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作者:MeteraLi│2013-11-07 22:33:00│巴幣:0│人氣:135

Assassin’s Creed 4: 5 Reasons It Should Have Been About Connor

August 2, 2013 C.J.
3. Connor’s Development

Connor is a very unique character when you think about it. In AC3 he is a conflicted young man fighting wars he can’t win. On one side, he is fighting the Templars, who will no doubt rise again and on the other side, regardless of the outcome of the war, we know his people will not see justice. He lost his mother at young age and eventually lost Achilles. He is forced to kill his father and his best friend and once it is all said and done he learns his people were evicted. By the end of the game we see a naive teen become a mature, young man. But really, all we saw was the transformation and we never got a chance to truly see him with his naive side gone.

For those who don’t know, Connor would have been 56 when the war started. That is a lot of time for character growth and who knows how drastically Connor could have changed? He could have a wife and kids while on the Homestead, trying to stay away from violence. Oh, yeah – remember how I mentioned that the Native Americans sided with the British…?

If Connor was to fight in the war, he would no doubt side with the States because he sided with them before and the Templars would most likely be on the side of the British. But this doesn’t mean he would join easily, for if he fought the war, he would have to fight his people and after killing Kanen’to:kon, that is by no means an easy thing for him to do. Not to mention he would become an enemy to his village should they find out (assuming they weren’t wiped out).

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