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Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone

作者:小巴│2015-10-11 17:35:37│巴幣:2│人氣:312
Remember all the things we wanted 還記得我們曾想要的事物
Now all our memories, they're haunted 現在我們的記憶,被詛咒
We were always meant to say goodbye 我們永遠只能說再見
Even without fists held high, yeah 即使握緊拳頭
Never would have worked out right, yeah 也從未作用
We were never meant for do or die 我們曾未想要去做或死亡
I didn't want us to burn out 我不想我們焚毀
I didn't come here to hurt you now 我不是來這去傷你的
I can't stop 我停不了
I want you to know 我想讓你知道
That it doesn't matter 那無所謂
Where we take this road 當我們踏上這路
Someone's gotta go 就得前進
And I want you to know 而我想讓你知道
You couldn't have loved me better 你不需更愛我
But I want you to move on 但我不想你停滯
So I'm already gone 因此我已經消失了
Looking at you makes it harder 看著你讓這件事變得更困難
But I know that you'll find another 但我知道你會有方法解決
That doesn't always make you wanna cry 這並不使你想哭
Started with a perfect kiss 從一個完美的吻開始
Then we could feel the poison set in 然後我們才發覺已中毒
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive 完美不能使這愛保存
You know that I love you so 你知道我也愛你
I love you enough to let you go 所以我才放你自由
I want you to know 我想讓你知道
That it doesn't matter 那無所謂
Where we take this road 當我們踏上這路
Someone's gotta go 就得前進
And I want you to know 而我想讓你知道
You couldn't have loved me better 你不需更愛我
But I want you to move on 但我不想你停滯
So I'm already gone 因此我已經消失了
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
You can't make it feel right 你不能讓他感覺這是對的
When you know that it's wrong 當你知道那是錯的
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
There's no moving on 已經停滯了
So I'm already gone 因此我已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
Oh, oh
Already gone 已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
Remember all the things we wanted 還記得我們曾想要的事物
Now all our memories, they're haunted 現在我們的記憶,被詛咒
We were always meant to say goodbye 我們永遠只能說再見
I want you to know 我想讓你知道
That it doesn't matter 那無所謂
Where we take this road 當我們踏上這路
Someone's gotta go 就得前進
And I want you to know 而我想讓你知道
You couldn't have loved me better 你不需更愛我
But I want you to move on 但我不想你停滯
So I'm already gone 因此我已經消失了
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
You can't make it feel right 你不能讓他感覺這是對的
When you know that it's wrong 當你知道那是錯的
I'm already gone 我已經消失了
Already gone 已經消失了
There's no moving on 已經停滯了
I'm already gone 我已經消失了

Read more: Kelly Clarkson - Already Gone Lyrics | MetroLyrics
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