
2 GP


作者:小巴│2016-02-27 11:33:12│巴幣:4│人氣:683
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I've fallen through the floor again, crashed into the basement
Your pain was swallowing me 你的痛苦吞噬著我
I was like a leper when I couldn't even get up towards 我像痲瘋病人當我不能爬起時
The lights from the door was swallowing me 在門後的光芒吞噬著我
Lord knows you can't trust your head 神知道你不能相信你自己
When you're standing on the edge 當你在那危及邊緣
I'm breaking down 我失敗了
Lord knows you can't trust your head 神知道你不能相信你自己
When you're hanging by a thread 當你被線牽著
I was breaking down 我失敗了
And I saw only two footprints in the sand 而我只在沙灘上見到兩個腳印
Thought you'd abandoned me and 想著你可能拋棄我,而且
Let go of my hand 從我手上脫離
But you were carrying me 但你帶著我
Carrying me to safety 而且呵護我
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand 一對腳印,在沙灘上的你的腳印
Two footprints, two footprints, your footprints in the sand 兩個腳印,一對腳印,沙上你的腳印
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand 一對腳印,在沙灘上的你的腳印
Oh what if I had got the things I knew it was I 喔,如果拿到了原屬於我的東西
Who would have been done with you 誰跟你分了呢?
Forgive me, I was lost and found 原諒我,我是失物招領地
Who would never've left my side 誰從未從我身邊離去呢
Pick me up when I thought that I would die 抓著我,而我以為我將死
You helped me and I was fine 你幫了我,而我好了
Lord knows you can't trust your head 神知道你不能相信你自己
When you're standing on the edge 當你在那危及邊緣
I'm breaking down 我失敗了
Lord knows you can't trust your head 神知道你不能相信你自己
When you're hanging by a thread 當你被線牽著
I was breaking down 我失敗了
And I saw only two footprints in the sand 而我只在沙灘上見到兩個腳印
Thought you'd abandoned me and 想著你可能拋棄我,而且
Let go of my hand 從我手上脫離
But you were carrying me 但你帶著我
Carrying me to safety 而且呵護我
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand 一對腳印,在沙灘上的你的腳印
Only two footprints in the sand 沙上只有一對腳印
Thought you'd abandoned me and 想著你可能拋棄我,而且
Let go of my hand 從我手上脫離
But you were carrying me 但你帶著我
Carrying me to safety 而且呵護我
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand 一對腳印,在沙灘上的你的腳印
Two footprints, two footprints, your footprints in the sand 兩個腳印,一對腳印,沙上你的腳印
Two footprints, your footprints in the sand 一對腳印,在沙灘上的你的腳印

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前一篇:Sia-House on... 後一篇:我的哥哥是網路歌手--S...



魔幻小說《九芒記》第 164 章「面對疫情」發佈囉,歡迎瀏覽 ~看更多我要大聲說昨天21:51

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