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[情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話-4

作者:七月半之鴨│2013-04-08 01:57:11│巴幣:4│人氣:353
作者ChesterB (很難想)看板KingofPop

標題Re: [情報] MJ私人畫家David Nordahl的談話

時間Tue Sep 14 10:54:13 2010


他同時也是幫Prince畫那個坐在王座上沉睡畫像的人 他說原來MJ也要幫巴黎和毯毯畫 但麥可想等他們長大一點 很不幸的 還沒開始畫MJ就過世了

David repeated the very funny story I had read before, about how he and

Michael and the kids “snuck in” to see The Day After Tomorrow at a shopping

mall theatre in Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a typical, crowded shopping mall and the small theatre was packed. Yet, miraculously, they pulled it off. “I  took the kids to get popcorn. Michael waited until the lights went down, and slipped in through a side door. He was wearing these red, silk lounging pants, like pajamas,” he laughed, noting it’s still hard to believe how he escaped notice, especially in that get-up.

大衛也講了一個故事 是麥可怎麼和他小孩聖塔非偷溜進電影院看明天過後 那是一間很多人的購物中心 但神奇的事 他們辦到了 我帶了小孩 買了爆米花 麥可等燈都熄了 然後從側門溜進來 他類似像睡衣的衣服 而且不敢相信他居然成功了

He was also there when Michael came to him, all excited because Blanket had spoken his very first sentence. Michael, gushing like the proud dad he was, said, “Blanket just said his first sentence!”

而當毯毯第一次會說話時 MJ超開心的衝去找他 非常驕傲的說 毯毯會說他第一句話了

“What did he say?”

他問: 他說了甚麼

He said, “Where is Dave?


Their 20-year friendship included many adventures. During extensive road trips, Michael would carry a bucket for roadside relief emergencies.He was Michael Jackson, after all, so stopping at roadside gas stations to use the mens’ room was usually not an option. I can only imagine that it’s kind of  hard to continue to see someone as a world famous superstar and icon, when you ’ve seen them peeing in a bucket by the side of the road. That kind of has a way of putting things in perspective, for sure.

他也講到 有一次他們去公路旅行 麥可就拿了個瓶子道路邊去小便去了 因為做為麥可傑克森到加油站去上廁所不是個好選擇 我想大家都在想像全世界最有名的超級巨星拿個桶子在路邊上廁所的景象~~


In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.

In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort.

In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream.

In a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.

~~~~By Michael Jackson


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   推 u7273:Where is Dave? XDDDDD                                     09/15 00:49

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同標籤作品搜尋:麥可傑克森|Michael Jackson

留言共 3 篇留言

天阿 好好笑
為什麼小毯毯 開口的第一句話不是爸爸XDD~~
不過 這孩子也很妙耶~
一開口就是這麼完整的句子 還是問話的語氣XD~

04-08 02:06

超好笑的 ~~毯毯要找大衛做什麼? 我比較好奇[e38]

04-08 11:02


04-15 16:33

看了原文,MJ是說毯毯會說他第一句完整的句子了,但我還是覺得很有趣,第一句完整的話不是問爸爸媽媽而是問大衛在哪05-16 15:12

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