
Game introduction of magic castle. (英文版魔堡的遊戲介紹)

八分之三 | 2021-01-13 09:29:41 | 巴幣 0 | 人氣 273


Game introduction of magic castle.


This article about the game introduction of Magic Castle is based on a gaming information website called Bahamut in Taiwan. This article has been translated into English. Players who want to know how to play Magic Castle can enter the article about the game introduction of Magic Castle from the link below.(Welcome to reprint this article without asking for permission.)

The English version of the game introduction:


ps.If your native language is Chinese, you can also click the link below to enter the pure Chinese game introduction.

The Chinese version of the game introduction:


The game introduction of Magic Castle is divided into a simple version and a professional version. The simple version is suitable for players who play Magic Castle for the first time, and can teach quickly during online battles. The professional version is for players who want to fully understand the game of Magic Castle.


Simple version.


The game requires 8 people to play.

遊戲需要1234 vs 5678。需要在遊戲開始前,就選定顏色和隊伍。不能用問號隨機決定,但可以跳著選顏色和隊伍,不用按照進入對戰房時的順序。

The game requires 1234 vs 5678. You need to select the color and team before the game starts. You can’t use question marks to decide randomly, but you can choose colors and teams instead of following the order when you enter the battle room.


Kill enemies for resources, and then use resources to buy heroes. The more advanced heroes, the more resources they need to purchase. The most advanced heroes are composed of multiple heroes. The ultimate goal of the game is to destroy all enemy pyramids.


At the beginning of the game, you need to move the monk in the block at 9 o'clock on the minimap into the grid and spend gold to buy attack and defense.


At the 3 o'clock and 6 o'clock blocks on the minimap, move the monk into the grid to buy heroes.


Moving the monk into the enemy’s grid on the minimap at 12 o’clock will cost 12,000 gold, causing 2,000 damage to all units and buildings in the enemy’s position; moving the monk into your own grid will cost 12,000 The gold, build 25 arrow towers in your own position, you can quickly kill the enemies in your own position.


Professional version.



The professional version of the game introduction is divided into five parts. The first part is about the monk function of the 4 blocks on the minimap, please see the introduction of the simplified version; the second part is about how to fight; the third part is about how to strengthen the castle soldiers of various civilizations; the fourth part It is about the name of each hero and the price of purchase; the fifth part is about how to combine the most advanced heroes; the sixth part is about the total number of each kill, and the effect of strengthening the unit.

ps. Although it is a professional version, it is limited to the ability of translation. Regarding the higher-level gameplay of the game, it is still waiting for players other than Chinese who like Magic Castle to discover and build.

The first part is about the monk function of the 4 blocks on the minimap.

Please see the introduction of the simplified version.

The second part is about how to fight.


At the beginning of the game, each player has only 1 infantry and 1 monk. Move the infantry into the position, the area surrounded by 4 torches, and the area in front of the battle, there will be an unlimited number of units produced without consuming any resources. Units or heroes other than infantry must be produced from military buildings. Heroes are from the 3 o'clock and 6 o'clock blocks on the minimap. The monks are moved to the corresponding hero's grid, which consumes a certain amount of food and gold. buy. Monks need to pick up the ruins in the monastery to increase the speed of their own gold production.


In the middle map, there is a square area named Resource Area. Move any of your own units to the resource area, and the game system will automatically give resources every few minutes. When 4 teammates have units and move to the resource area, the game system will give more resources every few minutes. But every few minutes there will be a Flying Dog, which will fly from the top of the screen, from top to bottom, to the central resource area; if the Flying Dog flies to the resource area, once there are too many units in the resource area, it will Random automatic deaths, so pay attention to the location of the flying dog. When you are about to move to the resource area, you need to move the troops outside the resource area to avoid random deaths. ps. The closer to the center of the resource zone, the more troops will die. ps. But if there is only one unit of its own in the resource area, it will not die.


The design of the game is that the more enemies you kill, the more resources the game system will give players. Both the research and development of technology and the purchase of heroes require resources. But if the number of kills lags behind, there will be a lack of resources, making it difficult to buy more advanced heroes. But in many cases, if you need to help your teammates resist the enemy's attack, the number of natural kills will lag behind. Therefore, by moving the unit to the resource zone, you can gradually accumulate resources without killing the enemy.

