
4 GP

Shattered Prologue

作者:Hotel Six│2013-01-12 22:42:29│巴幣:1,006│人氣:444

        Nine figures walked along an icy and muddy trail on a frozen slope in line formation.

All of them were in arctic camouflage, light tactical gear and thick clothing. Their pace was

relatively slow and cautious; their sight swept through the desolate valley below and the

empty path.

        “Zeppelin, this is Greyhound 7, we have reached checkpoint E-5-4, no activities

detected, proceeding to the next waypoint, out.” Radio communication faded in the sprinkling

snowflakes. The team advanced. Suddenly, the point man ahead raised his left hand and

dropped it, signaling everyone to stop and go prone. Then he gestured the squad leader to

his position. The squad leader silently approached the point man.

        “Ibrahim, what did you see?” The squad leader whispered while scanning the horizon


        “Sarge, look at these disorganized footprints scattering around here–they’re fresh,

maybe less than 20 minutes, and they definitely aren’t ours.” Ibrahim gave the position of the


        “Damn, I recognize these crap, they’re...”

        “Combat Pedal Apparatus for Sangheili...I’ve seen them in a joint exercise. Sarge, is

this an invasion?”

        “Corporal, whatever it is, we better let the others know right now.” The Sergent pressed

the speaking button of his headphone.

        “This is Greyhound Actual to all call signs, Code Yellow at areas near E-5-4, I say again,

Code Yellow at areas near E-5-4, possible cloaked Echo-Charlies infiltration.”

        The rest of the team looked at each other after receiving the message, some sighed.

Afterwards, all of them spread out onto the sides of the road.

        “Copy that, Greyhound Actual, do you have any visual?” A soft voice came in.

        “Negative, but we’ve found footprints.” Sarge replied.

        “All units be advised, the entire area is now under Code Yellow, suspected cloaked

Echo-Charlie presence, thoroughly monitor your AOs, all infantry units return to nearest OP

or checkpoint, wait for further instruc...”

        An abrupt interference swallowed the initially clear voice.

        “Oh shoot, we’re gonna' be in big trouble.” Ibrahim shook his head and stood up.

        The Sergent raised his volume and commanded the team, “You heard the lady, squad,

let's move!”

        Then the unexpected and unpleasant occurred in a blink of an eye.

        The sound of plasma weapons, firearms, explosions, roaring and shouting rose up into

the heavens.

        The war has begun.
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留言共 1 篇留言

雖然跟 HALO 的世界觀已經脫節很久了,不過寫得很好喔,通訊術語也用得很正確。

不過用 Shoot 好像太政治正確了點...XD


01-13 04:51

Hotel Six
其他的等未來再揭露01-13 21:15

4喜歡★jus323fly 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:TFP Season 2...




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