
5 GP

Sonic Syndicate - Psychic Suicide

作者:。╹ω╹。│2011-04-09 08:49:11│巴幣:10│人氣:521

I recognized your scars, because I have them too
It cured my contamination to speak of each other's misery
Can't deny that you were a substitute of a greater loss
But after all you reminded me of...

You're someone to the world
And you're the world for someone
You really think you have a future without me?
There's a place not far away
Where I want to take you
The first snowfall is always the whitest

Alone again in my broken dreams
What is love if not a psychic suicide
Alone again in my restless dreams
Love is nothing but a psychic suicide

I recognize your scars, because i have them too
It cured my contamination
To speak of each others misery

I recall your face, because she wore it too
Well you were nice, but I had no reason to fall in love again
So I said thank you, had enough with my own mind ghosts

But after all you reminded me of...

Alone again in my broken dreams
What is love if not a psychic suicide
Alone again in my restless dreams
Love is nothing but a psychic suicide

Well, I don't care for you anymore
So why don't you fuck yourself!

You're someone to the world
And you're the world for someone
You really think you have a future without me?
There's a place not far away
Where I want to take you
The first snowfall is always the whitest

Alone again in my broken dreams
What is love if not a psychic suicide
Alone again in my restless dreams
Love is nothing but a psychic suicide

Alone again in my broken dreams
What is love if not a psychic suicide
Alone again in my restless dreams
Psychic suicide...

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 5 篇留言



04-09 09:20

阿 狼 |>

04-09 14:16


04-09 17:59

又是這種扭曲人心的玩意 [e9]

04-09 23:41

有DMC3 0.0 的味道!

04-10 03:36


5喜歡★sam120181 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:walls .... 後一篇:new model ....



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