
5 GP

惡靈古堡5 : 7大人物聲音檔對照表

作者:幻藍魚│2011-08-24 10:43:19│巴幣:10│人氣:1710
不過對於音質最高要求的音樂播放程式 foobar2000 到是沒有問題
值得注意的是,若只是很懶的把 .sngw 檔案丟到 foobar2000 也是無效的喔

惡靈古堡五光是在emo_voice音效檔遠遠超過 1569個
nativePC\sound\bgm\oto\emo_voice 一般人物操作對話
nativePC\sound\bgm\oto\radio_voice 簡輯動畫中人物對話
nativePC\sound\bgm\oto\bgm 其下為所有的背景音樂區
第三區的說明已經整理在日誌:教你一分鐘內製做背景音樂 (加上對照清單)

屬於第二區 radio_voice 的聲音檔

Chris [Complete]
C_11 Sheva
C_12 Jill
C_13 Wesker
C_14 This Way!
C_15 Follow Me!
C_16 Go!
C_17 Split up!
C_18 Fan out!
C_19 Roger.
C_20 Ok.
C_21 Leave it to me.
C_22 I can't right now!
C_23 Out of the question!
C_24 I'd rather not...
C_25 Scope out the area!
C_26 We can cover more ground seperately!
C_27 Wait!
C_28 [No File]
C_29 I need ammo!
C_30 Gimme an herb!
C_31 Give me a grenade!
C_32 Use this!
C_33 Take this!
C_34 [No File]
C_35 [No File]
C_36 [No File]
C_37 [No File]
C_38 Sheva!
C_39 Jill!
C_40 Wesker!
C_41 Come on!
C_42 Hurry!!
C_43 Help!
C_44 Help me out here!
C_45 Help...me! (Dieing)
C_46 I'm not... gonna make it...! (Dieing)
C_47 I'm coming! (Partner Dieing)
C_48 Hold on! (Partner Dieing)
C_49 Thanks.
C_50 Much Appreciated
C_51 Thanks for the help
C_52 Watch yourself, okay?
C_53 You okay?
C_54 Stay with me!
C_55 [No File]
C_56 [No File]
C_57 [No File]
C_58 Nice!
C_59 Good job!
C_60 That'll work!
C_61 [No File]
C_62 Great shot!
C_63 Good work!
C_64 Nice work!
C_65 [No File]
C_66 Reload!!
C_67 [No File]
C_68 Sheva!!! (Partner dead)
C_69 Jill!!! (Partner dead)
C_70 Wesker!!! (Partner dead)
C_71 [No File]
C_72 Shit!
C_73 Tsch.
C_74 [No File]
C_75 [No File]
C_76 [No File]
C_77 [No File]
C_78 [No File]
C_79 Watch out!
C_80 Gimme your gun!
C_81 Gimme your weapon!
C_82 Gimme your handgun!
C_83 Gimme your shotgun!
C_84 Gimme your rifle!
C_85 Gimme your magnum!
C_86 Gimme your machinegun!
C_87 Gimme your rocket launcher!
C_88 I need that!
C_89 Gimme an egg!
C_90 Gimme a can of first aid spray!
C_91 I can't hold anymore...
C_92 I've got all I can hold.
C_93 You hang onto it!
C_94 Take it!
C_95 You grab it!
C_96 Gimme a hand!
C_97 A little help?
C_98 You go
C_99 After you

