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English Writing -Nightmare Circus

作者:守歌│2012-03-12 19:00:37│巴幣:0│人氣:521
Nightmare Circus

     Once upon a time, a circus, called “Nightmare”, was very popular in the world. This strange and full of mystery circus caught everyone’s heart as it showed. Everybody knew and was looking forward to it. Many rare, strange or beautiful animals and people were in this circus, because of circus master who was an art collector and collected not only art works, but also human and animals as art works, like their charming acrobat, who had brown curly hair with red eyes, and their actor with a glass eye which made his eyes have different colors, a blue and a red.

     Though the acrobat and the actor were very attractive, a little boy, named Lass, was the most famous. His blood and body was mixed by his human mother and a monster father. He had light blue eyes, which seems a sky is in his eyes and silver hair. Most important thing is that he didn’t have hands instead of dark black sharp talons. He hadbeen caged for so long that he couldn’t remember. His neck was chain to a bigand heavy ball made of iron, and he could only see a few strips of the sky from the cage. “It is his whole life”, he thought. But his life had changed after he met “him”.

     One day the circus came to a small remote town which was surrounded by ancient forests. On the third day the circus stayed here, a traveler passed through this town and decided to stay here for a short time. His name is Kazeaze, and he is a person who changed Lass’s life. After circus’s show over, Lass saw a man with a queer smile standing outside the cage. He didn’t know who he was also didn’t care. However, the man started to mutter to himself. “Oh! I feel a strong power. Though I didn’t have any expect, I still come here. However, I think I find a big surprise.”

     Then he talked to Lass. “My name is Kazeaze, a king of darkness.” He said, “I can help you leave here. Dare you go with me to the darkness where you will have freedom?” He extended his hand toward Lass in invitation.

     After that day, according to villager who lived in that small town, the circus was destroyed by a monster that has dark black sharp talons and controlled blue fire. The monster was taken away by a man, the traveler.

   Time passed fast. Lass was confused about why he didn’t remember how he answered the man. Though he became an amnesiac after he entered the darkness with the man and retrieved his whole memory recently, he still didn’t know what he told to the man. But he can’task him anymore, because he has been killed by Lass with other members of knight group. His name is Kazeaze, and he is a king of darkness. Nevertheless,it is another story. Now the world is very peaceful, isn’t it?

   No! The story goes that the nightmare circus has return, and the circus master said to everyone. “Hello,stranger, it is show time”, he said.

     “I am your worst nightmare.”

Pick characters:

     an actor with glass eye                an amnesiac

     an acrobat                                    a traveler

     an art collector







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同標籤作品搜尋:永恆冒險|Grand Chase

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