
1 GP


作者:傑森五德│2019-12-12 23:17:50│巴幣:2│人氣:59
--comedy start, there are two ppl talking---
"oh, there is a seat."
"what?we have 2 ppl and there is only one seat?"
"here you go"
"NO,i am good"
" you know ,it's okay,i can stand all day...so how about u go for it? "
"um....unfortunately, I CAN stand all week."
"...wow that's amazing, but i think somebody should take it..."
"yeah...i am 'nobody'(laugh), SO ....not me "
"well, okay, listen, I got serious hemorrhoids . and you know what? standing up keep me from having hallucination about weird butt-monster which appear to my asshole but fly like a butterfly. "
"....ohhh, that's so bad."
"yes, it is Very Very bad. that's it. Enjoy your seat."
"what?are u gonna tell me even i told u my aweful situation, btw it's "kinda" embarrassing , and it's not my point (fake smile), my point is...you DO NOT take it?"
"no, i Do if i can, but....sorry, i Can't"
"what's ur problem? why dont u just take that fucking seat?"
"god damn!! dont push me."
"i didn't !! All i want to do is "invite" u to seat a nice comfortable chair."
"pleeease,do me a solid"
"you asshole"
"WHAAT???what did u say?"
"you fucking prick, hillbilly, stupid idiot "
"WTF you such a racist, and u are out of ur mind. i am Asian ok"
"You asian, yeah you ASIAN."
"......so now u mean , i have a small dick?"
"i am gonna seat there right now, and u can spend whole day on finding out where am i with your CUTY tiny SMALL eyes"
** dismiss **
"ummmm, here is a thing, get this, i am sorry i was rude, how about we go to have some food?i treat."
"Sure! why not? and i apologize too."
"ok, let's go"
"nuh..after you"
"fuck you!"(walk toward the chair and seat down slowly )
--comedy end ---

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前一篇:My cat from ... 後一篇:米特文學:吐瓦很美麗很美...



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