Sheva [Complete]
S_10 Chris
S_12 Jill
S_13 Wesker
S_14 This Way!
S_15 Comes with me!
S_16 Go!
S_17 Split up!
S_18 Fan out!
S_19 Roger.
S_20 Ok!
S_21 Leave it to me.
S_22 I can't right now!
S_23 Your cup be serious
S_24 Forget it!
S_25 Scope out the area!
S_26 We can cover more ground seperately!
S_27 Wait!
S_28 [No File]
S_29 I need ammo!
S_30 Gimme an herb!
S_31 Give me a grenade!
S_32 Use this!
S_33 Take this!
S_37 Chris !!
S_38 [No File]
S_39 Jill!!
S_40 Wesker!!
S_41 Come on!!
S_42 Hurry UP!
S_43 Help me!
S_44 I need your help!
S_45 uh...a help!
S_46 I need.....help!
S_47 I'm coming! (Partner Dieing)
S_48 Hold on! (Partner Dieing)
S_49 Thanks.
S_50 I own you one.
S_51 Thanks partner!
S_52 You need to be careful!
S_53 Are you OK?
S_54 Don't be righteous.
S_55 [No File]
S_56 [No File]
S_57 [No File]
S_58 That's good!
S_59 Excellent!
S_60 Nice teamwork!
S_61 chou benbase?
S_62 Nice shoot!
S_63 Good way!
S_64 Nice work!
S_65 [No File]
S_66 Reload!
S_67 Chris !! (Partner die)
S_68 [No File]
S_69 Jill !! (Partner die)
S_70 Wesker !! (Partner die)
S_71 Could a minute?
S_72 Shit!
S_73 Uhht...
S_74 morvy?
S_75 ????
S_76 [No File]
S_77 [No File]
S_78 [No File]
S_79 Watch out!
S_80 I need you gun!
S_81 I need your weapon!
S_82 I need your handgun!
S_83 I need your shotgun!
S_84 I need your rifle!
S_85 I need your magnum!
S_86 I need your machinegun!
S_87 I need your rocket launcher!
S_88 Can I have that?
S_89 I need an egg!
S_90 I need a can of first aid spray!
S_91 I can't hold anything else.
S_92 I got all I can carry.
S_93 You keep it!
S_94 You could have it!
S_95 You take that!
S_96 This is the JOB for you!
S_97 I need your resistant!
S_98 You should go!
S_99 Take this across
s506_48_Sheva - Everytime you shoot he dodge, fight in the shadow is youronly change.

↑  s510_70_Sheva - Sheva 未採用的音訊檔,22秒內容只需要215KB,官方超神壓縮率
吉兒(Jill Valentine)聲音統合影片
Jill [Complete]
j_10 Chris
j_11 Sheva
j_12 [No File]
j_13 Wesker
j_14 This way!
j_15 Follow me!
j_16 Go!
j_17 Split up!
j_18 Fan out!
j_19 Roger.
j_20 Okay
j_21 Leave it to me!
j_22 I can't right now!
j_23 Out of the question!
j_24 I'm gonna say no...
j_25 Scope out the area!
j_26 We can cover more ground seperately!
j_27 Wait!
j_28 [No File]
j_29 I need ammo!
j_30 I need an herb!
j_31 Hand me a grenade!
j_32 use this!
j_33 take this!
j_34 [No File]
j_35 [No File]
j_36 [No File]
j_37 Chris!
j_38 Sheva!
j_39 [No File]
j_40 Wesker!
j_41 Come on!
j_42 Hurry up!
j_43 Help me
j_44 Give me a hand!!
j_45 Uhh... help me! [Dieing]
j_46 Need...help... [dieing]
j_47 I'm coming! [Partner dieing]
j_48 Hold on! [Partner dieing]
j_49 Thanks
j_50 I owe you one.
j_51 You bailed me out back there.
j_52 Be more careful okay?
j_53 You okay?
j_54 You gotta be careful
j_55 [No File]
j_56 [No File]
j_57 [No File]
j_58 That's good!
j_59 Yes!!
j_60 Good work!
j_61 [No File]
j_62 Nice one!
j_63 Good work! (different)
j_64 Nice work!
j_65 [No File]
j_66 Reload!
j_67 Chris!! [Partner died]
j_68 Sheva!! [Partner died]
j_69 [No File]
j_70 Wesker!! [Partner died]
j_71 [No File]
j_72 Shit!
j_73 Uhht...
j_74 [No File]
j_75 [No File]
j_76 [No File]
j_77 [No File]
j_78 [No File]
j_79 [No File]
j_80 I need your gun!
j_81 I need your weapon!
j_82 I need your handgun!
j_83 I need your shotgun!
j_84 I need your rifle!
j_85 I need your magnum!
j_86 I need your machinegun!
j_87 I need your rocket launcher!
j_88 Can I have that?
j_89 I need an egg!
j_90 I need a can of first aid spray!
j_91 Sorry, I can't hold anymore!
j_92 I can't carry anymore!
j_93 Just, hold onto it for now
j_94 You take it
j_95 Pick it up!
j_96 Help me out here!
j_97 Can you take care of this?
j_98 You go! I'll watch your back!
j_99 Go ahead! I'll hang back!


