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Brokeback Mountain's over!!

作者:Luna│2008-12-29 08:41:47│巴幣:0│人氣:473

Brokeback Mountain, originally written by Anne Proulx, is a romantic-drama film that depicts the complex romantic and sexual relationship between two men in the American West from 1963 to 1983. The film is directed by Taiwanese director Ang Lee, and I'll focus more on the film than the original work in the following evaluation.
Brokeback Mountain depicts the story between ranch hand Ennis del Mar and rodeo cowboy Jack Twist. Ennis and Jack first meet when they are hired by Joe Aguirre to herd his sheep through the summer in the Brokeback Mountain. During the months staying in the Brokeback Mountain, a bond begins to develop between the two men. According to traditional analytic methods, critics will tell you that Brokeback Mountain symbolizes a love of taboo and an isolated place to love. But in the film Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee overthrows the tradition of American horse opera and traditional analytic methods. You'll not see the enormous, impressive grand sight in the film. The Brokeback Mountain scene in the movie is just like the abstract spirit of Chinese landscape painting-it expresses the implicit but surging bond between the two men. So when people refer to Brokeback Mountain, it doesn't completely equal to either of Utopia or a refuge. On the contrary, it's a kind of image that exists in Ennis and Jack's mind because they have ever loved each other heavenly in the Brokeback Mountain.
Anne Proulx's Brokeback Mountain depicts the romance which lasts twenty years between the two men in only thirty pages so you may finish reading the novel in just twenty or thirty minutes. But in the film, the path of the story is long and slow, and Ang Lee arranges lots of explicit and exquisite scenes in the film so people can see more details which can't be seen in the original work. For example, when they are in the Brokeback Mountain, both Ennis and Jack deny that they're gays. But when they leave the Brokeback Mountain and say good bye to each other unmindfully, people can see Ennis' figure and the Brokeback Mountain which project on Jack's car rear-view mirror become smaller and smaller. After Jack's car is out of Ennis' sight, Ennis, who pretends to be calm and steady, walks into a dark lane and looks like vomitous and cries bitterly. Ennis' behavior expresses his real thought, and it's more powerful than any kind of way to show his affection for Jack. Also, people may find that when Ennis is having sex with his wife, he likes to "overturn" his wife. There are still lots of scenes and images in the film to make the film exquisite.
In the 60's to 70's of Wyoming, it is a conventional time that everyone emphasizes on manhood and traditional values. In that time, gay love is not allowed and under oppression. The film mentions that when Ennis was still a child, his father has ever taken Ennis to see a homosexual being maltreated to death. Because of the reason, Ennis thinks gay love is guilty and will be punished. Maybe it’s the reason along with his background make Ennis’ character so silent and depressive. Before Ennis meets Jack, Ennis have engaged with Alma Beers, so it seemed that Ennis does love female. When he found himself in love with Jack and had a familiar relationship with him, Ennis feels depressed and misery. After he left the Brokeback Mountain, he gets married with Alma, has two daughters, but still can't forget Jack. In my opinion, what Ennis does for his family is just a responsibility. To have more time to meet with Jack, Ennis usually chooses irregular jobs. But his salary can’t support the family’s expenses. So Ennis usually struggles between the reality and his sentiment in the film. On the other hand, Jack is a free-minded person. He is a person who’s faithful to his own feelings. He loves Ennis, and when he goes to Texas, he meets and marries rodeo princess Lureen Newsome. But after years his wife becomes a straight-laced businesswoman so Jack usually complains about his wife. When he knows Ennis has divorced with his wife, he drives to Wyoming in hopes they can get together, but Ennis rejects in fear of possible repercussions if their relationship becomes republic. After that, Jack has many love affairs with men or women, but each of them is short and hasty. From the episodes people can see Jack still loves Ennis, but he feels misery because of Ennis’ rejection of being together with him. It’s the reality which separates them. In the end of the film, Jack passed away and Ennis goes to visit his parents and knows that Jack wants to go to the Brokeback Mountain. This shows the significance and image of the Brokeback Mountain again. It stands still, and it’s a kind of spiritual symbolization to fulfill Jack’s mind. The last scene in the film is that Ennis looks at Jack’s coat which is wrapped with his own shirt and say, “Jack, I swear…,” I think it means that Ennis is eventually willing to face their love.
Basically, the plot in Brokeback Mountain is “in the closet.” Because of the background of the time and place, their relationship is obscure to others and being hidden. But when his wife Alma accidentally witnesses them passionately kissing, Alma shocks and feels painful and after that, with the truth that Ennis and Jack love each other not being exposed, Ennis and Alma’s relationship becomes aloof, and they divorced in the end. Besides, according to Lureen’s words, Jack died while changing a tire that exploded. When Lureen tells Ennis this, Ennis imagines that Jack’s been beaten brutally to death by three men. Maybe Lureen knows the truth that Jack indeed loves men but she doesn’t uncover it. However, this gives the people who see the movie imagination.
Now when people who haven’t seen the film or do not deliberate on the film carefully mention Brokeback Mountain, it’s a noun which equals to homosexual love with derogatory sense. But I think this is indeed an affectionate and touching film. In the film people can see that Ennis embrace Jack, which also has a description in the original work, “What Jack remembered and craved in a way he could neither help
nor understand was the time that distant summer on Brokeback when Ennis had come up behind him and pulled him close, the silent embrace satisfying some shared and sexless hunger.“ This is really a moving scene and Jack and Ennis’ love sublime and become pure and magnificent.

然後接下來就是要寫奇幻文學的Howl's Moving Castle(霍爾的移動城堡)
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