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Unity collider and trigger 原文翻譯

作者:Jomo│2016-08-15 02:52:02│巴幣:4│人氣:1628



A Rigidbody isthe main component that enables physical behaviour for an object.With a Rigidbody attached, the object will immediately respond togravity. If one or more Collider componentsare also added then the object will be moved by incoming collisions.
Sincea Rigidbody component takes over the movement of the object it isattached to, you shouldn’t try to move it from a script by changingthe Transform propertiessuch as position and rotation. Instead, you should apply forces topush the object and let the physics engine calculate the results.
Thereare some cases where you might want an object to have a Rigidbodywithout having its motion controlled by the physics engine. Forexample, you may want to control your character directly from scriptcode but still allow it to be detected by triggers(see Triggers below).This kind of non-physical motion produced from a script is knownas kinematic motion.The Rigidbody component has a property called IsKinematic whichwill remove it from the control of the physics engine and allow it tobe moved kinematically from a script. It is possible to change thevalue of IsKinematic froma script to allow physics to be switched on and off for an object,but this comes with a performance overhead and should be usedsparingly.
Seethe Rigidbody and Rigidbody2D referencepages for further details about the settings and scripting optionsfor these components.


Oncea rigidbody is moving at less than a certain minimum linear orrotational speed, the physics engine will assume it has come to ahalt. When this happens, the object will not move again until itreceives a collision or force and so it will be set to “sleeping”mode. This optimisation means that no processor time will be spentupdating the rigidbody until the next time it is “awoken” (ie,set in motion again). For most purposes, the sleeping and waking ofrigidbodies happens transparently. However, an object might fail towake up if a static collider (ie, one without a rigidbody) is movedinto it or away from it by modifying the transform position. Thismight result, say, in the rigidbody object hanging in the air whenthe floor has been moved out from beneath it. In cases like this, theobject can be woken explicitly using the WakeUp function.See the Rigidbody and Rigidbody2Dcomponentpages for more information about sleeping.


Collider componentsdefine the shape of an object for the purposes of physicalcollisions. A collider, which is invisible, need not be the exactsame shape as the object’s mesh and in fact, a rough approximationis often more efficient and indistinguishable in gameplay.
Thesimplest (and least processor-intensive) colliders are theso-called primitive collidertypes. In 3D, these are the BoxCollider,SphereCollider and CapsuleCollider.In 2D, you can use the BoxCollider 2D and CircleCollider 2D.Any number of these can be added to a single object tocreate compoundcolliders.
最簡單的碰撞器稱為原生碰撞器。在3D下指的是BoxColliderSphereCollider以及CapsuleCollider;在2D下則是BoxCollider 2D以及CircleCollider 2D。你可用數個原生碰撞器綁在同一個物件上,藉以拼裝出一個稍複雜的碰撞結構(編按:這是個拼裝車的概念。。)。
Withcareful positioning and sizing, compound colliders can oftenapproximate the shape of an object quite well while keeping a lowprocessor overhead. Further flexibility can be gained by havingadditional colliders on child objects (eg, boxes can be rotatedrelative to the local axes of the parent object). When creating acompound collider like this, there should only be one Rigidbodycomponent, placed on the root object in the hierarchy.
Note,that primitive colliders will not work correctly with sheartransforms - that means that if you use a combination of rotationsand non-uniform scales in the tranform hierarchy so that theresulting shape would no longer match a primitive shape, theprimitive collider will not be able to represent it correctly.
Thereare some cases, however, where even compound colliders are notaccurate enough. In 3D, you can use MeshColliders tomatch the shape of the object’s mesh exactly. In 2D, the PolygonCollider 2D willgenerally not match the shape of the sprite graphic perfectly but youcan refine the shape to any level of detail you like. These collidersare much more processor-intensive than primitive types, however, souse them sparingly to maintain good performance. Also, a meshcollider will normally be unable to collide with another meshcollider (ie, nothing will happen when they make contact). You canget around this in some cases by marking the mesh collideras Convex inthe inspector. This will generate the collider shape as a “convexhull” which is like the original mesh but with any undercuts filledin. The benefit of this is that a convex mesh collider can collidewith other mesh colliders so you may be able to use this feature whenyou have a moving character with a suitable shape. However, a goodgeneral rule is to use mesh colliders for scene geometry andapproximate the shape of moving objects using compound primitivecolliders.
當組合式碰撞結構還不能滿足你時,在3D的情況下考慮用MeshColliders來精準地描述出物件模型的實際體型;在2D情況下你可考慮用PolygonCollider2D(有待你的精心調整才能完美地符合Sprite體型)。請注意,這些碰撞器會比原生的更耗能,請自行慎用。而且,2MeshCollider互撞時可能會失誤!你需要將MeshCollider 設為Convex才能避免,這設置會幫你將碰撞器凹陷的地方補平。通常,MeshCollider用在場景物件;組合式碰撞結構用在移動物件。
Colliderscan be added to an object without a Rigidbody component to createfloors, walls and other motionless elements of a scene. These arereferred to as static colliders.In general, you should not reposition static colliders by changingthe Transform position since this will impact heavily on theperformance of the physics engine. Colliders on an objectthat does havea Rigidbody are known as dynamic colliders.Static colliders can interact with dynamic colliders but since theydon’t have a Rigidbody, they will not move in response tocollisions.
Thereference pages for the various collider types linked above havefurther information about their properties and uses.