Wesker [Complete]
w_10 Chris
w_11 Sheva
w_12 Jill
w_13 [No File]
w_14 This way!
w_15 Follow me!
w_16 Go!
w_17 Split up!
w_18 You may investigate on your own
w_19 Affirmative
w_20 Fine.
w_21 I'll handle this
w_22 Impossible!
w_23 Don't make me laugh!
w_24 I think not!
w_25 Don't expect me to give you directions!
w_26 You have my permission to move about freely!
w_27 Wait!
w_28 [No File]
w_29 I need ammo!
w_30 Give me an Herb!
w_31 I need a grenade!
w_32 Here!
w_33 Take this
w_34 [No File]
w_35 [No File]
w_36 [No File]
w_37 Chris!
w_38 Sheva!
w_39 Jill!
w_40 [No File]
w_41 Come on!
w_42 Hurry!
w_43 Help!
w_44 Your assistance is required!
w_45 How is this...possible?! [Dieing]
w_46 You...failed me! [Dieing]
w_47 I'm coming! [Partner dieing]
w_48 Hold on! [Partner dieing]
w_49 It was in your best interest to assist me!
w_50 I supposed I should thank you.
w_51 Ha!
w_52 Be more careful!
w_53 Don't be so careless!
w_54 Don't get sloppy!
w_55 [No File]
w_56 [No File]
w_57 [No File]
w_58 You're getting better!
w_59 Not bad.
w_60 Good team work!
w_61 [No File]
w_62 Impressive!
w_63 Good work!
w_64 Nice work!
w_65 [No File]
w_66 Reload!
w_67 Worthless! [Partner died]
w_68 Pathetic! [Partner died]
w_69 Incompetence Surrounds me! [partner died]
w_70 [No File]
w_71 [No File]
w_72 Ah Shit!
w_73 Argh...tch
w_74 [No File]
w_75 [No File]
w_76 [No File]
w_77 [No File]
w_78 [No File]
w_79 [No File]
w_80 I require your gun!
w_81 I require your weapon!
w_82 I require your handgun!
w_83 I require your shotgun!
w_84 I require your rifle!
w_85 I require your magnum!
w_86 I require your machinegun!
w_87 I require your rocket launcher!
w_88 Give that to me!
w_89 You will give me an egg!
w_90 You will give me a can of first aid spray!
w_91 I have all that I need!
w_92 Out of the question!
w_93 It's your baggage.
w_94 You may have it.
w_95 Pick that up!
w_96 Take care of this
w_97 I'll leave this to you
w_98 I'm sending you!
w_99 Go across, now!

這部份的音效檔其實已經轉到 PC版上了
當然這部份的更動需得會十六進位法更動 .STQ 檔案
(這部份網路上已有推薦採用 HxD 程式解密,但老實說超出我的能力)
若無法更動.STQ 檔案,人物說話的時間可能會被咖掉
因此這部份還是得等等 AE版的補完
喬許(Josh Stone) 聲音統合影片
艾克榭拉(Excella) 聲音統合影片

蕾貝卡(Rebecca) 聲音統合影片
巴利(Barry Burton) 聲音統合影片
屬於第一區 emo_voic 簡輯動畫中人物對話的聲音檔對照表
Alert (警告器)

