
3 GP


作者:瀨川今雄│2019-05-20 23:05:06│巴幣:6│人氣:788
這是一款網頁版生存遊戲,玩家必須活著通過槍林彈雨般的戰場,走到標示為 "This Way" 的地方才算過關。可以選擇不同年代的戰役,一開始是伊拉克戰爭、太平洋戰爭、第三次世界大戰;第二章是可以選擇當刑警或歹徒,甚至是恐怖分子,也有未來戰役或是消滅喪屍;第一章是當二次大戰中的盟軍、德軍或蘇聯紅軍,參與冷戰中美蘇兩方角力的各大戰場。


1.slow bullets:在開槍射擊時會出現彈幕
2.blood doesn't  disapear:血跡不會消失
3.Shells doesn't disapear:彈殼不會消失
4.Corpses don't disapear:屍體不會消失
5.Flash screen when wounded:受傷時閃屏

Cheat:All guns available:


Iraq War Campaign

US Forces

Hostile shores
You’ve met Iraq forces and some terrorists
at the side of the river. Don’t let them cross it.


City fight
Your mission is rather ordinary:rush through the city, destroy the stationary turret and stay alive.


Hummer trapped
Your vehicle is blown, half of your squad is dead, but you’re alive and ready to seek revenge.


Blown bridge
You encountered Iraq APC and some troops at the side of a river.
They’ve almost destroyed the bridge and ready to kill your squad.


Iraq Forces

U.S troops attacked too fast
You even haven’t time to lead your gun.
Fortunately, they do not expect any resistance now.


Stop the hummers
You squad is under heavy fire.
And the only aim now-is to survive.


Attacked again
US troops have trapped your AT squad in these ruins. At least they think so.
Show’em who are is ready in the trap here


APC v.s AT squad
You’ve met two hummers and AT troopers with LAWs.
Don’t let them blow your APC


WW2 Pacific ocean campaign

Japan Forces

Ordinary slaughter
Americans landed at your island a few days ago.
They’re heavy armed and really dangerous.
Rifle isn’t the best weapon to fight them,
So don’t forget about your bayonet.


Enemy’s position
Americans captured a very good position at the top of the hill.
You should get it back and eliminate the machingunner.


Coming home
You’ve been in another village for a while and when returned home you found that your village is captured by US troops-Liberate it.


Road accident
The convoy is destroyed,but some soldiers are still alive.You squad should eliminate the rest of them.


Fight like hell
Your squad is attacking a well-protected enemy camp.
Give them wise orders to have them kill as many enemies as they can. Then just eliminate others.


US Forces

Jungle camp
Your squad is ordered to capture that small enemy camp.Beware of machingunners.

Hidden and armored
You just looked for the rest of Japanese forces when you found lots of them in a huge bunker with great protection.

Bombs and shells
Planes bombed the Japanese position and now you have to eliminate their weak and confused forces.

Your task is to cover other troops while they’re landing. But who will cover you?

Infantry rush
Command your platoon,defeat lots of Japanese troops and capture that hill.

WW3 Humans Campaign

Burned to the ground
Just another battle with mutants and aliens. I hope 2 APCs is enough to kill them.

Sniper position
These creatures from hell have captured the city but the rest of us is still hunting for them.

Under fire
Mutants have captured an APC with heavy machinegun and now they’re trying to smash us!
Fortunately,our AT trooper is still alive.

This is a dangerous place.
Everything depends on your luck because enemy’s bullets can reach you even from behind the walls.

Evil zombies leaved their graves and summoned some demons!
You’re the only one who can burn them.

End of all life
Demons and aliens have opened a portal,
Which leads directly to hell!
Defeat them before they summon Diablo.

WW3 Mutants Campaign

Burning steel
We’ve underrated technologies of this puny civilization.
We just didn’t know that a heavily armored vehicle with a big gun could be so powerful.

Sniper fire
There’s an impossible trap on our way.
Fortunately, Alien friends under your command can take some fire to make sure you survive.

Humans have built a very well protected camp, but they’ve protected it only from one side. So we’d better hit them in the back.

If even police can’t stop you, you must be…
A mutant with Minigun!
Go and show them all your might.

Human forces are almost defeated,
But only four of us still alive.
Are you ready for the final break?

Land of the alive
The rest of humans are still fighting for their land.
This land will be ours and they all shall die…HAHAHA!!!

Counter-Terror Campaign

Hostage Situation
Some bad guys captured hostaged and probably killed them. you have to seek revenge.

illegal Deal
We got information about some outlaw trying to escape. You have to arrest them
(an kill'em if they don't want to go to prison).

Long range
Those terrorists are coming from everywhere!
We're got to stop'em!

A Trip to countryside
Tterrorists attacked too suddenly and captured the village. We have to get it back.

Some armed and dangerous outlaws rushed into the embassy. Eliminate them!

Hot coffee
Some mad bikers rushed into our favorite bar,
smooshed everything, and shot some of our guys.
Let's stop'em!

Massacre in brothel
Mad punks killed everybody at that nightclub.
They must be punished.

Hit the hitman
We're located the man, who murdered our ministen.
Shoot to kill.

You just bound a bunker full of evil terrorists!
It's gonna be a huge massacre.

That terrorists are trying to get to a secret nuclear
adjust without detection. They must pay.

Terrorists Campaign

Bad deal
Our partners betrayed us!
They took our money and police have already surrounded us. We've got to escape.

Trapped in train
We always knew that subway isn't the best way to turn. A Train cannot turn left or right and the police blocked us in... but we would't surrender.

Invincible Mafia
SWAT and GSG-9 came to arrest us in our own cafe!
We must escape.

LLet's kill some UN troop!!!For what? Who cares?

