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Bungie 每周新訊 - 2014/8/29

作者:Xhriman│2014-08-30 13:34:56│巴幣:20│人氣:162
This week at Bungie, we saw a little more of Destiny escape into the wild.
本周在 Bungie, Destiny 更多的部分逃向了荒野。

The game we’re launching in just over a week (let that sink in for a moment) is usually a thing that’s isolated to dev kits or videos bound to the Internet. We’re getting ready to see our baby fly from the nest. It’s freaking us out, but we love it.

The monitors we used to track the Destiny Beta are back on. We watch as the population numbers rise and fall like an erratic heartbeat. People on our team have taken home actual discs, and we’re preparing your red carpet for the inevitable stampede.
我們在 Destiny Beta 所使用的監控屏幕又回來了,我們看著上線人數就如同不穩定的心跳般上上下下地浮動著。我們團隊的人已經把實體光碟帶回家了,而且我們為了你們無可避免的到來特地準備了紅地毯。

Meanwhile, Guardians are making appearances in the actual, physical world.

Advertising agencies call this an out-of-home campaign. If we were to serve up some nice hi-res art from these placements, would you have any use for them? Without waiting for an answer, here we go…

Whoops. Those last two images appear in this assortment in error. Those are Guardians of a very different sort. They’re the Ninjas and the Mentors that protect Bungie.net from trolls, bullies, and other hostile invaders. They make our home away from home safe for newcomers and vanguards alike.
哎呀!最後兩張圖片好像分類錯了,這些是非常不同類型的守護者。他們就是保護  Bungie.net免於亂版、筆戰和其他惡意攻擊者的 Ninja 與 Mentor 們。他們替新來的與先驅者們守護著另一個遙遠家鄉的安全。

You gotta love PAX season. It brings heroes out of the woodwork. Remember, we’ll be joining the party on Sunday. We hope to see you there.
你一定會喜歡 PAX,它讓我們可以把英雄們帶出門外。記得,我們將會在星期日參加這場盛會。希望在那可以見到你。

Bosses of the Final Boss

This close to launch, a lot of the chatter in the community is about endgame content. It’s one of the few very closely guarded secrets about Destiny that remain. As much as the Raids that await the most vigilant Guardians are shrouded in mystery, there are some things about them that should be known prior to Day One.
接近發售的同時,也有越來越多的人在社群裡開始聊起終局遊戲的內容。那是少數我們非常嚴密把守的 Destiny 秘密的其中之一。等待著最有警覺心的守護者的 Raid 模式全都還籠罩在謎團之下,關於這個模式有些東西應該要在發售第一天以前知道。

Thus, Design Lead Luke Smith has become uncharacteristically chatty about them. Through a contrived question and answer session under the hot lights, he’s spilling the first of the beans that lie between you and the completion of the toughest content Bungie has built to date. Check out the debriefing that he offered up voluntarily:
因此,設計主任 Luke Smith 將一反常態地談論這個模式。透過底下人為的Q&A部分,他將洩漏夾在你與完成 Bungie 最堅強的遊戲內容之間最初的秘密。來看看他自願提供的詳細詢問:

Q:  I read somewhere that it took 45 minutes just to open the door to the Raid, what's the deal with that?
Q: 我讀到某個地方說需要花上45分鐘來打開 Raid 任務的大門,這是怎麼一回事?
Luke:  Sounds like that group (it was DeeJ’s!) had some communication issues.
Luke: 聽起來某個團隊( DeeJ 就是你 ) 似乎有些溝通上的問題。
For the majority of Raid encounters, you're going to need to work as a group. That group of six is trying to form a metaphorical key which opens a given encounter's lock.
為了與大多數 Raid 模式交鋒,你將會需要組成一支隊伍。這個6人的團隊試著形成一把隱喻上的鑰匙用以打開必須的鎖。

