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The Carpenters- Sweet Sweet Smile

作者:深邃繁星│2012-10-29 15:35:35│巴幣:0│人氣:235
The Carpenters- Sweet Sweet Smile
Lyrics:Juice Newton/Othat Young Music:Juice Newton/Othat Young

You're always in my heart
From early in the mornin' til it's dark
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day

When I wake up in the mornin'
And I see you there
I always whisper a little prayer
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day

I gotta know that you love me
And that you want me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

And I gotta feel your arms around me
And that you need me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

If my times bring me down

You're the only one that I want around
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day

And if I'll all strung out
You're the only one who can straighten me out
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day

I gotta know that you love me
And that you want me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

And I gotta feel your arms around me
And that you need me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

I gotta know that you love me
And that you want me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

And I gotta feel your arms around me
And that you need me
And that you'll always be there
I've gotta know that you care

You're always in my heart
From early in the mornin' til it's dark
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day
I gotta see your sweet, sweet smile every day

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同標籤作品搜尋:The Carpenters|木匠兄妹合唱團|Sweet Sweet Smile|甜蜜的笑容

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