
日誌2014-09-25 01:18

HolySong YY ~ Escapist


Nightwish: Escapist

Who's there knocking at my window?
The Owl and the Dead Boy
This night whispers my name
All the dying children

Virgin snow beneath my feet
Painting the world in white
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale
Come hell or high water
My search will go on
Clayborn Voyage without an end

A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
It all starts with a lullaby

Journey homeward bound
A sound of a dolphin calling
Tearing off the mask of man
The Tower my sole guide
This is who I am
Escapist, paradise seeker
Farewell now time to fly
Out of sight, out of time, away from all lies

A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
It all starts with a lullaby
A nightingale in a golden cage
That's me locked inside reality's maze
Come someone make my heavy heart light
Come undone bring me back to life
A nightingale...golden cage


  據說歌詞內容來自安徒生童話~夜鶯!? 童話中歌聲美如天籟的夜鶯先是被國王寵愛後卻又被冷落流浪... 直到聽聞國王即將病危後,夜鶯主動回來為國王歌唱而感動了死神,國王也因此康復,在故事中這是皆大歡喜的美好結局。

  然而從歌詞看來? 顯然歌詞作者對童話中夜鶯的命運則不以為然... 夜鶯對國王真誠的情感卻反被關進了黃金的籠子裡... 他自問自答,徬徨不知所措,祈求著有人能伸手解救! 直到最後痛苦的他宣佈逃亡離開所有......

  看到這! 你是否發現這首MV內容跟歌詞根本無關呢? 是的!你答對了! 這首MV是由網友後台自製的。 但搭配起這首歌的音樂旋律完全無違和呢!   ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭






劇本主題曲《Witch Rise》

韓劇《The 8 Show》觀後簡短心得



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