
DE Magic Castle Instructions

八分之三 | 2021-01-18 21:27:35 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 292

Scenario Instructions

<Magic Castle> Innovation:Mysterious magic hero(Cloud Dance Sword)
Original kite castle:Kite made
The second author:Super glue
Design blueprint:WilliamFitCastle(Original kite castle91)

The more enemies you kill, the more resources the game system will give you.

When the resources are sufficient, move the monk to the front grid of the building on the right in the bottom block of the minimap, and move the castle soldier to the position of the alliance banner in your own position to strengthen the castle soldier.

ps. On the edge of the block at the bottom of the minimap, click on the castle soldiers of each civilization to see the number of resources each civilization needs to strengthen the castle soldiers.

ps. At present, the civilizations of the castle soldiers cannot be strengthened: Burmese, Khmer, Bulgarians, Lithuanians, Cumans, and Tatars. Please avoid using these civilizations. (The second author has not made those civilizations)

Added "resource transfer" function, which can be activated after 1P destroys the outpost.
When transferring resources to the alliance, move the king to the position of the alliance   banner in your own position.
When transferring resources to the alliance, you need to have 15,000 food and 15,000 gold.
The transfer requires 5,000 food and 5,000 gold as a handling fee.

Added "Central Resource Bonus" function, which can be activated after 1P destroys the stone wall.
After 1 hour of the game, move your troops to the central position to obtain additional central resources.

Move the "Emperor in a Barrel" to the birth area to convert the Barrel Sovereign into: 80,000 food and 80,000 gold.

Note: The starting gold for the non-market version is 10,000!
After 30 minutes of the game, the alliance's destruction resources will be transferred to the next alliance!

Magic Castle Features:

→The part is about the total number of each kill and the effect of strengthening the unit.
Kill 1000,Level  1  Deification,+AT +DT
Kill 1500,Level 1.5 Deification,+DT
Kill 2000,Level  2  Deification,+AT +DT
Kill 2500,Level 2.5 Deification,+DT
Kill 3000, Ultimate Deification,+AT

→Start time pause device
The enemy troops in our position can stop their attacks and move for two minutes.

Kill 4000,6000,8000 Each can get the prizes of the "Emperor in a Barrel".
You can set whether to have a combined hero from the beginning.
You can buy "Emperor in a Barrel" repeatedly.(For the second purchase, there is no need to buy Lorraine and Siege Onager.)
You can buy 3 wizards.(These 3 wizards have their own skills.)

Other game settings:
The more the allies kill, the more resources they have.
You can spend resources to increase the health of the pyramids and arrow towers.
After the world is destroyed, a market will appear.
Kill 6000,You can get "God's Own Sling".
Increase blood and attack.(Archbishop、Imam)
The wizard can be purchased 3 times.(Archbishop、Imam、Pope Leo I)
Time to suspend the device.
The position arrow tower prevents the enemy from staying for a long time.
Pyramid can buy HP.
The wall can buy HP.

@Special purchase instructions@

It costs 10,000 stones to strengthen the arrow tower in front of the pyramid. Increase blood volume by 2000.

Spend 4000 gold, 4000 stone and 4000 wood, you can increase the blood volume of the wall you build by 2000. (Only effective on the walls of allied territories. Commands can be executed every 5 minutes.)

Spend 12,000 gold, you can build 25 arrow towers in your own position to quickly kill the enemy.
The stock of gold is above 12,000. Move "Iman" to your player zone (nuclear bomb zone) to activate the 30-second arrow tower.(DT+15000 AT+999)

For 15,000 food, you can build 5 permanent arrow towers in your own position. It can prevent the enemy from staying in your own position for a long time.(DT+10000 AT+500)
Note: Arrow Tower can only be purchased after 1 hour of play time.

Buy "spy".
It costs 500 stones to detect enemy positions.


