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[Linux][CentOS 5.5] 3.使用者管理

作者:game2002│2011-02-21 15:04:50│巴幣:0│人氣:450


  1. Add a new group "engineers" to both of your system (server1 and server2). The GID of this group is 1100.
  2. Add the following users to both of your systems (server1 and server2 ) whose primary group is "users" and who are also member if group "engineers":
  3. The home directories of these users have to be created below /home. The password for each user has to be set to "linux"(ignore all warning messages).
  4. Create an new user called alex and no interactive shall priority for alex.

Name username UID
Thomas Barness tbarnes 1001
Miguel Perez mperez 1002
James King jking 1003

1. 新增群組engineers並且設定UID為1100
[root@station8 ~]# groupadd   engineers   -g   1100
[root@station8 ~]# cat /etc/group   |   grep   engineers
可以輸入groupadd --help 來看設定UID的參數為何?

2. 新增使用者,依照上面的表格。並且建立家目錄。
[root@station8 ~]# useradd tbarnes -c "Thomas Barness" -m -g users -G engineers -u 1001
[root@station8 ~]# useradd mperez -c "Miguel Perez"  -g users -G engineers -u 1002
[root@station8 ~]# useradd jking -c "James King"  -g users -G engineers -u 1003

3. 設定密碼。
[root@station8 ~]# passwd tbarnes
Changing password for user tbarnes.
New UNIX password: (題目要求輸入linux當密碼
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

( 然後再使用同樣的指令passwd去設定另外兩位新使用者perez與jking

4. 最後確認。
[root@station8 ~]# cat /etc/passwd
tbarnes:x:1001:100:Thomas Barness:/home/tbarnes:/bin/bash
mperez:x:1002:100:Miguel Perez:/home/mperez:/bin/bash
jking:x:1003:100:James King:/home/jking:/bin/bash

5. 新增無interactive shall 權限的使用者,alex

[root@station4 ~]# useradd alex
[root@station4 ~]# passwd alex
Changing password for user alex.
New UNIX password:
BAD PASSWORD: it is too short
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[root@station4 ~]# nano /etc/passwd

將原本的 bash 改為 false 即可
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