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My Name in Lights -燈下我名-

作者:湛澄│2008-01-02 11:48:19│巴幣:0│人氣:548

I believe that success and the enjoyment of it are a very personal and a very private thing, like saying one's prayers or making love. The outward trappings are embarrassing, and spoil achievement. There come moments in the life of every artist, whether he be a writer, actor, painter, composer, when he stands back, detached, and looks at what he has done a split second, perhaps, after he has done it. That is the supreme moment. It cannot be repeated. The last sentence of a chapter, the finish brush stroke, a bar in music, a look in the eye and the inflection of an actor's voice. These are the things that well up from within and turn the craftsman into an artist, so that, alone in his study, in his studio, on the stage (and the stage behind the footlights can be the loneliest place on earth), he has this blessed spark of intuition. "This is good. This is what I want."

(My Name in Lights [1958]
Daphne du Maurier's The Rebecca Notebook and Other Memories, p. 86, paragraph 1)

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