
火狐:擋廣告套件Adblock Plus(ABP)重大升级,建议更新

—— | 2014-04-23 21:50:15 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 901

確信Adblock Plus的Firefox的啟動延遲初始化不(問題117 ) 。
    切換到一個更快的方法來訪問磁盤上的Adblock Plus的(問題153 )數據。
    在Adblock Plus的固定回歸2.5.1 : Adblock Plus的初始化所需的時間為每個新窗口中打開(問題238 ) 。
    修正: Firefox的同步整合,有時會無法正常工作(問題261 ) 。
    修正:在Firefox 29自定義工具欄後立即及以上(錯誤981 543)用於顯示Adblock Plus的錯誤按鈕類型。
    修正:主頁鏈接在過濾器的偏好顯示即使認購不定義主頁(問題48 ) 。
    修正:彈出式窗口攔截器不會在某些情況下(問題341 )工作。
    各種代碼清理任務(問題137 ,第301期,發行354 ) 。


    修正:整合與檢查器工具的當前版本的Firefox打破(第5期) 。
    修正:元素隱藏助手菜單項顯示不出來,如果Adblock Plus的圖標放置在蘆葦面板(問題229 ) 。
    修正:在OS X快捷鍵是CTRL-SHIFT -K ,而不是CMD- Shift鍵-K 。
    Made sure Adblock Plus initialization doesn’t delay Firefox startup (issue 117).
    Switched to a faster way to access Adblock Plus data on disk (issue 153).
    Fixed regression in Adblock Plus 2.5.1: Adblock Plus initialization takes longer for each new window opened (issue 238).
    Fixed: Firefox Sync integration sometimes won’t work (issue 261).
    Fixed: Filter search in Filter Preferences was broken in newer Firefox versions.
    Fixed: Wrong button type displayed for Adblock Plus immediately after customizing toolbar in Firefox 29 and above (bug 981543).
    Fixed: Homepage link is displayed in Filter Preference even if the subscription doesn’t define a homepage (issue 48).
    Fixed: Pop-up blocker won’t work in some scenarios (issue 341).
    Various code cleanup tasks (issue 137, issue 301, issue 354).

Element Hiding Helper 1.3 released   Install Element Hiding Helper 1.3

    Fixed: Integration with the Inspector tool broken in current Firefox versions (issue 5).
    Fixed: Filter Composer suggests empty domain name for host names with a trailing dot (forum topic).
    Fixed: Element Hiding Helper menu item isn’t added in some windows (forum topic).
    Fixed: Element Hiding Helper menu item doesn’t show up if Adblock Plus icon is placed in the Australis panel (issue 229).
    Fixed: Shortcut key on OS X is Ctrl-Shift-K rather than Cmd-Shift-K.

Adblock Plus 2.6 for Firefox released  Install Adblock Plus 2.6 for Firefox