Whencolliders interact, their surfaces need to simulate the properties ofthe material they are supposed to represent. For example, a sheet ofice will be slippery while a rubber ball will offer a lot of frictionand be very bouncy. Although the shape of colliders is not deformedduring collisions, their friction and bounce can be configuredusing PhysicsMaterials.Getting the parameters just right can involve a bit of trial anderror but an ice material, for example will have zero (or very low)friction and a rubber material with have high friction andnear-perfect bounciness. See the reference pages for PhysicMaterial and PhysicsMaterial 2D forfurther details on the available parameters. Note that for historicalreasons, the 3D asset is actually calledPhysicMaterial (without theS) but the 2D equivalent is called PhysicsMaterial 2D (with theS).
當碰撞器互撞時,他們的表面需要進行物理質料的模擬。舉例來說:一片冰塊應該要很滑,而一塊橡皮則應既有摩擦力、又有彈性。物體的摩擦、彈性,應透過物理質料Physicalmaterials來設置。設置的過程會需要一些猜想與試誤法(編按:摩擦跟彈性應可憑你這輩子對事物的經驗去猜想)。基於本引擎開發的歷史因素,3D上要使用PhysicMaterial2D上要使用PhysicsMaterial 2D(注意有個s)


Thescripting system can detect when collisions occur and initiateactions using the OnCollisionEnter function.However, you can also use the physics engine simply to detect whenone collider enters the space of another without creating acollision. A collider configured as a Trigger (usingthe IsTrigger property)does not behave as a solid object and will simply allow othercolliders to pass through. When a collider enters its space, atrigger will call the OnTriggerEnter functionon the trigger object’s scripts.

Scriptactions taken on collision

Whencollisions occur, the physics engine calls functions with specificnames on any scripts attached to the objects involved. You can placeany code you like in these functions to respond to the collisionevent. For example, you might play a crash sound effect when a carbumps into an obstacle.
Onthe first physics update where the collision is detected,the OnCollisionEnter functionis called. During updates where contact ismaintained, OnCollisionStay iscalled and finally, OnCollisionExit indicatesthat contact has been broken. Trigger colliders call theanalogous OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerStay and OnTriggerExit functions.Note that for 2D physics, there are equivalent functionswith 2D appendedto the name, eg, OnCollisionEnter2D.Full details of these functions and code samples can be found on theScript Reference page for the MonoBehaviour class.
Withnormal, non-trigger collisions, there is an additional detail that atleast one of the objects involved must have a non-kinematic Rigidbody(ie, IsKinematic mustbe switched off). If both objects are kinematic Rigidbodiesthen OnCollisionEnter,etc, will not be called. With trigger collisions, this restrictiondoesn’t apply and so both kinematic and non-kinematic Rigidbodieswill prompt a call to OnTriggerEnter whenthey enter a trigger collider.


