
【心得】 Do you want to build a snowman?

StudentC | 2014-05-30 15:41:10 | 巴幣 2 | 人氣 1595

2022/10/14 修正一些連結


看過了 Frozen 之後,我才開始喜歡上 Frozen 的這首歌:
Do you want to build a snowman?

第一段的時間是 Anna 對 Elsa 的魔法印象被消除了,但跟 Elsa 一起玩的回憶還在,
所以這一段的旋律都還很輕鬆愉快,甚至從 Anna 敲門的聲音都能聽得出來……

Do you want to build a snowman?
Come on let's go and play
I never see you anymore
Come out the door
It's like you've gone away
We used to be best buddies
And now we're not
I wish you would tell me why
Do you want to build a snowman?
It doesn't have to be a snowman

Go away, Anna.

Okay, bye

第二段又稍為過了一段時間, Anna 因為正處於年齡,有點興奮過頭的到處亂竄?
所以這一段的旋律有點亢奮激進,這點也可以從 Anna 有點硬質的敲門聲音聽出來……

Do you want to build a snowman?
Or ride our bike around the halls?
I think some company is overdue
I've started talking to the pictures on the walls

Hang in there, Joan!

It gets a little lonely
All these empty rooms
Just watching the hours tick by


第四段就是消息傳回來之後 Anna 的反應,然後就是一路哭到底吧……

(題外話,因為一直以來敲門幾乎都沒有反應,後來影片中段 Anna 找到 Elsa 的冰宮大門的時候,還有點不知所措 ^.^ )

Please, I know you're in there
People are asking where you've been
They say "have courage" and I'm trying to
I'm right out here for you
Just let me in
We only have each other
It's just you and me
What are we gonna do?
Do you want to build a snowman?

說起來, Do you want to build a snowman? 這句話應該一直是 Elsa 的軟肋吧,
從整部電影一開始, Anna 想找 Elsa 玩的時候,就是用這句話挑動她的,

所以在意外發生之後, Anna 才會一直反覆的唱著 Do you want to build a snowman?


而對於 Anna 的提問, FANS 們做了很多 Elsa 版本的回答:

Of Course I want to build a Snowman

Of course I want to build a snowman
There I've said it. I've confessed
But I need to stayed locked up inside
Although I hate to hide
I know it's for the best
You know you're still my best friend
I wish that I
Could be out there by your side
Of course I want to build a snowman
Oh how I'd love to build a snowman

(Wait up Anna
Okay bye)

Of course I want to build a snowman
And run around and dance and play
I'm really lonely stuck inside my room
my lifes all gloom and doom
But I have gotta stay

(Hang in there Elsa)

I know you're feeling lonely
I know I am too
But my powers will not subside

(Conceal, don't feel
Conceal, don't feel)

Yes, I know you're out there
There must be rough on your own
But my powers have grown much too strong
I've feared this all along
Must be alone
You deserve much better
Then what I can be
There's nothing I can do
Of course I want to build a snowman


Yes, I Want to Build a Snowman
這個版本應該是根據上一個再改編來的,但 2022 的現在似乎找不到了。

Anna, yes, I want to build a snowman
I'd love to go and play
I wish I could be there for you
I really do
But you're safer when I stay

You know I'll always love you
But I can't come out
I wish I could tell you why

Yes, I want to build a snowman
I'd really love to build a snowman...
[Anna:] Come and play, Elsa!
I will try...

(Conceal it. Don't feel it. Don't let it show.)

I still want to build a snowman
But I'm afraid of what I'll do
My power scares me, and it's stronger now
I really don't know how to keep protecting you
(Hang in there, Anna.)

I'm getting very lonely
In this empty room
Just trying to keep it in...

(I'm scared. It's getting stronger!)
[Calm down.] (No - don't touch me!)
(Please, I don't want to hurt you.)
(Do you have to go?)

Anna, yes, I know you're out there
I hear you calling through the door
They say conceal it, and I'm trying to
But I can't be with you
Just like before

We'll never have each other
So we're on our own
What am I gonna do?

Of course I want to build a snowman...



這首其實不算是回答,大概只能算是 Elsa 版的 Do you want to build a snowman 吧……

(Anna no Anna no no Please no)
Please, Are you still in there?
Anna no... what have I done?

I'm sorry I deserted you
I wasn't trying to
The storm inside me won

We only had each other
It was me and you
Now what am I gonna do?

Do you wanna build a snowman?  


「Elsa's Reply」Do You Want To Build A Snowman
在 2022 年的現在,這個版本也找不到了。

I can't let you come in here
Although I really miss you much
I hear you knocking all the time
You talk and sing and cry
But you don't know...
That I'm a two-faced person
One side's cold and cursed
It's better if you don't know

But my heart wants to build a snowman...


Yes, I Want To Build A Snowman

Yes, I wanna build a snowman.
I'm sorry that it took so long.
I didn't know I needed you...
I really do...
And now you're gone...
Please just ask me once more, just one more time,
I promise I'll open the door...
Yes, I wanna build a snowman.





二、 Do you wanna do a dungeon? -Mabinogi

三、 Do You Wanna Run A Dungeon (Parody) Fail

四、鋼之煉金術師改編版的 Do You Want To Build A Human


另外附上 Mabinogi 版樂譜


06/26 修正標題加上屬性框【心得】

06/30 修正本文的標籤

07/08 修正被刪除連結的版本,增加鋼之煉金術師改編版


