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【禁聞】黨媒造假出笑話 死刑實錄為A片

作者:逍遙遊│2013-08-14 15:45:53│巴幣:0│人氣:492

【禁闻】党媒造假出笑话 死刑实录为A片

2013-08-08 06:51 AM
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【新唐人2013年08月08日讯】党媒造假出笑话 死刑实录A片

8月6号,中共党媒《环球网》以《女囚死刑实录 揭世界最黑暗一面》为题,刊出一组图片谴责美国的死刑,声称要〝揭露走邪路的国家侵犯人权〞,中共喉舌《新华网》、《人民网》、《光明网》等也纷纷转载。











抗议低价征地 广东千人游行遭镇压




Chinese Communist Party Media Posts Execution Photos
Actually Came From Fetish Porn Site

On August 6, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
Global Times published a set of images called "Live recording:
Execution of A Female Inmate, Exposing the DarkWorld",
apparently to expose human rights abuse countries.
The other CCP media, Xinhua, People's Daily and Guangming
also circulated it.

However, Shanghaiist website published an article saying
that those images came from porn site.
Netizens in the Mainland China also confirmed the photos
published by Global Times aren't of a death penalty prisoner.
They appeared to have come from a foreign porn film
"Lethal Injection.".

China's state-owned media made fake news, which triggered
both condemnation and laughing at the CCP by online netziens.

Mu Yifei, a popular commentator in China said: "Talking about
creating rumors or circulating rumors, this should be the #one."

Netizen@UMBRA asked if the party media intended to
mention Bo Xilai's involvement in organ harvesting?

Now Global Times and Xinhua have deleted the images,
but they still can be viewed at many other websites which copied them from Global Times.

Overseas Plan of "Return to Tiananmen Square" Under Way

On August 1, Wang Dan, a leader of the 1989 pro-democracy
student movement, called on overseas Chinese to gather in
front of local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) diplomatic posts
on June 4th in 2014, the 25th anniversary day.
Media professional, Bei Feng, along with others, are also
planning efforts to "return" to the Tiananmen Square that day.

Radio France Internationale (RFI) quoted the organizers.

They say they will mobilize the overseas-exiled activists of
pro-democracy and rights to enter China on June 4th.
This is the 25th anniversary day of June 4th.

These activists are supposed to gather, in or nearby
Tiananmen Square, with their peers in China.
In China various events will be held to
commemorate June 4th, 1989.

Reportedly, the organizers state that in the past 20 years,
the CCP has become an elitist power group.
Meanwhile, China has been turned into a disaster-ridden
country. All this started since the June 4th Massacre in 1989.
So, the activity of "return to Tiananmen Square"
on the 25th anniversary is very meaningful.
This action aims to call for the vindication of June 4th pro-
democracy movement, and ending of the CCP political rule.

RFI comments that early launching of the 25th-anniversary
commemorative activity signals that the people have reached
the limits of their anger and endurance with the CCP.

Guangdong: Mass Protest Against Forced Land Acquisition

About 1,000 villages in Dianbai County, Guangdong,
has recently staged a protest for the past two days.
The protesters are accusing local authorities of
forcibly seizing their farmlands at low cost.

Molihua.org reports that between August 4 and 5, villagers donned
clothing saying: "Protect farmlands, Oppose forced land acquisition."
Beating drums and gongs, holding banners reading, "Return my
farmlands", they marched to the town hall to seek an explanation.

On August 5, the protest was slapped down
by a large number of armed police.
The police, with dogs, wounded several juveniles,
and arrested many people.



  1. tuiewr2013-08-08 12:37:32
  2. //2013-08-08 10:31:39
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