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12/8 Speech and my feedback.

作者:看看我再看看你│2021-12-13 16:07:30│巴幣:0│人氣:71
    Today’s speech invited Professor Xie Zhimou from NTNU.
    His life is full of all kinds of extremely surprising and strong colors, which is something that most of us can't experience. On the one hand, his ingenuity is beyond the reach of most people, on the other hand, it is the grind and test God puts on him, which is also the pain that ordinary people don't want to see. The most touching thing is to be able to use so much accumulated wisdom and deep empathy to help other people after experiencing so many rugged roads.
    He uses the entire mountain forest, endless bays, and snow-capped peaks as educational    places. Novel experiences and crazy adventures are the teaching materials for urban students.
If I can, I really want to be his student. Not only agree with his educational philosophy, but yearn for learning outside the classroom.Life is often shaken by external setbacks and blows, but human nature and value will never change. This is the biggest gain in this speech. The world is changeable, and so are our minds.
    It is common for pessimists and self-demanding people to deny their own abilities and achievements. It is common to be scored, evaluated, and defeated by vision. Only oneself can define self-worth. You do not have to live for the applause of others. Appreciate your own hard work and be a person with a story!
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前一篇:12/1 Speech ... 後一篇:12/15 Speech...



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