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[王國騎士團]限期任務 - 魔心基地劇情對話英文版

作者:小平~消失中│2013-07-31 00:03:24│巴幣:2│人氣:381


English ─ Chinese ◎
Percello 日之焰‧玻塞羅
Scion of Percello 英雄王玻塞羅的後裔(指主角…也就是玩家)
Felheart Isle 魔心基地
Doomblade Raiders  魔咒劍士團
Lorg Castas  洛特卡斯楚(魔咒劍士團的團長)
Francis Evergal  副團長法蘭絲
Shura Evergal  代理團長蘭斯
Knight Eve   玫瑰騎士伊芙
Queen Milda  闇之女王梅琳

Knight Eve: sire, according to the sailing chart, we are close to the Felheart isle…
(I see land!)


Knight Eve: The gruesome feeling in the air makes me feel uneasy… It’s hard to believe that Doomblade Raiders set up their camps here…
Lorg Castas: Our training is much different from yours. Always watch your own back. You will never know what’s going to happen next...
(What’s this?)

Knight Eve: Sire, something is heading our way!
(On your guards!)

Knight Eve: You capture and use these creatures to defend against invaders. Well, that’s indeed an impressive countermeasure…
(High Morale – Unstoppable) 士氣高昂- 繼續挺進

(Rally point - Redeploy) 綠色小關卡 - 整軍備戰

Knight Eve: This is suspicious. The attacks launched by these creatures seem like nothing random.
Lorg Castas: *Laughs* That’s just how they used to welcome us back. Let’s show them our “manners” to greet them back.

Francis Evergal: Captain, please do not head out so fast alone! Wait for me!
(Just like Eve…)→這句好笑XDD
Knight Eve: Lorg Castas. Fearless and merciless champion… Just as the rumor said.
(Let’s keep up!)
Knight Eve: Sire! A small group of well-armed force is heading our way!
(On your guard!)
Lorg Castas: Calm down, heroin. There’s no need to point your sword to my people.
(My apology.)
Shura Evergal: Ah… you are the one. Let’s not waste time. Draw your blade and show me your power!
Lorg Castas: Step down, Evergal! They are the saviors of your captain and our most welcomed guests. Mind your manners!
Shura Evergal: The strongest survives and thrives. I wish you didn’t forget the law of your clan, Castas. I will not allow some strangers to take over our land!
Francis Evergal: Stop it, my (big) brother!If it weren’t for them, we would have already been dead! There’s no need…
Shura Evergal: STAND DOWN, FRANCIS! You are not in charge here, and our men stand on my side with the right cause!
Lorg Castas: Stop it, in the name of the sole and only leader of the Doomblade Raiders, I command you to halt!
(On your guards!)

Shura Evergal: Forgive me, Castas. I cannot obey your command. The future of our people is above your authority.
Knight Eve: Is this treason? I don’t quite understand why, but I think we’d better watch out for any hostile action…
(Stay alert!)
Lorg Castas: Shura, are your insane? Scion of Percello, please do not hurt them. I’ll try to talk some sense into him…
(Don’t worry.)
Queen Milda: Heh… A fight within the greatest mercenary legion? It’s just like watching some childish brawling over candy.
Queen Milda: The demon blood in your veins…something worthwhile for me to study.
Now, entertain me.
Shura Evergal: What’s… this… spell? UGH!
Knight Eve: Sire! Milda is easting an unknown spell on them! It seems like some curse!
(Stop her!)

Lorg Castas: Damn it, you vicious witch! What did you do to them? Why and they all falling unconscious?
Queen Milda: Just reminding them of their origins, the bloodlust half-demons. Shouldn’t you just join them Lorg Castas?
Shura Evergal: Captain… I’m losing control of my senses. Please take… and protect Francis…
Lorg Castas: No! I’m not leaving any of you here! I’m Lorg Castas. This is no mere name, and you know it!
Francis Evergal: Brother, stay with me!Damn this curse. We must remove it!

(Fight with Queen Milda’s army)
Lorg Castas: Vicious witch, lost all your tricks? You shall pay your life for daring to jeopardize our people!
Queen Milda: Heh, what a coward… A pity,but I must say goodbye for now. One day you will all be my slaves. Until then…*Giggles*

Lorg Castas: Escaped. The arrogant witch… I guess her bust is too big to think straight.

Francis Evergal: Bust? You were looking at her bust? You… you… pervert!! I’m not talking to you again!

Lorg Castas: Why did you just smacked me?! Explain yourself Francis!

Shura Evergal: Let us duel, Scion of Percello.

Lorg Castas: Shura, they just saved you!How dare you to have no sense of gratitude at all? I will not allow this!

Shura Evergal: I hope you understand. It’s our law which teaches us serve no one but the strongest there is. Nothing more.
(I understand.)
(Last battle against Shura Evergal and his army)

Shura Evergal: I lost… I accept my defeat.I apologize for my rudeness. It seems that the rumors are true. I was afraid our captain was fooled…
Shura Evergal: You now have the command of our blades. We will recognize you as our respectful leader.
(Thank you.)
Lorg Castas: So… you thought I was fooled?Very well… I will show you when this is all over! (Calm down!)
Knight Eve: We have been accepted by the greatest mercenaries. This is great, Sire!
(Let’s go home!)

-  Fin  -

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


留言共 1 篇留言

很厲害啊 說個台語來聽聽看

08-01 01:08

台語就靜待阿腐來神翻譯了:D08-01 19:44

1喜歡★chibitaira 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:[王國騎士團]抽獎永遠是... 後一篇:[王國騎士團]維曼家兄妹...




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