s380_70_Alert_A - "Warning! A Biohazard Threat has been detected. Evacuate the Premesis immediately."  
s380_71_Alert_A - "Warning! A Biohazard Threat has been detected. Clean up personel must incinerate all contaminated materials."  
s380_76_Alert_A - "No fuel remaining. Please refill tank."
s380_77_Alert_A - "Flamethrower tank is now full. You may resume use when ready."
s505_70_Alert_B - "Warning! Fire detected in the engine room."
s505_71_Alert_B - "Warning! Sealing off area with primary bulkhead. Evacuate the area immediately."
s505_72_Alert_B - "Warning! Sealing off area with secondary bulkhead. Evacuate the area immediately."
s505_73_Alert_B - "Opening primary Bulkhead. Please maintain a safe distance from the bulkhead."
s505_74_Alert_B - "Opening secondary Bulkhead. Please maintain a safe distance from the bulkhead."
s505_75_Alert_B - "Warning! Sealing off area. Evacuate the area immediately."
DeChant (帝憲)
s102_70_DeChant - "Captain DeChant here! Our route is blocked!"
s102_71_DeChant - "Kirk! Come in!"
s102_72_DeChant - "We've engaged the enemy. What, WHAT?! What the...this thing?!"
s102_73_DeChant - "We're in trouble! We need backup! SHIT!!!"
s102_74_DeChant - "No...NO! CAN'T SEE!!!"
s102_75_DeChant - "No! WAIT! Damned monster! AAAAAAGH!!!!"
Butcher (肉販)
s100_70_Butcher - "I heard there were two of you, wheres your partner?"
s100_71_Butcher - "Good. You're both here. Come."
s100_72_Butcher - "Ah, Chris Redfield. Go around to the side door."
s100_73_Butcher - "Ah, Sheva Alomar. Go around to the side door."
s115_75_Butcher - "Grab your weapons. The operation's already started"
s115_76_Butcher - "You'll find your weapons in the case, there. Take whatever you think you'll need."
s115_77_Butcher - "Take your weapons already. Alpha team isn't going to wait around forever."
s115_78_Butcher - "Your weapons are in the case. Grab what you ned and move out!"
魔王威斯卡 (BOSS Wesker)
s309_70_Wesker - "Poor, deluded Chris. How you so love your precious self rightious-ness!"
s309_71_Wesker - "You dissapoint me! Is that the best you've got?!"
s309_72_Wesker - "I tire of wasting my time with you"
s309_73_Wesker - "Your future hinges upon this fight!"
s309_74_Wekser - "Poor performance indeed!"
s309_74_Wekser - "There's no point in hiding!"
s309_78_Wesker - "You're merely postponing the inevitable!"
s309_79_Wesker - "You can't hide forever!"
s309_80_Wesker - "Ah, there you are!"
s309_81_Wesker - "Found you!"
s309_82_Wesker - "Just accept your fate!"
s309_83_Wesker - "Self rightious fools!"
s309_84_Wesker - "Are you trying to make me angry?!"
s309_87_Wesker - "Ten minutes. Ten minutes is all I can spare to play with you."
s309_88_Wesker - "Seven minutes. Seven minutes is all I can spare to play with you."
s309_89_Wekser - "Here I am, offering you my precious time, and you waste it by running around."
s309_90_Wesker - "Oh, play time is over. Hor fortunate for you."
s506_38_Wesker - "Ignorant Cretins!"
s506_39_Wekser - "I'll see you dead!"
s506_70_Wesker - "There's no point in hiding!"
s506_76_Wesker - "Your strugle is over!"
s506_77_Wesker - "The end draws neigh!"
s506_78_Wesker - "You're finished!"
s506_79_Wesker - "You should never have come here, Chris!"
s506_80_Wesker - "Is that all you have?"
s506_82_Wesker - "Nrrrgh, nrrrgh!"
s506_85_Wesker - "I can't lose, not to you!!!"
s506_86_Wesker - "Has it ever occured to you, that this planet is overpopulated?!"
s506_87_Wesker - "Only a handful of humans truely matter! Everyone else is just so much chaff!"
s506_88_Wesker - "So now, I have to separate this chaff from the wheat!"
s506_89_Wesker - "And with Uroburos, I can finally acomplish this!"
s506_90_Wesker - "Only those with superior DNA will be chosen by Uroburos!"
s506_91_Wesker - "Only those fit for survival, will be allowed to carry their genes into a new age!"
s506_93_Wesker - "Hahahahaha, is that all you have?"
s506_94_Wesker - "Let me clarify something for you, Chris. I don't think of myself as a king."
s506_96_Wesker - "No...I am a god! And even kings bow down to gods!"
s508_69_Wekser - "Time to die, Chris!"
s508_70_Wesker - "Why can't you understand, Chris?!"
s508_71_Wesker - "Do you really believe the world is worth saving?!"
s508_72_Wesker - "Natrual selection leave the survivors stronger and better!"
s508_73_Wesker - "Humans have excaped this widowing for far too long!"
s508_74_Wesker - "War and pestilence, wherever you go..."
s508_75_Wesker - "Everywhere, nothing bu lothesome humans..."
s508_76_Wesker - "The human race requires judgement!"
s508_82_Wesker - "Hahaha..."
s508_83_Wesker - "You're next!"
s508_84_Wesker - "I expected more from you."
s508_85_Wesker - "How dissapointing"
s508_86_Wesker - "Pitiful!"
s508_87_Wesker - "I grow weary of this..."
s508_88_Wesker - "Pathetic!"
s508_90_Wesker - "Are you trying to make me angry?!" (Different from above)
s508_91_Wesker - "Damn you!"
s508_94_Wesker - "CHRIS!!!"
s508_95_Wesker - "You BITCH!!!"
s508_96_Wesker - "This isn't over!"
s508_98_Wesker - "No! This can't be!"
威斯卡的配音員為(DC Doulgas),網路上還有更多他另外的有趣錄音

All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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5喜歡★realaxmax 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:惡靈古堡5 - 教你一分... 後一篇:惡靈古堡5 : 城鎮馬吉...



小屋有關「WOWS」的文章, https://home.gamer.com.tw/artwork.php?sn=5963185看更多我要大聲說昨天22:57

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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