I.Dark Energon
Megatron and his Decepticons infiltrate a research station orbiting Cybertron, in search of a powerful new energy source known as Dark Energon.
I.Dark Energon
Megatron與他的狂派手下透過研究站進入了Cybertron的運行軌道,尋找強大的新能量來源──那就是知名的Dark Energon。
II.Fuel of War
Megatron commands his newest recruit, Starscream, to activate the long dormant Energon Bridge on Cybertron. Once activated, he will create more Dark Energon to fuel his war.
Megatron命令他招收到的新成員,Starscream,啟動Cybertron上長眠的Energon Bridge。一旦啟動了,他將喚醒更大量的Dark Energon──並引起戰爭。
III.Iacon Destroyed
Iacon,home of the Autobots,must fall.Megatron commands his Decepticons to attack Iacon insearch of the fable Omega Key,which will give him access to the Core of Cybertron itself!
Iacon,博派們的家園。狂派若要前進,此地勢必要摧毀。Megatron命令他的狂派手下們攻擊Iacon,尋找傳聞中,能進入Cybertron核心的Omega Key。
IV.Death of Hope
Zeta Prime has been captured and Iacon inches closer to falling,but the last guardian,Omega Superem,has awoken.Megatron must find a way to defeat him if he wishes to reach the plant's core.
Zeta Prime遭到俘虜,而且Iacon也接近淪陷的邊緣,但Iacon的最後守護者--Omega Supreme,卻甦醒了。Megatron如果想要抵達星球的核心,就必須先找出打敗Omega Supreme的方法。
V.The Final Guardian
Omega Supreme is not so easily dispatched.He alone stands in the way of Megatron's ultimate victory.The time has come to prove the Decepticon's ture might. To glory!All hail Megatron!
Omega Supreme是個沒有這麼輕易,就可以解決掉的敵人。但他卻是孤自一人,抵抗沒有辦法改變的命運──那就是Megatron的最終勝利。時機成熟,該是證明狂派真正力量的時候了!邁向秩序吧!Megatron 萬歲!
VI.Defend Iacon
The Autobots's capital city,Iacon,lies in ruins.Their leader,Zeta Prime,has been defeated.Led by Autobot named Optimus,they must repel the Decepticons until a plan can be made.
VI. Iacon保衛戰
博派的首要都市──Iacon,處於毀滅的狀態。博派首領Zeta Prime已經被打倒了。在一位博派變形金剛──Optimus的領導下,他們要在這個都市裡,抵擋狂派的入侵,直到可行反抗計劃的誕生。
VII.Kaon Prison Break
News of Zeta Prime's survival spreads quickly as Optimus assembles a squad to infiltrate the prison in Kaon where Zeta is being kept and free their leader from Megatron's clutches.
Zeta Prime被關在Kaon監獄,但仍存活的消息,隨著Optimus的召集,如火燒草原般的散播了。Optimus集合了一個小組,潛入Kaon監獄,準備從Megatron的手中解救Zeta Prime。
VIII.To the Core
The Core of Cybertron has been corrupted with Dark Energon.Acknowledging his rightful title,Optimus Prime leads the Autobots in a daring attempt to cleanse the Core and save their world.
Cybertron核心已經遭到Dark Energon的污染。接受其頭銜的Optimus Prime,率領博派們,試圖挑戰艱鉅任務──淨化核心,並解救他們的世界。
IX.Aerial Assault
Megatron's orbital station stands between survival and defeat as its weapon systems blast apart the evacuating ships.The Autobots must destory the station for hope to live on.
X.One Shall Stand...
The mighty Decepticon Trypticon has fallen to Cybertron's surface,but it is far from defeated.The final fight is on!One shall stand,one shall fall.