By design, we don’t provide much in the way of information to groups in Raids. There aren’t waypoints to follow, or objectives explaining what to do in a given situation.
Realistically, for many players, they’ll be turning to the Internet for help on how to do a bunch of the Raid.
就設計上,我們不會在 Raid 模式中提供太多資訊給團隊。那裡沒有路標可以跟隨,也不會有在特定狀況下告訴你要做些什麼的目標。
現實上對大多數玩家來說,他們會試圖尋求網路幫忙突破 Raid 的任務。

There's an old Bungie quote about not wanting players to go to the Internet to figure out solutions. That quote certainly wasn't about Raiding in Destiny.
不想要玩家去網路上尋找解答一直是 Bungie 的老式作風,不過這個作風可並沒有用在 Destiny 的 Raid 模式上。

We fully expect players to either publish strategy guides on the Internet or keep their group's secrets guarded close to the vest in an effort to keep their rewards even more exclusive.
Once your group understands how to open the Vault, it's not going to take anywhere near 45 minutes.
一旦你的團隊了解如何打開保險庫( the Vault ),以後就不用再花上近45分鐘了。
Q:  What about the rumor that some “clan” spent 16+ hours playing the Raid and didn't beat it, what's the deal with that?
Q: 有謠言顯示有些氏族花了16個小時以上玩 Raid 任務而且還沒有破關,這是怎麼回事?
Luke:  There's a whole bunch of missing information in that sentence. So let's just talk about that particular weekend.
Luke: 這段句子裡有一大堆資訊遺失了,所以我們來談談那個週末的事情吧!
In March 2014, we brought an organized clan of folks in to playtest the Raid. This would be one of the only times the Vault of Glass would be played by external participants.  
在 2014 三月,我們帶了某個氏族的成員來做 Raid 任務的遊玩測試。這是少數幾次是由外部的參與者試玩玻璃保險庫 ( Vault of Glass ) 的任務。
These folks are shooter players, not -- for the most part -- Raiders from other games. They are a group of people used to working together primarily in competitive multiplayer games, and hadn't been exposed to an experience like this before.
這些人是射擊玩家,而不是 —— 至少大部分 —— 從其他遊戲來的 Raider。他是是在對戰型多人遊戲習慣一起合作的一群人們,而且他們過去從來沒有過像這樣子的經驗。
We arranged the 24 visitors into four teams.
我們把 24 位拜訪者分成 4 支隊伍。
We put them through a pretty lengthy UR study, filmed them, datamined their adventures, and watched them play it live. Later, the Raid team spent a bunch of time watching player perspective films we captured during the day.
我們讓他們接受了相當長的UR研究、拍攝他們、挖掘他們的冒險資料並看他們實際上線遊玩。稍晚,Raid 團隊花了一堆時間看那天拍攝下來的玩家視點的影片
We did not offer them help, tips or tricks during their time here. We didn't clarify mechanics for them. We watched, listened and learned.
In two days of playing - where they broke for meals and had some ramp up time with the game on day 1, here's what happened:
在兩天的遊玩過程中 —— 在他們用餐休息與第一天花時間熟悉遊戲的地方,這裡發生了這些事:

Two groups made it to the final encounter.  Neither group defeated it.

One group made it to the final encounter, but had to be skipped through an earlier encounter.

One group washed out and elected to go back to playing Strikes, Missions and Patrols.
一個隊伍被淘汰並選擇回去玩Strike、任務跟 Patrol 模式
With the goal of as many players beating the Normal Raid as were willing to organize, cooperate and communicate, we made a bunch of tuning changes through the rest of the Spring.
為了要讓大多數玩家願意靠著組織、溝通與合作來通過 Normal Raid,接下來剩餘的整個春天我們做了一堆改變。

Q:  A “Normal Raid?” What is that? How does difficulty work in Destiny Raids?
Q: 「Normal Raid」?那是什麼?難度設定是如何在 Raid 模式運作的?
Luke:  There are two difficulties for Raiding: Normal and Hard. Upon finishing a Raid on Normal, players can attempt the Hard-mode version of the Raid.
Luke: Raid 模式有兩個難度:普通跟困難。一完成 Raid 任務的普通難度,玩家就可以嘗試該 Raid 任務的困難模式。

Normal mode is about learning the mechanics, working together as a team and building strategies to overcome the encounters.

