

Together, let's wave our hands in the air
Imagine a sunflower field in the sky
Precious emotions are forever
So, up in the sky, lets blossom above

It's not too bad when everything
happens the way you wanted it to go
but life is more than that

Don't worry if you have to cry
There is meaning to everything
Look up and reach up to the sky

Don't you hesitate any longer
I will be by your side

Together, let's wave our hands in the air
Imagine a sunflower field in the sky
Precious emotions are forever
So, up in the sky, lets blossom above

Stepping out of innocence
Getting to know the difference
I'm in between and insecure

Ok, whatever, anyway
I really hope this Sunday
Is nice and very sunny, yeah

Feelings I am feeling this moment
I wanna share them with you

Shining star twinkle and beat in my heart
Incredible feeling, it takes me away
A one of a kind and special moment
Forever, I will never forget

When I'm lonely and I feel afraid
When, in the night, I need somebody to talk to
You and me are one, together always
We are never all alone

When the light is shining on my face
When it's embracing me, I'm closing my eyes
Vividly and bright, it's back on my mind
Everlasting memories

Together, let's wave our hands in the air
Imagine a sunflower field in the sky
Precious emotions are forever
So, up in the sky, lets blossom above

Shining star twinkle and beat in my heart
Incredible feeling, it takes me away
A one of a kind and special moment
Forever, I will never forget


  • 帳號:shingo1980
  • 暱稱:金光聖裁者☬
  • 稱號:迅擊的鬥劍士
  • LV38 / 人類 / 劍士
  • 巴幣:118355
  • GP:443
  • 被贊助:0
  • 勇者評價:0







  • STR:645
  • DEX:589
  • INT:532
  • LUK:561
  • VIT:645
  • AGI:504
  • MND:532

看更多 我要大聲說昨天19:21 tyu15826大家
新.羽澤鶇的扭曲仙境 2.5-7 某處的城堡



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