
1 GP


作者:不會飛只會搞飛機│2024-05-03 10:55:26│巴幣:2│人氣:60
Can't wait for the game to get more puplar so we get some r34 content.
迫不及待地希望遊戲變得更受歡迎,所以我們獲得了一些 r34 內容。

feels like 5 years of art collecting, 1 year of hiring the team to make the game, 1 year of salary debate, 6 months of recording music, 3 months of vacation, 2 months of making the skeleton of the game, 2 weeks of cramming the art into it, and 1 week of poor launch and management. then 4 weeks after launch they hired the dude that said "lets release aurora early guys"
感覺像是5年的藝術收藏、1年的聘請團隊製作遊戲、1年的薪資辯論、6個月的錄音音樂、3個月的假期、2個月的製作遊戲骨架、2週的臨時抱佛腳藝術投入其中,以及1 週糟糕的發布和管理。 然後在發布 4 週後,他們僱用了一個說「讓我們早點發布 aurora 的人」的人

you can't have a character dealing exponentially more damage than the character you released just 2 weeks ago

also at this point it's obvious they don't do any testing beyond "did the game break? no? ship it!"

Actually the character they released before was dog water compared to standard ones

they have 7 years to test. why now lmao.
他們有7年的時間進行測試。 為什麼現在呢?

why need to pay artist when you have R34
當您有 R34 時,為什麼需要向藝術家付費:

7 years in dev, 5 of those was the director having artists draw dragon blaze r34 for his personal stash
從事開發工作 7 年,其中 5 年是導演讓藝術家為他的個人藏品繪製 Dragon blaze r34

34號法則(Rule 34),即「不管什麼事物,只要存在就一定可以跟色情扯上關係——沒有例外」(If it exists, there is porn of it – no exceptions),是一個網路迷因,意思是任何事物在網路上都可以被色情化(色情創作)。 它常被應用在電視劇或電子遊戲中的虛構人物上。

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