For instance: I’ve gotten a handful of Bungie groups through the Raid on Normal, and you guys (the playerbase) are inevitably better at the game, smarter tacticians, and more clever than we are.
舉例來說:我抓到一些通過普通難度 Raid 任務的 Bungie 團隊,而且這些人比起我們無非在遊戲中做的更好、是更聰明的策略家,也更加機靈。

Hard modes demand execution.
In addition to deadlier combatants, tighter tuning windows for encounter mechanics and a handful of targeted differences, Hard-mode encounters leverage an even harsher death penalty than the Normal modes.
Were we to track things like World Firsts, we'd be verifying Hard-mode kills instead of completing the Raid on Normal.

Q:  Seriously, how long will it take, I have a life.
Q: 嚴格來說,會花上多久時間呢?我還有真實人生呢。
Luke:  Because we store your progress in a given week, you don't need to clear the activity in one-go.  Your group could simply make your way into the Vault and call it an evening, reconvene later in the week and pick up where you left off.
Luke: 因為我們會在固定一週內儲存你的進度,你並不需要在一次行動內就通關。你的隊伍可以在午夜前進保險庫,並在該週內與隊友再次會合並從你離開的地方再次開始。
However, your progress for the week is reset each Tuesday at the Weekly Reset.
Q:  What's kind of loot will I get in the Raid?
Q: 我可以在 Raid 任務中拿到怎樣的寶物呢?
Luke:  Each class has an entire set of gear to chase across the two difficulties.

And of course, there are Raid weapons. Each of Destiny’s nine weapon archetypes (Auto Rifle, Hand Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Fusion Rifle, HMG, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun and Scout Rifle) has a Legendary version that has been created specifically for the Raid.
而且當然,也會有 Raid 武器。Destiny 的9種武器類型 (Auto Rifle, Hand Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Fusion Rifle, HMG, Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifle, Shotgun and Scout Rifle) 每一種都有一個為了Raid 任務所製作的傳奇版本。
The armor and weapons are completely unique to the Raid activity. They are visually and thematically connected to the combatants you'll fight in the Vault of Glass.
這些裝備與武器都是 Raid 活動完全獨有的,它們的外觀與設計都會與你在玻璃保險櫃所面對的戰鬥人員有所關連。

And of course, there are more rewards behind the Vault’s door that we won’t detail today.
Q:  How does looting work in Destiny Raids?
Q: 掉寶系統如何在 Raid 模式運作?
Luke:  The loot you get is private to you - just like the rest of the game.
Luke: 你撿到的寶物會是你私人的 —— 就像是這遊戲的其他模式。
Obtaining loot from a given encounter means that character is not eligible to receive loot from the same encounter again in a given calendar week. This is often referred to as a "Lockout."

I italicized “character” above, because if you have multiple Raid-ready characters, you can run the Raid again on a different character - and the Lockout isn't applied to it.
我在上面的「角色」用了斜體,因為如果你有多隻準備好 Raid 的角色,你可以用不同的角色在跑一次 Raid 任務  —— 而且鎖定不會生效。

Each encounter has a fixed inventory of items it can award to players, e.g., certain pieces of gear or weapons can only drop from certain encounters.

Lockouts are cleared at the Weekly Reset.
Q:  Would you give an example of a mechanic that we'd face in a Destiny Raid?
Q: 你可以給個關於我們會在Raid模式面對的運作方式的例子嗎?

Luke:  Absolutely not.
Luke:  我拒絕。

Hey. I never promised he would tell you everything.

You’ll have the chance to discover all of this pain, and suffering, heart-pounding action, and mind-blowing cyphering under fire from the nastiest beasts we can imagine. Soon.

One more weekly update, friends. Then, Destiny is yours.
還有一篇新訊,朋友。然後,Destiny 就會是你的了。

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