@Team bonus description@
Goths, produce a Huskarl to the position
Team bonus → Theodoric the Goth DT bonus. William Wallace DT bonus

Celts, produced a Woad Raider to the position
Woad Raider ATDT bonus. Siege weapon DT bonus
Team bonus → DT bonus for siege weapons

Vikings, produce a Berserk to the position
Berserk DT bonus. Infantry DT bonus. Red DT bonus. Harald DT bonus
Team bonus → infantry DT bonus

The Chinese produced a Chu Ko Nu to the position
Chu Ko Nu ATDT bonus. Elite Chu Ko Nu ATDT bonus
Team bonus → Elite Chu Ko Nu DT bonus

Britons, produce a Longbowman to the position
Longbowmen DT bonus. Step bow DT bonus
Team bonus → step bow DT bonus

Mayans, producing a Plumed Archer to the position
Plumed Archer ATDT bonus. Magic Marksman Cross DT bonus. Elite Eagle Warrior ATDT bonus.
Team bonus → Elite Eagle Warrior DT bonus

Mongols, produced a Mangudai to the position
DT bonus for Mangudai. DT bonus for Cavalry Archer
Team bonus → Cavalry Archer DT bonus

Koreans, produced a War Wagon to the position
War Wagont ATDT bonus. Elite Genitour ATDT bonus
Team bonus → Elite Genitour DT bonus


@Various types of technology bonus value@

Garland Wars→
Infantry AT+8,Charles AT-8,Red +6,Harald AT-8,Minamoto +6,Kitabatake +10
Goth AT+6,William AT+10
Garland Wars + Sappers →
Pyramid blood +800

Berserkergang →
Berserk DT+60 AT+4,Red DT+110 AT+14,Harald DT+55 AT+6

Cataphract DT+90 AT+4

Chu Ko Nu AT+6,Scorpion AT+10

Huskarl DT+25 AT+2,Goth DT+60 AT+3,William DT+90 AT+4
Huskarl DT+45 AT+3,Goth DT+90 AT+5,William DT+120 AT+7

Furor Celtica→
Siege Onager DT+110,Scorpion DT+30,Battering Ram DT+330,Mangonel DT+55
Reserch Siege Onager→
Woad Raider DT+48,AT+2
Reserch Heavy Scorpion→
Woad Raider DT+48,AT+3
Reserch Siege Ram→
Woad Raider DT+64,AT+4
Siege Onager+Woad Raider fight together→
Woad Raider DT+270,AT+16

Bearded Axe→
Throwing Axeman AT+16 DT-30,Knight DT+108,Charles AT+14 DT-70,Charlemagne AT+14 DT-50

Mameluke AT+13 DT+65,Camel Rider AT+16 DT+134

Janissary AT+10,Bombard Cannon AT+60,Lorrain AT+90

Conquistador+Lorrain fight together→
Conquistador DT+110 AT+14

El Dorado→
Eagle Warrior DT+60 AT+4


@Technology bonuses shared by all civilizations@

Thumb Ring+Arbalester→
All Archer AT+4

Archer AT+4,Cavalry Archer AT+7,Scorpion+5

Long Swordsman→
All Infantry AT+2

All Infantry AT+2

Knight DT+80

Knight DT+80,Mordred AT+11 DT+90,El Cid Campeador AT+8 DT+90

@Wizard skills@
→Can get a second chance to surrender enemy troops.
→It can increase the attack power of the surrendered army by nearly double.
→Can increase the blood volume and attack power of the combined hero.

→Can reduce the health of all enemies when they are born.
→Can increase the blood volume and attack power of the combined hero.

Pope Leo I
→Can destroy all buildings and units in the enemy's inner position.


Chinese and English comparison list:

@The name of each hero, and the purchase price.@
Archer of the Eyes(神弓手):Food 3000
Robin Hood(羅賓胡德):Food 9000 (Elite → Gold 14000)
Tamerlane(帖木兒):Food 25000
Genghis Khan(成吉思汗):Food 30000 (Elite → Gold 45000)
Elite Guglielmo Embriaco(吳道):Food 4000 (Elite 2 → Food 12000 / Elite 3 → Gold 20000)
Elite Chu Ko Nu(李儒):Food 5000 (Elite 2 → Food 15000 / Elite 3 → Gold 20000)
Elite Genitour(馬勇士):Food 45000 + Gold 35000

Theodoric the Goth(哥德人狄奧多利克):Food 6000
William Wallace(威廉華勒斯):Food 12000 (Elite → Gold 16000)
Charlemagne(查理曼):Food 20000
Charles Martel(鐵鎚查理斯):Food 24000 (Elite → Gold 28000)
Erik in Red(紅衣艾立克):Food 8000
Harald Hardrada(哈羅德哈佐德):Food 22000 (Elite → Gold 24000)
Elite Jaguar Warrior(魯迪):Food 7000 (Elite 2 → Food 13000 / Elite 3 → Gold 25000)
Elite Eagle Warrior(倫夫):Food 9000 (Elite 2 → Food 15000 / Elite 3 → Gold 25000)
Minamoto(源氏):Food 7000
Kitabatake(基特巴狄克):Food 15000 (Elite → Gold 18000)

