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白鳥英美子-Melodies of Life

作者:深邃繁星│2012-11-29 22:39:19│巴幣:2│人氣:281
白鳥英美子-Melodies of Life

宛てもなく彷徨っていた 手がかりもなく探しつづけた
あなたがくれた想い出を 心を癒す詩にして

約束をすることもなく 交わす言葉も決めたりもせず
抱きしめ そして確かめた 日日は二度と帰らぬ
記憶の中の手を振るあなたは わたしの名を呼ぶことが出来るの

あふれるその涙を 輝く勇気にかえて
いのちはつづく 夜を越え 疑うことのない明日へとつづく

飛ぶ鳥の向こうの空へ いくつの記憶預けただろう
儚い希望も夢も 届かぬ場所に忘れて
めぐり会うのは偶然と言えるの 別れる時が必ず来るのに

消えゆく運命でも 君が生きている限り いのちはつづく
永遠に その力の限りどこまでも

わたしが死のうとも 君が生きている限り
いのちはつづく 永遠に その力の限りどこまでもつづく
Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark,
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart.
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain,
Melodies of life-love's lost refrain.

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold.

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me.
Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine.
Adding up the layers of harmony.
And so it goes, on and on.
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds--forever and beyond.

So far and away, see the birds as it flies by.
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky.
I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings.
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

A voice from the past, joining yours and mine.
Adding up the layers of harmony.
And so it goes, on and on.
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying bird--forever and on

If I should leave this lonely world behind,
Your voice will still remember our melody.
Now I know we'le love you left inside my lonely heart.
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain,
Melodies of life-love's lost refrain.

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why.
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye.
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold.

In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me.
Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name.

我們相遇 我們歡笑 我們緊抱在一起
然後 我們說再見

在我最珍貴的記憶裡 我看見你對我伸出手
雖然你不在了 我仍然相信你能叫出我的名字

來自往日的歌聲 與你我融合在一起
不斷的添增層疊 合聲就會不斷的流轉下去
生命的旋律 超越飛翔的鳥兒到達天頂 永無止盡 

我已把我的記憶還有夢想 放在翅膀上面
離開我的記憶與夢想 並看看明天帶來了些什麼

在你最珍貴的記憶裡 你記得愛我嗎?
是命運 讓過去的我們更接近 而現在又離我遠去了嗎?

來自往日的歌聲 與你我融合在一起
不斷的添增層疊 合聲就會不斷的流轉下去
生命的旋律 超越飛翔的鳥兒到達天頂 永無止盡 

現在 我知道我們將會繼續
像圓一樣的環繞 並深植在我們的心底

只要 我們還記得

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同標籤作品搜尋:白鳥英美子|Melodies of Life|生命的旋律|ファイナルファンタジー|FINAL FANTASY|太空戰士|IX

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前一篇:Liberi Fatal... 後一篇:RIKKI-素敵だね...




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