,包含客戶端(也就是一般玩家所使用的)及伺服器端。
  • 支援搖桿:我們將讓所有按鍵都能夠使用。
    譯者:這部分我理解不能,原文是:Remappable controls: We will make all controls configurable.
  • 可伸縮的圖形介面:我們將會讓圖形介面變得能自由伸縮,這對解析度比較低的螢幕來說是一大福音。
  • 多人伺服器的配置:我們將增加伺服器的配置設定,像是設定上傳端口(port)。
  • 新增內容:我們正在製作新的遊戲內容,像是新的動物。
  • 更新網站:我們將稍微調整我們的網站,並且新增討論區及錯誤回報系統(如果您對於錯誤回報系統有更好的建議,請務必告知我們。)

