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[英翻中動態歌詞LRC] Civil War - Rome Is Falling

作者:被包養的按摩師│2024-05-01 19:29:01│巴幣:0│人氣:34


[00:18.16]It`s time to march 是行軍的時候了
[00:24.25]It`s time to march again 再次到行軍時候了
[00:44.28]You and I will last forever  你和我將最後一次分別
[00:50.33]But there are many reasons why I can not stay 但有很多原因讓我無法留下來
[00:56.70]Now we shall meet again in heaven 如今我們在天堂重逢
[01:02.17]Going out to war is never easy that is true 外出打戰從不容易 這是事實
[01:08.18]Another day, another life I may not have to sacrifice 另一天 另種生活 也許我不必犧牲
[01:15.16]The only good thing in my life 我生命中唯一美好的事情

[01:20.52]A battle cry, a soldier's sigh,  一聲戰吼 士兵的嘆息
[01:24.06]I wish I hadn't said goodbye 我希望我沒有說再見
[01:27.46]This time I won't be coming home 此刻我不回家了
[01:32.50]In the heat of the fight I search for the light 在激烈的戰鬥中 我尋找光明
[01:35.85]A rainbow is painting the sky 天空描繪出了一道彩虹
[01:39.08]I am destined now to die 現在我已注定要死

[01:44.41]I'm here to march 'gainst the force of evil 我來這裡是為了對抗邪惡
[01:47.53]Here to die in the pouring rain 在傾盆大雨中死去
[01:50.47]But just as sure as Rome is falling 但正如羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[01:53.69]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來
[01:56.67]I will return as a new believer 我將作為新信徒回來
[01:59.74]Here to conquer the walls of pain 來這裡征服痛苦之牆
[02:02.80]And just as sure as Rome is falling 就像羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[02:05.91]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來

[02:10.45]Now I'm writing you this letter 現在我給你寫這封信
[02:16.44]But I'm not sure if you will ever see these words 但我不確定你是否會看到這些話

[02:22.13]Another day, another life I may not have to sacrifice 另一天 另種生活 也許我不必犧牲
[02:28.90]But I'm still aiming for the sky 但我依然目標向天空
[02:34.18]In this suburb to Hell I'm living to tell  在這個地獄郊區 我活著是為了告訴
[02:37.42]'Bout how I defended my Rome 關於我如何保衛我的羅馬
[02:41.07]Hail the Caesar, Kingdom Come 凱撒王國萬歲 你的王國降臨

[02:45.90]I'm here to march 'gainst the force of evil 我來這裡是為了對抗邪惡
[02:49.06]Here to die in the pouring rain 在傾盆大雨中死去
[02:51.98]But just as sure as Rome is falling 但正如羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[02:55.19]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來
[02:58.23]I will return as a new believer 我將作為新信徒回來
[03:01.34]Here to conquer the walls of pain 來這裡征服痛苦之牆
[03:04.27]And just as sure as Rome is falling 就像羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[03:07.42]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來
[04:02.97]Here to die 來此死去
[04:30.71][04:05.97]I'm here to march 'gainst the force of evil 我來這裡是為了對抗邪惡
[04:33.70][04:09.16]Here to die in the pouring rain 在傾盆大雨中死去
[04:36.62][04:11.97]But just as sure as Rome is falling 但正如羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[04:39.75][04:15.09]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來
[04:42.78][04:18.21]I will return as a new believer 我將作為新信徒回來
[04:45.98][04:21.36]Here to conquer the walls of pain 來這裡征服痛苦之牆
[04:48.94][04:24.33]And just as sure as Rome is falling 就像羅馬正在淪陷一樣確定
[04:52.08][04:27.47]I'll be rising again 我會再次站出來
[04:54.92]rising again~~~~ 再次站出來
[05:01.09]rising again 再次站出來
[05:04.51]rising a~~~ 再次站出來
[05:07.40]rising again 再次站出來
[05:13.52]rising again 再次站出來
[05:17.24]My Rome is falling 我的羅馬正在淪陷
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robert286 ლ(´•д• ̀ლ
ლ(´•д• ̀ლ看更多我要大聲說昨天04:21

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