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Felix Jaehn - Ain’t Nobody (Loves Me Better) ft. Jasmine Thompson

作者:bible│2015-12-13 13:11:55│巴幣:4│人氣:96

Captured effortlessly /毫不費力 擄獲我心
That's the way it was, happened so naturally /就是這樣 不自覺地
I did not know it was love /我還不知覺 這是愛情
The next thing I felt was you holding me close /下一秒 我就在你懷裡
What was I gonna do? /我該怎麼辦
I let myself go /縱隨自己 墜落情網

And now we're flying through the stars /一切都是多麼浪漫
I hope this night will last forever /希望此時此刻 永遠持續

Ain't nobody loves me better /你的愛呀 如此獨一
Makes me happy, makes me feel this way /讓我感到幸福搖曳
Ain't nobody loves me better than you /你給的愛 無人能超越

I've been waitin' for you /已經好久好久
It's been so long / 一直等著 真命天子
I knew just what I would do /這就是我的反應
When I heard your song /當你的歌 環繞響起
You filled my heart with a kiss /一個親吻 滿足了我的心
Ya gave me freedom /讓我感到自在無憂
You knew I could not resist /你知道我 無法反抗
I needed someone /需要愛的滋潤

And now we're flying through the stars /一切都是多麼浪漫
I hope this night will last forever /希望此時此刻 永遠持續

Ain't nobody loves me better /你的愛呀 如此獨一
Makes me happy, makes me feel this way /讓我感到幸福搖曳
Ain't nobody loves me better than you /你給的愛 無人能超越

At first you put your arms around me /你將手臂 搭上我肩
Then you put your charms around me /幫我戴上 你的項鍊
We stare into each other's eyes /深情對望著彼此
And what we see is no surprise /愛的火花 毫不意外
Got a feeling most with treasure /這種感覺 如真至寶
And a love so deep we cannot measure /愛的深度 無法測量

Ain't nobody loves me better /你的愛呀 如此獨一
Makes me happy, makes me feel this way /讓我感到幸福搖曳
Ain't nobody loves me better than you /你給的愛 無人能超越

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