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秘境3 BETA 官方公佈 (中文 翻譯)

作者:Hishikawa.K│秘境探險:黃金深淵│2011-06-28 03:12:32│巴幣:2│人氣:1169

簡單的翻譯一下,屁話 我完全省略

When can I start playing? (
Tuesday, June 28, for all Infamous 2 and current PlayStation Plus members,
who all get early access to the Beta.
If you’re not an owner of Infamous 2 or a current PlayStation Plus member, we’re opening the floodgates to the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta for EVERYONE on Monday, July 4.
What time EXACTLY can I start playing?
We don’t have an exact time for when the Beta will be available for download from the PSN Stores – keep an eye out on the Naughty Dog Twitter and we’ll update as soon as we know it’s gone live.
Is the Beta available in my region/country?
The Beta will be available in all current PSN Store regions, including Korea – except in Japan and the remaining SCE Asia stores.

When does the Beta end?
The Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta will end on Wednesday, July 13.
7月13號 禮拜三 測試結束
What gametypes and maps are available?
Throughout the three weeks of the Beta, we’ll be rotating through a variety competitive and co-op gametypes, along with access to three different maps.

June 28
July 4
Team Deathmatch, Plunder, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Arena
Airstrip, Chateau
July 4
July 8
Team Deathmatch, Free For All, Team Objective, Co-op Hunter
Airstrip, Chateau
July 9
July 13
Team Deathmatch, Three Team Deathmatch, Co-op Adventure
Airstrip, Yemen
Can you tell me more about a specific gametype or map?
They say a picture is worth a thousand words right? So a video is worth at least 24,000 words per second multiplied by… or something.
Check out the video below for looks at most, but not all, of the Gametypes, Maps, and options you can experience in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta.
這邊簡單翻譯一下 (人家說沒圖沒真相,如果有影片的話 那就更沒話說了吧?!)

Can you tell me about all the Boosters, Medal Kickbacks, Weapon Mods and Customization options I can expect?
Check out the IGN Uncharted 3 Beta Blowout article for more info.
(官網這麼爛 詳細資料都懶得貼 還叫人去IGN看... 三小?!)

Booster Slot 1 Options
  • Come Here - See the opponent that killed you on your radar until he or she dies.(可以看到殺死你的對手在你的雷達上,直到他被殺死) 婊+1
  • Retaliation - Spawn with the Power Weapon you were killed by.(重生後可以拿到對方殺死你的重力武器) 婊+1
  • Cloaked - Opponents won't see you on the radar and you can't be heard.(對方看不見你在雷達上也不會聽到你的腳步聲) 你看不到我 你看不到我 像二代兩個助力器加起來的強化版而已
  • Weapon Expert - Gives you the ability to add additional mods to you weapons.(可以讓你的槍多改一項能力?!) 暫且翻譯成這樣

Booster Slot 2 Options
  • Back in the Saddle - Reduces your respawn time.(重生時間縮短)
  • Bargain - Decreases the cost of Medal Kickbacks. (Special powers you set before the game and have to earn in a match.) 減少回扣獎章的錢
  • Power Hunter - See the location of Power Weapons.(可以看到重力武器的所在點)
  • Daredevil - When you taunt over a defeated opponent, you get extra ammo.(把對手幹掉之後 嘲諷他! 你將會得到額外的彈藥)爽+1
What Medal Kickbacks are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
Before you start a match, you decide which Medal Kickback you want to use. When you're out there on the battlefield and start earning medals, you start building toward your kickback. Get the amount of medals needed to use the kickback, and you can pull off the uber-maneuver.
回扣獎章的能力 有待討論,需要各位在BETA來體驗

  • Smoke Bomb - You vanish in a puff of smoke.你消失在煙裡(有待翻譯)
  • Speedy G - You get a speed boost.你的速度得到了提升
  • RPG!!! - You instantly spawn an RPG.你可以召喚一把RPG
  • Cluster Bomb - One grenade explodes into multiple grenades.手榴彈爆炸後 變成多顆手榴彈

What guns are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
有哪些槍將會開放在UC3 BETA?
AK-47, G-Mal and the Dragon Sniper round out the long guns. Pistols are also included, and the above Medal Kickback confirms RPGs.

What Mods are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
有哪些Mods在UC3 BETA?

For your long guns, there are two -- clip size and Call Out (which shows the location of enemies). For the pistols, you can increase the total amount of ammo and the rate of fire for the Arm Micro.
長槍-有兩種 CLIP SIZE 我想應該是放大瞄準也有可能是我們小李同學所說的持續開火的意思,CALL OUT 是可以看到敵方在哪

What characters are in the Uncharted 3 multiplayer beta?
有哪些角色將會開放UC3 BETA?
If you choose to be a hero, you can be Nathan Drake, Sully or a treasure hunter. If you're going to be a villain, you're a pirate. However, remember that you can customize the hell out of these characters. Shirts, hats, sunglasses, and more will help you make your avatar your own.
如果你選擇惡徒,你將會是海盜,你可以裝扮你的角色,可以換衣服,帽子,墨鏡 等等

Can I see my Facebook Friends list?
Yes, all of your Facebook Friends that have linked their Facebook account via their PS3 will appear on the Facebook Friends list in our multiplayer menu - they don't even have to also be your PSN friend! Feel free to send them an invite to play the Uncharted 3 Beta!

Can I upload videos and photos to Facebook or YouTube?
No, that functionality is not available during the Beta.

Will my Beta progress or unlocks carry over to the final game?
No, what happens in the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta stays in the Beta, however we’ve lined up some killer rewards for the retail version of Uncharted 3 if you keep playing in the Beta:
  • Download the Uncharted 3 Beta and receive the exclusive UNCHARTED 3 PSN Beta Tester Avatar! 下載UC3 BETA 就可以獲得UC3 BETA的大頭貼!
  • Complete 10 matches in every Gametype of Competitive Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 1! 每個遊戲類型完成10次,可獲得遊戲獨家包1測試版貼紙
  • Complete 5 matches in every Gametype of Co-operative Multiplayer and receive the Exclusive Beta Decal Pack 2!每個合作模式完成5次,可獲得遊戲獨家包2測試版貼紙
  • Complete 4 Treasure Sets and receive the Treasure Hunter's Starter Pack!完成4次奪寶戰 就可以獲得 寶藏獵人入門包
  • Rank up to level 25 in the Beta and receive a handsome reward of in-game cash on day one! BETA等級達到25級,並獲得可觀的遊戲獎金,並且可在正式版的第一天使用

Is there a level cap in the Beta?
Yes, it’s currently set to level 25.
有! 25等

Can I check my Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta stats on NaughtyDog.com?
我可以在頑皮狗.COM查詢我秘境3 測試版帳號裡面的統計嗎? KD包括一些排名
Stay tuned – we’ve got some cool things in store for NaughtyDog.com real soon.
這裡好像是迴避性回答... 請繼續關注 - 我們有一些很酷的東西將會公佈在NaughtyDog.com

可以到頑皮狗 Youtube的頻道 Youtube Naughty Dog

所以某些部分 可能要等體驗BETA過後 才能做些修改.


All rights reserved. 版權所有,保留一切權利


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看到外國人走向我準備要問話我就SAY SORRY然後拔腿狂奔XDDD

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