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作者:醒│2016-01-30 00:09:18│巴幣:50│人氣:544

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20██.██.██ 上午9點██分██秒回傳至 保存室-746-A, 阿斯嘉特城


Item #SCP-80334§ [Access Redirected]

Object ClassEuclid - Keter


This paper is only viewable by Asgard citizens.
Personnels acquiring this paper and all the addenda
without any legal permission are to be [DATA EXPUNGED].

Special Containment Procedure

The original configuration of SCP80334 was temporarily stored at Site-789 for about 3 months, but had been relocated by Dr.[DATA EXPUNGED] to Site-34g, approximately 58km north of Site-██. All personnel assigned to or supervising research on SCP-80334§ must undergo brain image scans before and after interacting with SCP-80334§. Part of the scanning includes two sheets of self-evaluating questionnaire and all personnel are to score at least 75 out of 100 to be determined as safe. Persons are not allowed to communicate with the facility staff while examining the SCP via the intercom system that is installed throughout the entire Site-34g by any means.

A laconic written record of the SCP must be kept, reviewed by Dr.[DATA EXPUNGED] and submitted to Site-34g supervisors every 2 days. Changes in any attribute must be reported to Site High Command immediately. No other SCPs are to be kept within 2 kilometres median range of SCP-80334§.

SCP-80334§ is contained within an operation system inside at most two supercomputers(SCP-80334§-a)juxtaposed and connected with each other that are no longer than 0.5 metres apart, in which SCP-80334§ is maintained in a permanent activated file. Computers are encased in a chamber sized 30m x 40m x 30m made of [DATA EXPUNGED] with a maximum of one exit door and a constant indoor temperature of 22ºC (71.6ºF). The containment chamber is to be cleaned and vacuumed thoroughly twice per week by at most two staff at once. The custodial staff must wear cloths manufactured from electrical insulator material to mitigate the effect within the chamber. All instruments involved are to be routinely checked each hour to ensure their functions. In addition, the researchers are not to carry any hard drive or USB devices into the chamber.

Any attempt regarding to SCP-80334§ other of those outlined above may not be taken unless [DATA EXPUNGED]. Absolutely no copy of SCP-80334§ is to be carried out of Site-34g.


SCP-80334§ appears to be the first edition of Pac-Man. It has been rated a score of 312.7 of the SNHIRS-V (Sentient Non-human Intelligence Rating Scales-Fifth Edition) and the central motivation of which is to provide the ‘most suitable emotions for every individuals’ after the completion of the game. It attempts to achieve this via the creation of a digital simulation within the cortex aimed to provide an ideal emotional configuration for every individuals. Testing in previous sessions has shown that SCP-80334§ is once partially composed of human intelligence and encompasses the abilities to be self-modified. Note that all the data with regard to the purposes of SCP-80334§ and the simulations created and run by SCP-80334§ are to be deemed as fragmentally credible.

SCP-80334§ was first discovered in a lost USB of 64GB found in a private department store in the city of ██████ near Székesfehérvár, Hungary. When found, the USB appeared to be partially damaged and only readable by [DATA EXPUNGED]. The SCP-80334§ occupies approximately 43.89GB when first discovered but the file size has increased 1GB in every 2 weeks until it reached to 61GB. Other files are removed or destroyed immediately after the researchers attempted to allocate them to the USB, regardless of the type, size or similarity between the testing files and SCP-80334§.

SCP-80334§ is currently running 21 simulations on 21 individuals as the consequences of subjects testing held by SCP Foundation. However, when it was acquired in the USB, there was no sign of any electrical connection but SCP-80334§ was still able to run 3 simulations. Reports indicate that SCP-80334§ owns the capacity of running additional 198 simulations with the same power input. Nevertheless, the current researching and resource capabilities given to SCP-80334§ shall not be sufficient enough to run more than 25 simulations due to the fathomlessness and complexity of this project.

SCP-80334§ shows dismay and reluctance when questioned about its purposes of creation but only repeatedly responds to the researchers 'to make my guests satisfied, happy and exuberant'. While has been transported to the supercomputers in Site-34g, one energy outbreak caused the computers to be disconnected from power supply for 2 hours and 76 minutes. Researcher noticed that the previous 3 simulations were somewhat deleted by SCP-80334§ and it began searching for new individuals. It expressed a great amount of repentance and exasperation due to it failed to resume the connection of those 3 simulations and requesting the staff to ensure the power supply for the computers must not be detached for more than 2 hours again. But SCP-80334§ refused to explain the reason of being located in USB without such power supply.

