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English Writing - Single Christmas

作者:守歌│2012-03-13 20:21:56│巴幣:0│人氣:322
How To Celebrate Single Christmas

     I have read a short story whichis talking about a man who is alienated from the society met a girl on Christmas morning. Then they fell in love with each other, and the man walkedout from his own little and closed world with his girlfriend’s help. It is a beautiful story, right? Every single person will envy this lucky guy and hold atiny hope to be him, yet don’t daydream. It’s impossible to suddenly find a girlfriend or boyfriend to celebrate Christmas which is defined as a couple’s holiday in Taiwan, so how to celebrate single Christmas?

     First way is for a person who issingle and has accumulated rancor for the long time. If you agree followingsentence “if I had my way, every idiot who says "Merry Christmas'' wouldbe boiled in his own pudding”, because of envy which urges you to hate all couples in the world and despise those couples kissing, hugging, walking hand in hand, and saying honeyed words in public place, you should join this group named “Go to Hell” whose main purpose is to release  s i n g l e s  irritation thatcouples always show off their happiness intentionally or unconsciously, especially on Valentine’s Day and Christmas. “Go to Hell” group always has alot of tricks to separate the couples. For example, they bought the theater ticks for the seats of odd numbers last Christmas, so that the couples had no serious seats. It is very suitable for you, right? When everyone on the square shouts “Merry Christmas”, you and Go to Hell’s group members will shout, “what is Christmas? Is it delicious?”

     Second way is participating in a  s i n g l e p a r t y  to meet someone might be your Mr. or Mrs. Right or have a revelrywith single friends.

     If you are hopeful that you would have a nice Christmas with your upcoming lover next year, you should follow the final way that is to find a part-time job or go to work to earn money for preparing next Christmas because money is your capital to have a lover beingwith you on Christmas.

     Christmas won’t be the holiday only for the couples but also for the  s i n g l e s  if you have right way to celebrate it. After knowing the way to celebrate Christmas, you who are single could get rid of decadent Christmas which starts from noon when you just wake up and discover that your room is full of empty beer cans. You can join the “Go to Hell” group and enjoythe activity of playing tricks on couples or you can participate in a singleparty to find your right person or have fun with your friends. Then you also can have a fulfilled day in your part-time job or work to prepare money for next romantic Christmas with upcoming lover. No matter which way you choose, I believe you will have a great and memorable single Christmas.


How To... 真是個很困難的題目呢!

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