Collidersinteract with each other differently depending on how their Rigidbodycomponents areconfigured. The three important configurations are the StaticCollider (ie,no Rigidbody is attached at all), the RigidbodyCollider andthe KinematicRigidbody Collider.


Thisis a GameObject that has a Collider but no Rigidbody. Staticcolliders are used for level geometry which always stays at the sameplace and never moves around. Incoming rigidbody objects will collidewith the static collider but will not move it.
Thephysics engine assumes that static colliders never move or change andcan make useful optimizations based on this assumption. Consequently,static colliders should not be disabled/enabled, moved or scaledduring gameplay. If you do change a static collider then this willresult in extra internal recomputation by the physics engine whichcauses a major drop in performance. Worse still, the changes cansometimes leave the collider in an undefined state that produceserroneous physics calculations. For example a raycast against analtered Static Collider could fail to detect it, or detect it at arandom position in space. Furthermore, Rigidbodies that are hit by amoving static collider will not necessarily be “awoken” and thestatic collider will not apply any friction. For these reasons, onlycolliders that are Rigidbodies should be altered. If you want acollider object that is not affected by incoming rigidbodies but canstill be moved from a script then you should attacha Kinematic Rigidbodycomponent to it rather than no Rigidbody at all.


Thisis a GameObject with a Collider and a normal, non-kinematic Rigidbodyattached. Rigidbody colliders are fully simulated by the physicsengine and can react to collisions and forces applied from a script.They can collide with other objects (including static colliders) andare the most commonly used Collider configuration in games that usephysics.

KinematicRigidbody Collider

Thisis a GameObject with a Collider and a kinematic Rigidbodyattached (ie, the IsKinematic propertyof the Rigidbody is enabled). You can move a kinematic rigidbodyobject from a script by modifying its Transform Component but it willnot respond to collisions and forces like a non-kinematic rigidbody.Kinematic rigidbodies should be used for colliders that can be movedor disabled/enabled occasionally but that should otherwise behavelike static colliders. An example of this is a sliding door thatshould normally act as an immovable physical obstacle but can beopened when necessary. Unlike a static collider, a moving kinematicrigidbody will apply friction to other objects and will “wake up”other rigidbodies when they make contact.
Evenwhen immobile, kinematic rigidbody colliders have different behaviorto static colliders. For example, if the collider is set to as atrigger then you also need to add a rigidbody to it in order toreceive trigger events in your script. If you don’t want thetrigger to fall under gravity or otherwise be affected by physicsthen you can set the IsKinematic propertyon its rigidbody.
ARigidbody component can be switched between normal and kinematicbehavior at any time using the IsKinematic property.
Acommon example of this is the “ragdoll” effect where a characternormally moves under animation but is thrown physically by anexplosion or a heavy collision. The character’s limbs can each begiven their own Rigidbody component with IsKinematicenabledby default. The limbs will move normallly by animationuntil IsKinematic isswitched off for all of them and they immediately behave as physicsobjects. At this point, a collision or explosion force will send thecharacter flying with its limbs thrown in a convincing way.

Collisionaction matrix

Whentwo objects collide, a number of different script events can occurdepending on the configurations of the colliding objects’rigidbodies. The charts below give details of which event functionsare called based on the components that are attached to the objects.Some of the combinations only cause one of the two objects to beaffected by the collision, but the general rule is that physics willnot be applied to an object that doesn’t have a Rigidbody componentattached.

Collision detection occurs and messages are sent upon collision
Static Collider Rigidbody Collider Kinematic Rigidbody Collider Static Trigger Collider Rigidbody Trigger Collider Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider
Static Collider Y
Rigidbody Collider Y Y Y
Kinematic Rigidbody Collider Y
Static Trigger Collider
Rigidbody Trigger Collider
Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider

Trigger messages are sent upon collision
Static Collider Rigidbody Collider Kinematic Rigidbody Collider Static Trigger Collider Rigidbody Trigger Collider Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider
Static Collider Y Y
Rigidbody Collider Y Y Y
Kinematic Rigidbody Collider Y Y Y
Static Trigger Collider Y Y Y Y
Rigidbody Trigger Collider Y Y Y Y Y Y
Kinematic Rigidbody Trigger Collider Y Y Y Y Y Y

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