
6 GP

【Dragon Cave】  * 普通&罕見 *

作者:檸檬狗│2010-08-18 11:47:35│巴幣:2│人氣:2410
You can see the baby dragon curled up inside this translucent egg.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Its skin is smooth and doesn't seem to have any color to it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Its skin is smooth and doesn't seem to have any color to it.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Albino dragons are so named because their translucent, scale-less skin lacks all pigment. Instead, to help protect their bodies from the sun, they are coated in an oily secretion that blocks the sun's harmful rays. The call of an albino dragon is similar to a barn owl--a shriek instead of a roar.
This egg appears to be made of limestone.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. You find it odd that the hatchling doesn't move at all during the day, but at night its colors change and it is full of energy.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. You find it odd that the hatchling doesn't move at all during the day, but at night its colors change and it is full of energy. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
(母)                (公)
Nocturne dragons are a strange breed. Whenever light strikes their bodies, they are frozen in whatever position they were in. This leaves them vulnerable and they rely on camouflage to keep themselves safe. They are often mistaken for statues when in this frozen state, but Nocturne dragons do not actually turn into stone. Rather, they merely idle until the sun goes down. At night, these dragons come to life, proving themselves to be powerful fliers, although little else is known about their true behavior.
Electric sparks dance across the surface of this egg.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Its eyes glow like fire and has a spark at the end of its tail.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Its eyes glow like fire and has a spark at the end of its tail. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
(母)                (公)
As their name suggests, Electric dragons are capable of producing electric charges. They can produce different amounts of electricity depending on their mood and time of year. During mating season, their sparks become brighter to attract potential mates. Electric dragons aren't usually a danger to other dragons, but they do use their power to attack predators and prey.
This egg radiates the heat of a fell flame.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. This hatchling seems to be filled with a fell, inner flame like lava.
(母)        (公)
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. This hatchling seems to be filled with a fell, inner flame like lava. And look! it's wings have grown, and it's become extremly vicious to others of its kind.
(母)                (公)
Hellfire Wyverns are so named for their foul tempers and fiery visages. Their social structure places all females above all males, due to superior physical characteristics and violent dispositions. Forced subservience of the males causes them to become vicious, petty, antisocial, and passive-aggressive compared to the aggressive and social females. However, orphaned hatchlings raised by foster parents of another species can develop surprisingly even tempers and mellow dispositions, proving that their defining unpleasant nature is, in fact, a learned behavior.
This egg has an orange aura radiating from it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Although, what's with its eyes?
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Although, what's with its eyes?
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Magi dragons are, as their name suggests, primarily magic users. They rarely use physical forms of attack. They eat anything they can kill, which is almost everything. They won't kill unprovoked except when hunting, although they may kill humans if in danger. Their strong magic makes them one of the most feared breeds of dragons.
This egg is sitting in front of the others.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has a large,
shield-like object at the end of its tail that it uses for protection.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has a large, shield-like object at the end of its tail that it uses for protection. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Guardian dragons have large shields on the end of their tails. Although the shields appear to be heavy, they are light, yet nearly unbreakable. Guardian dragons use their tail-shields, as well as their wings, to deflect attacks and protect others. Often, they will guard the eggs and hatchlings of a nest while others are away. They are generally peaceful, and will not retaliate unless necessary. They have no need to forage or hunt, as they are fed by those they protect.
This egg has a very clean look; is completely devoid of dirt and scratches.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has bright blue eyes, and is as clumsy as any other hatchling,
but it never seems to get injured.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has bright blue eyes, and is as clumsy as any other hatchling,
but it never seems to get injured. And look! It's grown wings! It must be close to maturing!
White dragons are pacifists and specialize in extremely strong healing magic. The only limit of this magic is that it can't bring back the dead. They only eat plants and never kill living things.
Wow, purple isn't a color of egg you expected to see.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. You think it's a girl, although you're not sure how to check.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. You think it's a girl, although you're not sure how to check.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
(母)                (公)
It was previously believed that purple dragons were exclusively female, but this is not the case. Recent environmental shifts have revealed the existence of both genders of this breed. Female behavior is well known; they are primarily herbivores but will eat meat during mating season. On the other hand, very little is known about the behavior and habits of male purple dragons.
This egg has brightly colored markings on it.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is very aggressive,
and has brilliant turqoise markings all over its body.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is very aggressive, and has brilliant turqoise markings all over its body. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Spitfires are a desert breed of dragon. Their dull brown bodies contrast with their brilliant turquoise markings, and they only blaze brighter when these dragons fight. Spitfires are notorious for for their territorial natures, and the wing-edges of most are ripped and tattered before their first year is out. Spitfires are also noteworthy for their brilliant blue fire, which is used not for hunting or fighting, but rather for making glass caves from the sand, in which the dragons can soak up the sun.
This egg is heavy and rough, as if it were made out of rock.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Except for the occasional flicker of movement,
it remains inanimate.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Except for the occasional flicker of movement, it remains inanimate. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.