Way from tomb
Army located your hideout.
You should try to escape as fast as possible.

This is the most stupid bank I've ever seen!
It has no money, but the guard system is great!
The Police surrounded us, so we should hurry.

Night Party
The party was great, but because of loud music and some gun shots our neighbors called to police.

You know how any pursuit begins:
at the beginning it's just two cops,
but soon they'll call for SWAT and army!

Army blocked us in some kind of old building.
What should we do?

Hunter And Hunted
I am assigned to assassinae a high ranked SWAT officer, but there are too many of them.
Maybe I still can find my target.

post-nuclear Campaign

Whoooa!!! Those raiders have lots of flamethrowers
and they're ready to burn me!

Vault Under Assault
We found another vault with survivors for our experiments.There's a 'little' problem:
Super Mutants want to capture the Vault too!

My Enemy's Enemy
Just another close encounter.
There're lots of Super Mutants and Enclave troopers,
but they'll kill each other if you help them.

New Californian Republic
Super Mutants rushed into our city!
We'll punish 'em!

The last mutant
The Chosen One from Vault 13 came to our cathedral
and killed everyone! I'm shocked!

Unexpected attack
Why do all that rangers hate outlaws like me so much?Maybe I should teach them a lesson.
bloody  Campaign

I live again! Zombies want me to be dead forever,
and I've got an old fork as my only weapon,
but I still have FRAG grenades!

It's time to meet their leader and seek revenge.

Demon Hunter
That creature from HELL looks rather dangerous,
too bad for him - I'm dangerous too!!!

Even Death may die
At last! All that beats shall die,
I'll burn'em to the ground hehehe.......

US World War 2 Campaign

At last ! We've landed in the Normandy.
And we will free Europe.

You paratrooped into farmland and now you're going to your squad's meeting point.
There're some enemies, so watch out !

Close combat
Elite SS troopers captured that house.
You have to eliminate them.

Heavy Fire
Our sappers have blown German convoy.
The infantry are still alive though,
hope you have enough ammo....

The Base
Your squad is ordered to capture an enemy base and get some bikes for our scouts.

Red Army World War 2 Campaign

Germans came suddenly in yesterday's morning and killed or captured almost all civilians without any cause. Your only way to survive is to get to the deep forests.

Across the river
There's no way back,enemies are coming from all sides. Your squad trying to get to another side of river and find some friendly forces there.
It's rather hard to do under heavy fire though.

You are ordered to capture small part of village controlled by German forces.
There's a guerilla, which could help you.
With his help you can capture the school building
where German headquarters based.

You destroyed some German trucks but several enemies survived and called for reinforcements.
Waste them along with their reinforcements!
It's hard but not impossible, because you're a machinegunner.

Your squad ordered to capture an important scout post on the hill. Your men are ready to die for you,
but you should keep them alive, because it's hard to fight enemies alone.

German World War 2 Campaign

Your squad has been attacked by guerilla forces.
All your friends were lost.
Pass through the woods and defeat any enemies.

Stalingrad nightmare
After two weeks of struggle you have lost all colleagues. You can't more stay in this hell any longer.
You've decided to run away from this area.

There's a well-protected American command post.
Your squad has to capture it and kill the officer.

Dich from a hill
June 6 1944. US forces are coming from all sides.
Just escape from this hell.

No way to run
Our forces are almost defeated and we're almost dead. Allied forces and Red army are ready to capture Berlin.There's no way to retreat.
You and your squad will win or die here.

US Vietnam War Campaign

For freedom and democracy
You arrived to Vietnam a few days ago and it's your first battle. Show everyone your valor!
Siege the village and kill everyone who doesn't like freedom!

Hunting for reds
There're some red troopers in the jungle in front of you. And you have got a nice shotgun!
Yeah, it's time to begin hunting season!

Red allert
The Reds are coming from all sides!
We have no time to waste!
Just take your LAW and help your friends to survive in this unexpected battle!

Trapped in the corner
Reds came suddenly in early morning.
They killed all your friends, their blood is everywhere.
You must take revenge at all costs.

You have to kill huge amount of enemies with your heavy sniper rifle.
But if they'll see you maybe they'll shoot themselves.
Fear is another mighty weapon.

Your platoon is under fire.
Their lives depend on your orders.
Command correctly, because your life depends on their efficiency!
Try not to loose this battle.

Enemy inside
Your secret mission is to destroy enemy training camp by eliminating all the guards and soldiers there.
Not bad tactics, right?
Enemies are strong , but they know nothing about your presence.

Vietcong Vietnam War Campaign

You were just a civilian,but US forces came into your village brought only death and destruction.
So you picked up a gun and now ready to fright for your life against their so called freedom.

Bloody diplomacy
You and your comrade are ordered to protect this side of river.Suddenly you noted American soldier scouting your guard post you can't let him go away alive.

One shot - you killed !
Americans came to your base suddenly that morning.
You're under heavy sniper and machinegun fire.
Escape as fast as you can.

You came to your home village just to meet your family, but the village is under US control.
There's enough ammo in your machinegun and your're at home ! Bring'em on !

Friendly fire
You have to survive in battle against enemy machinegunners, shotgun guys and elite troopers.
Your only hope in this case-
is to make your opponents shoot their friends.

Frontline Assault
Hold your positions and waste all enemies.
It's a rather ordinary order isn't it ?
Your soldiers are waiting for your orders.
So, why don't you order them to waste those enemies?

Jet madness
You decided to attack enemy Anti-Tank squad with your rocket launcher. Your insane rockets shall blow this place up, and your enemies shall help you to blow it!
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同標籤作品搜尋:永無止盡的戰爭|網頁遊戲|槍戰|ENDLESS WAR 3

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