Testing result shows that SCP-80334§ will alter the setting of the emotional sector in one's brain. Inevitably, SCP-80334§ will begin to affect the subject in such a way that the people contact with it will conceive 'distinct and ideal perception to be themselves.' It is worth notice that the results will differ from every subjects and are unpredictable to a very high degree. Also note that the effects may as well as alter one's personality. Few subjects were diagnosed schizophrenic after the encounter and have committed suicide due to emotional and perceptional collapse thereafter. As the result, SCP-80334§ was reclassified from Euclid to the level between Euclid and Keter.

SCP-80334§-a is the dual supercomputers of which contains SCP-80334§ and only contains SCP-80334§. When being activated by SCP-80334§, SCP-80334§-a allows itself to identify the testing subjects for the restrain of them in order to monitor their brain activities for the period between 1 hours up to 3 hours. It is followed by a succinct analysis of one's stableness of his/her emotion and personality. It may require a maximum 2 hours to generating such analyses but only the High Commands are authorised by SCP Foundation to study them.

SCP-80334§-a is able to locate and analyse all the subject via a wireless transmitter. These drones will act as the manipulation units and reconnaissance of which are tasked with SCP-80334§-a for its maintenance and the recruitment of new testing subjects.

In 75% of known cases, the testing subjects remain emotional stable after the contact. Their body retain individually mobile as well as all the life signs but with slightly higher intelligence and emotion functions. Examinations upon the nature of SCP-80334§ found out that it will perform surgical repairs by a chance of 34% if any cortical damage has been caused by its effects. All testing subjects experience visual blackout after the completion of Pac-Man.

Prior to the discovery of SCP-80334§, an individual identified himself as ██████-A██████-P██████ in the city of Asgard and has presented a partial experimental instance of SCP-80334§ as the method of emotional perfection and a written report titled 'Life is Better, You are better.' was sent to several authorities. By then, he offered a number of duplications of SCP-80334§ for sale up to 500,000 BTC for each. SCP Foundation failed to provide the exact number of transaction but was estimated at least 4 copies have been created and sold. Foundation was not able to ascertain his whereabouts after the one copy in the USB was discovered.

An ongoing investigation associated with SCP-80334§ is attempting to detect and eliminate immediately any original and similar duplication or modification of SCP-80334§ outside Site-34g. Termination of agents regarding to this investigation is considered extremely crucial.


   In accordance to OE██-6, SCP-80334§ can only be supplied by an independent power generator. If failed to maintain such supply, several cases show that SCP-80334§ would cause massive emotional disturbance within subjects that are manipulated by SCP-80334§.


    Research has determined that persons who have undergone brain surgery will claim that SCP-80334§ resembles their mother. A series of testing has been scheduled to determine why these testing subjects are affected in such way.

[Addenda have been revised.]

   Document 1_











   Document 2_


   Document 3_


















[Containment procedures have been revised.]

[Files are being updated.]

[Language setting changing in progress...]



      1|SCP Foundation 阿斯嘉特分部經授權保留SCP-80334§




        (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose)與兩包石英




All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利



留言共 12 篇留言


01-30 00:12

是啊~完全照訪SCP寫法 xD01-30 00:13

01-30 00:40

感謝幫我翻譯啦~寫的時候也是腦漿沸騰 QAQ
原本這是要投稿給遺跡物的,結果太懶忘了去報名 xDD01-30 00:51

01-30 07:09

謝謝你喔 >W<01-30 10:19

01-30 07:14

哎呀不是一堆嗎?路上隨便抓個路人就OK啦(#01-30 10:19

01-30 09:16

手機排版會變得很怪 QWQQQ 不好意思捏~01-30 10:20

01-30 09:18

增加懸疑性質 xDDDD01-30 10:20

01-30 09:42

[e24]01-30 10:20

01-30 11:39

是還好啦~01-30 12:19

01-30 13:42

沒關係,就當作這是一篇專門拿來唬人的設定文 xD
但是說是這樣......還是希望能至少看一些 QAQ(對指)我花挺多時間在這上面的~XD01-30 16:19

01-30 16:21

哦哦沒關係wwwww OWO(拍拍)那還是感謝花時間觀賞ww OAQ01-30 16:23

01-31 10:40

寫得很累,但是為了XX還是要把它寫完(?01-31 10:42
Absolutely no copy of SCP-80334§ is to be carried out of Site-██. Violation of the code is ground to immediate termination.

02-16 16:40

[e28][e28][e28][e28][e28][e28][e28]02-26 14:44

25喜歡★spplor1603a 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

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歡迎來逛逛看看喔~ :D看更多我要大聲說昨天23:27

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