The third part is about how to strengthen the castle soldiers of various civilizations.



In the block at 6 o'clock on the minimap, there are castle soldiers of various civilizations on the edge of the block. Click on the castle soldiers of each civilization to see the amount of resources needed to strengthen the castle soldiers. After accumulating enough resources, move the castle soldiers to the area surrounded by 4 torches; and move the monk to the grid in front of the large building on the right side of the block at 6 o'clock on the minimap In the middle, you can strengthen the castle soldiers, and the attack power and health value will be greatly increased.

ps. Not all civilizations, game designers have made corresponding enhanced castle soldiers. Civilizations that have not yet been made are: Myanmar, Khmer,Bulgaria, Lithuania, Kuman, Tatar, Sicily, Burgundy.

The fourth part is about the name of each hero, and the purchase price.
Archer(神弓手):Food 3000
Robin Hood(羅賓胡德):Food 9000 (Elite → Gold 14000)
Timur(帖木兒):Food 25000
Genghis Khan(成吉思汗):Food 30000 (Elite → Gold 45000)
Wu Dao(吳道):Food 4000 (Elite 2 → Food 12000 / Elite 3 → Gold 20000)
Li Ru(李儒):Food 5000 (Elite 2 → Food 15000 / Elite 3 → Gold 20000)
Horse Warrior(馬勇士):Food 45000 + Gold 35000

Theodoric(哥德人狄奧多利克):Food 6000
William Wallace(威廉華勒斯):Food 12000 (Elite → Gold 16000)
Charlemagne(查理曼):Food 20000
Hammer Charles(鐵鎚查理斯):Food 24000 (Elite → Gold 28000)
Eric in Red(紅衣艾立克):Food 8000
Harold Hazard(哈羅德哈佐德):Food 22000 (Elite → Gold 24000)
Rudy(魯迪):Food 7000 (Elite 2 → Food 13000 / Elite 3 → Gold 25000)
Renf(倫夫):Food 9000 (Elite 2 → Food 15000 / Elite 3 → Gold 25000)
Genji(源氏):Food 7000
Kitbadek(基特巴狄克):Food 15000 (Elite → Gold 18000)

Mottled(莫特列德):Food 10000
Sid Campedor(席德坎培多爾):Food 16000 (Elite → Gold 24000)
Sandumeng(沙度猛):Food 15000 (Elite 2 → Food 20000 / Elite 3 → Gold 24000)
Shibuto(士部多):Food 14000 (Elite 2 → Food 18000 / Elite 3 → Gold 24000)
French Ranger(法國遊俠):Food 45000 + Gold 35000

The fifth part is about how to combine the most advanced heroes.

Subutai (速不台):
Archer(神弓手) + Robin Hood(羅賓胡德) + Timur(帖木兒) + Genghis Khan(成吉思汗) + Wu Dao(吳道) + Li Ru(李儒) + Horse Warrior(馬勇士)

Oda Nobunaga (織田信長):
Theodoric(哥德人狄奧多利克) + William Wallace(威廉華勒斯) + Charlemagne(查理曼) + Hammer Charles(鐵鎚查理斯) + Eric in Red(紅衣艾立克) + Harold Hazard(哈羅德哈佐德) + Rudy(魯迪) + Renf(倫夫) + Genji(源氏) + Kitbadek(基特巴狄克)

Alexander (亞歷山大):
Mottled(莫特列德) + Sid Campedor(席德坎培多爾) + Sandumeng(沙度猛) + Shibuto(士部多) + French Ranger(法國遊俠)

The sixth part is about the total number of each kill and the effect of strengthening the unit.
Kill 1000 Level 1 Deification +AT +DT
Kill 1500 Level 1.5 Deification
Kill 2000 Level 2 Deification +AT +DT
Kill 2500 Level 2.5 Deification
Kill 3000 Ultimate deification +AT

If you can speak Chinese, you can also come to Discord. Discord players who have a magic castle will usually open a room to fight, and they can also have voice conversations.

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