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Book of Cain-Letter for Leah

作者:Sun and Cloud│2011-12-22 19:08:31│巴幣:0│人氣:4750
My dear Leah.
In the inevitable event of my death, may I precede you by many decades to the grave.
Do not mourn me. Leah. Dspite all I have been through. I have had a long and amazing life. I have died doing exactly what I was meant to do. I have and loved freely these long years-and have known only joy at seeing the bright, beautiful woman you've become. I believe that I now go on to a place beyond imagining, though I have no name for it, nor real unstanding of where it lies, save beyond the broken bounds of this world.
I long ofr this paradise, Leah-and the peace and rest I might find there on the other side of this mortal existence. I want you to know this, dear one, above all other things I could have tought you-that there is hope beyond this reality, beyond the realms of Heaven and Hell and all the shadowed spaces that lie between. Hold fast to that hope in the face of the dark times ahead, and you will find the truest meaning of your life.
Though I know that you do not beleve me when I speak of dread omens, I think you are beginning to suspect that my words ring of truth. I was a nonbeliever as well. I remember, even as a child, reading the Horadric tales and thinging that while they were wonderful stories, they were only that-wonderful stories. Tales such as those of Anu and the Dragon, the Mage Clan Wars, the Sin war, and the Hunt for the Three merely were told to embrace imagination. I now see, much to my regret, that even within these legends there lives a deeper and more profound truth. For, as I have come to discover, truth is hidden in unexpected places.
If events are as I believe them to be, some truths will be revealed very shortly which will make you a believer-perhaps even upon the day of my death. For I beleve that if our world is to be saved, you have a pivotal role to play in its salvation, though I know not-nor do I begin to speculate-what that role might be.
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同標籤作品搜尋:Diablo III|Decard Cain|Leah

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