Mordred(莫特列德):Food 10000
El Cid Campeador(席德坎培多爾):Food 16000 (Elite → Gold 24000)
Elite Mameluke(沙度猛):Food 15000 (Elite 2 → Food 20000 / Elite 3 → Gold 24000)
Elite Cataphract(士部多):Food 14000 (Elite 2 → Food 18000 / Elite 3 → Gold 24000)
Frankish Paladin(法國遊俠):Food 45000 + Gold 35000

Elite Janissary(狙擊兵):Food 50000 + Gold 50000
Elite Conquistador(暗殺者):Food 50000 + Gold 50000

@The combined hero of stage 3@
<Marksman(神手箭)>Lord de Graville+Emperor in a Barrel
<King Arthur(亞瑟王)>Aethelfrith+Emperor in a Barrel
<Constable Richemont(康斯塔伯理察蒙)>William the Conqueror+Emperor in a Barrel
<007>Gonzalo Pizarro+Emperor in a Barrel (The wizard has no influence on him.)
→Increase blood and attack.(Archbishop)
→Increase blood and attack.(Imam)

@The combined hero of stage 2@
<Lord de Graville(格拉維爾‧德領主)>Subotai+Emperor in a Barrel
<Aethelfrith(艾特爾弗里思)>Nobunaga+Emperor in a Barrel
<William the Conqueror(征服者威廉)>Alexander Nevski+Emperor in a Barrel
<Gonzalo Pizarro(貢薩洛‧皮薩羅)>Royal Janissary+Emperor in a Barrel (The wizard has no influence on him.)
→Increase blood and attack.(Archbishop)
→Increase blood and attack.(Imam)

@The combined hero of stage 1@
<Emperor in a Barrel(桶裝皇帝)>Food 100000 + Gold 100000
Archer of the Eyes+Robin Hood+Tamerlane+Genghis Khan+Elite Guglielmo Embriaco+Elite Chu Ko Nu+Elite Genitour
Theodoric the Goth+William Wallace+Charlemagne+Charles Martel+Erik in Red+Harald Hardrada+Elite Jaguar Warrior+Elite Eagle Warrior+Minamoto+Kitabatake
<Alexander Nevski(亞歷山大列夫斯基)>
Mordred+El Cid Campeador+Elite Mameluke+Elite Cataphract+Frankish Paladin
<Royal Janissary(皇家土耳其火槍兵)>
Elite Janissary+Elite Conquistador+Jean de Lorrain (The wizard has no influence on him.)
→Increase blood and attack.(Archbishop)
→Increase blood and attack.(Imam)

@Additional purchase@
<Bleda(貝里達)>Frankish Paladin+Frankish Paladin+Elite Genitour (The troops were dispatched quickly.)
<God's Elite Eagle Warrior(魔流劍風之痕)>Nobunaga+Frankish Paladin (The troops were dispatched quickly.)
<William the Conqueror(征服者威廉)>Bleda+Emperor in a Barrel
<Aethelfrith(艾特爾弗里思)>God's Elite Eagle Warrior+Emperor in a Barrel
→Increase blood and attack.(Archbishop)
→Increase blood and attack.(Imam)

@Magic hero@
<Magic Marksman(影十字)>(Level 1,Level 2,Level 3)Food 120000 + Gold 120000
Level 1(神箭影十字)
Level 2(疾風影十字)
Level 3(暴風影十字)
<Magic knight(魔劍道鐵騎)>Food 100000 + Gold 100000
<Magic queen(魔劍道妖后)>Magic knight(Move the "Magic knight" to the birth area) + Food 100000 + Gold 100000
<Emperor of Magic(魔劍道邪主)>Magic queen(Move the "Magic queen" to the birth area) + Food 100000 + Gold 100000
→The wizard has no influence on them.

@Siege weapon@
Jean de Lorrain(洛林):Food 16000
Siege Onager(表哥投石車):Food 16000
God's Own Sling(神之弓):Food 120000 + Gold 120000

@3 wizards@
Archbishop(甦醒魔法師):Food 30000 + Gold 30000
Imam(咒命魔術師):Food 70000 + Gold 70000
Pope Leo I(黑暗大法師):Food 100000 + Gold 100000