Stone dragons have a tough outer covering made of a stone-like material. They eat rocks, using the minerals they contain for nourishment and to keep up their stone outer shell. They rarely move, and are the heaviest of all types of dragons. Although they have wings, indicating flight ability, no one has ever seen a stone dragon flying.
This egg is rather warm.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It occasionally shoots small puffs of smoke from its nose,
like it's trying to breathe fire.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It occasionally shoots small puffs of smoke from its nose,
like it's trying to breathe fire. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Red dragons are similar to typical story book dragons. They shoot flames, can fly, etc. However, they aren't evil creatures as depicted in myths and won't go around raiding castles, killing knights, or kidnapping princesses. They live in a variety of habitats, from forests to coastlines to abandoned castles, usually in warm climates, and eat whatever living creatures they can find.
This egg is hidden behind the others, as if it is shy.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It must be very shy since it keeps hiding from you.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It must be very shy since it keeps hiding from you.
It's gotten slightly bigger! It must be close to maturing.
Mint colored dragons are the most peaceful of all dragons; they only eat plants unless they scavenge meat from an already dead animal. They also have no ways to attack others or defend themselves. They are much smaller than other forms of dragons since they only double in size when they mature. Mint dragons are unable to use magic and cannot fly since they lack wings. Their looks have given rise to the common insult of calling dragons "large lizards."
This egg shakes from time to time, as if it is eager to hatch.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is so full of energy that you have a hard time keeping up with it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It is so full of energy that you have a hard time keeping up with it. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Feisty and energetic, whiptail dragons pride themselves on their speed and agility. It is not unusual to see several whiptails racing each other. Though fragile, they can easily evade attacks with their superior speed, and often use their long tails as a weapon, giving rise to their name.
A cool mountain breeze blows around this egg.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It was born with a full set of wings.
(母)                (公)
(母)                (公)
Ridgewing dragons live just below the snow level on the upper slopes of mountains. They are a friendly, playful breed and enjoy dancing in wind currents near their homes or plummeting down into valleys from great heights. Their wings, by far their most striking feature, grow in fin-like ridges along their backs. While their bodies lack markings to blend better with their surroundings, A Ridgewing dragon's wings have bright markings in the colors of the flowers that grow in their mountain habitat. Occasionally different-colored individuals can be found, but they are rare because their striking coloring offers little protection.
This egg is split down the middle into two colours.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Oddly enough, it has two heads that seem to enjoy playing with each other.
    (母)            (公)  
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Oddly enough, it has two heads that seem to enjoy playing with each other. Its color appears to have changed, and it is now one solid color!
(母)                  (公)
Two headed dragons are a special breed of dragons. They have two necks, two brains, two mouths, but one stomach and one main body. The two heads usually work together, but there are times when they will fight each other, attacking back and forth. They use their sharp teeth and wings to hunt large animals, and rarely eat plants. It is unknown what would happen if a two headed dragon were to mate with a one headed dragon, since it has never occurred. They only mate within their breed.
This egg has strange markings on it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has large frills on its head.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has large frills on its head. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Frilled dragons are smaller than most other breeds, but when threatened, they stretch out their wings and frills to appear larger. They generally do not like to fight, and prefer hiding to confrontation. Frilled dragons live in small groups and often band together to scare off potential threats. Males also use their frills as a way to attract mates, with those displaying the "best" frills being more likely to breed.
【鰭背龍】  (紫色以及紅色,公母皆有。)
This egg has multiple bands of color on it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has brightly colored fins on its back.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has brightly colored fins on its back. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.

Dorsal dragons are so named because they have large fins along their backs that can be raised and lowered at will. They use these fins to regulate body temperature; they raise them to cool off when they become overheated. The bright colors on the fins double as a means of attracting mates.
This egg has strange markings on it.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It seems to bear some semblance to a horse.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It seems to bear some semblance to a horse. And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Horse dragons have equine-shaped bodies and hooves instead of claws, which allow them to be fast runners. They specialize in running takeoffs, which are quicker than taking off from a stand-still. Horse dragons are able to stalk their prey from the ground then quickly execute an aerial attack for the kill.
This egg has a velvety texture.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It sleeps a lot, but when it's awake, it's quite a handful.
 (母)                (公)
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It sleeps a lot, but when it's awake, it's quite a handful.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
 (母)                (公)
Pillow Dragons are covered in enormous emounts of fur affectionately referred to as fluff. Despite their deceivingly large size, they can still fly even with such tiny wings because their bodies are remarkably light. Pillow dragons have a habit of sleeping for up to eighteen hours a day, waking only in short bursts. During their few waking hours, they take the time to hunt for prey. Once a pillow dragon becomes an adult, its fur grows very slowly. Pillow dragon fur is used to make very expensive and valuable cloth known as "dragon cashmere."
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同標籤作品搜尋:Dragon Cave|翻譯|龍穴|龍洞|養成

留言共 6 篇留言


08-18 12:50


以及百科上面沒有放上去的龍唷~08-19 20:35

09-07 11:05


而且這樣子下去真的是非常好玩 XD


不過 謝謝囉~!!09-10 23:54


09-26 11:17

感謝收藏~~09-26 22:09
我也玩wwwwwwwwwwwww(炸 (舔(遭踹

01-30 20:56

你的表情動作很多唷wwwwww01-30 20:58
wwwwwww [e16] (?

01-31 03:44

請問 閣下就是魔龍之眼的檸檬大嗎[e11]
(之前有追完 沿著舊文來訪)

03-22 02:35

欸欸!!!就是我 (挺)
PS也沒想到這篇文章還有訪客看來要馬上更新了03-23 10:13

6喜歡★new11999 可決定是否刪除您的留言,請勿發表違反站規文字。

前一篇:【心得】~ 上吧!!GE... 後一篇:【王者之劍】聖魔水 X ...



老僧的Steam遊戲新作《蘿莉RACING》特價中,歡迎參考 : https://store.steampowered.com/dev/alex94i60看更多我要大聲說昨天21:32

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。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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