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彩虹小馬-Winter Wrap Up

作者:鹿角騎士│2012-04-05 22:36:46│巴幣:10│人氣:371
彩虹小馬-Winter Wrap Up - 中文歌詞
此集出現在一季11集  中文翻譯為完冬日

Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays
We've kept our hoofsies warm at home, time off from work to play
But the food we've stored is running out, and we can't grow in this cold
And even though I love my boots, this fashion's getting old

The time has come to welcome spring, and all things warm and green
But it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must clean
How can I help, I'm new you see
What does everypony do?
How do I fit in without magic?
I haven't got a clue

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Bringing home the southern birds, a pegasus' job begins
And clearing all the gloomy skies, to let the sun shine in
We move the clouds, and we melt the white snow
When the sun comes up, its warmth and beauty will glow

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Little critters hibernate, under the snow and ice
We wake up all the sleepyheads, so quietly and nice
We help them gather up their food, fix their homes below
We welcome back the southern birds, so their families can grow

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

No easy task to clear the ground, plant our tiny seeds
With proper care and sunshine, everyone it feeds
Apples, carrots, celery stalks, colorful flowers too
We must work so very hard, it's just so much to do

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here

Now that I know what they all do, I have to find my place
And help with all of my heart, tough task ahead I face
How will I do without my magic, help the earth pony way?
I wanna belong so I must do my best today
Do my best today

Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
Winter wrap up, winter wrap up
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
'Cause tomorrow spring is here
影片來源-TwilightSparCode 影片,以經過同意

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